SDA Sabbath School Lessons
Wednesday July 3, 1996

Christ is central to the New Testament
(Eph. 4:21)

How does Scripture compare Christ with the prophets? Heb. 1:1,2.

"In these last days (The gospel age) he has spoken to us by his Son" (Heb. 1:2, NIV)> The teachings of Christ were circulated orally for some years after His resurrection. then the writings of the New Testament prophets (The apostles ) began to appear. Every one of these writings contains messages "spoken to us by his Son." The Gospels record the life and teachings of Jesus. The epistles reiterate His teachings, the messages He gave while on earth, and the same basic message that was given in Old Testament times.

"His sayings were to the disciples as a new revelation.... He was but unfolding the old truths, long obscured... He appealed to the Old Testament Scriptures, laying open in a clear light the spiritual bearings of truths that had become obscured through tradition and misinterpretation." -Signs of the Times, Feb.29,1892,p.3

How is Christ depicted in the book of Revelation?

The whole book of revelation is Christ's testimony about Himself. He is the heavenly High Priest, who, having won victory over sin and death, is able to impart light, strength, and deliverance toHis struggling people. He is the victorioous Lamb before the throne, the representative of humanity, and the world's Saviour. he is also the Deity who opens the records of the future. He is the coming King, who translates His believing followers to the heavenly kingdom and destroys those who have identified themselves with sin.

As you study the New Testament, what do you see mainly-a set of theological propositions or a Saviour from sin? Why is it important that all our doctrinal understandings be shaped by our realization of their Chirst-centered significance?