SDA Sabbath School Lessons
Sabbath afternoon July 13, 1996

The earthly sanctuary was good news

THE EARTHLY SANCTUARY WAS GOOD NEWS. Today we look back to the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the greatest good news this world has ever received. Because of Calvary and Jesus' ministry as our High Priest, all our sins can be forgiven and our lives transformed.

Because God's people in ancient times were living before the time of Christ, they did not have the historical reality that we have of redemption accomplished at the cross. Yet their sins could be forgiven and their lives changed by virtue of what the Messiah would do in the future. God had Moses build an earthly sanctuary and institute its services as a constant reminder to His people that, because the Messiah was coming to suffer the penalty for all human sin, He could forgive all their sins and qualify them for eternal life.

In this lesson we will focus on the sacrifice and the ministry of forgiveness taught by the earthly sanctuary services.