LESSON 8 | *May 15 - 21 |
The Atmosphere of Praise |
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Read for This Week's Study:
Gen. 1:1, 2, 9–12, 20–26; Ps. 104:29; Dan. 5:23; Luke 15:7; Rev. 21:4. |
Memory Text:
“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7, NIV). |
A few years ago, a family of
five went to a cabin in the mountains for a short Christmas vacation.
One evening they shut all the windows tight in order to keep cold air
from coming in, and they turned the furnace on full blast in order to
keep the cabin warm through the bitter night.
The only problem? The whole family died because the furnace had used up all the oxygen in their air! As most of us know, we can live a few weeks without food, a few days without water, but only a few minutes without air. Air, clear pure air, is vital to our existence. Impure, polluted air is the cause of many acute and chronic disease conditions often attributed to other causes. Every year millions of people, especially children, suffer terribly because of breathing polluted air. With oxygen going to every organ of our body, it is no wonder we need air as fresh and as clean as possible. The good news about fresh air is that not only is it free, in most cases people can have access to it. |
Clean, fresh air is a vital component in
maintaining good health, and we should do all in our power to breathe
as much clean air as possible. |
*Study this week's lesson to prepare for Sabbath, May 22.
SUNDAY | May 16 |
The Creation
2:15. What does it say about God’s intention for humanity regarding
work, even before sin?
The earth at that point was chaotic; there was darkness, a void, formlessness. However difficult for us to understand exactly what was present or what was happening, it is clear that there was no created life at this time on the earth. Yet, even amid this primeval chaos, God’s presence is made manifest. This is revealed in the words, “and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” We can, for now, only speculate on what that means.
According to the texts, over the next few days God began the process of preparing the earth for life. Genesis 1:3–10 shows us part of this process. Notice the recurrence of separation and division. God separates light from darkness, God separates the waters of the firmament, God separates the land from water. All the way through there are these major divisions of these prime elements. After these initial divisions have been completed, God then brings forth the first life on earth.
1:9–12, and Genesis
1:20–26. What does God create next? What conditions were needed in
order for this to happen; that is, what was needed in order for this part of
creation to be able to survive?
God had a great master plan for His creation. It called for many types of living things—things that would require constant support to survive. As the Creation story unfolds, it is clear that God planned for many of His created beings to live on dry land. It also is clear that He knew that these creatures would need oxygen in some form for sustaining life. We see this plan realized on day two of Creation, with the separation of the waters and the creation of the atmosphere. The space between the waters above and below was thus prepared to receive the rest of the creation that was to follow.
MONDAY | May 17 |
The Necessity of Air
In the creation of the animals that populated the earth, one thing they shared in common was the need for oxygen to sustain life. Air is a combination of gases in which oxygen forms about 21 percent of the total product (our entire atmosphere weighs about five thousand trillion tons!). Other component gases include nitrogen, argon, helium, hydrogen, and small trace gases. The amount of oxygen in the air is the ideal percentage for the breathing requirements of the creatures God made. It is another testimony to the carefulness and precision that God used in creating us.
was the unique way God used air in the creation of
Adam? Gen.
2:7. How does this account differ from the account of how God
created the other creatures? What does this tell us about ourselves, about our
uniqueness in the eyes of God?
Air obviously was important in the creation of all animals, in that all these animals need air to exist. Yet, the creation of humanity was different. God “breathed” into Adam the “breath” of life. Air, life-giving air, was certainly a component of this miraculous act of creation, for right after God breathed this breath into him, Adam became a living soul. When Adam was first formed, with all his organs, with all his flesh, with all the physical components needed for life, he still was lifeless, kind of a “corpse.” One more thing was needed, and that was life itself, which only God, the Life-Giver, could provide.
God did just that, and we ourselves partake every day of this gift of life. Indeed, the gift of life, carried with that breath, has been shared by everyone in the human race since then. Through our first father, Adam, the breath of God has been passed on to all of us. And through the act of breathing, we keep that original breath of life alive in us. Each breath we take should remind us of that original breath breathed into Adam!
TUESDAY | May 18 |
The Air Over Our Heads
“Nor is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things” (Acts 17:25, NKJV).
up the following texts: Daniel
5:23; Psalm
104: 29; 146:4.
What do they tell us about the link between life and breath?
The air has many protective qualities. On a global level, the air and its suspended water vapor protect the earth and its people from solar radiation and from the cold vacuum of outer space. The air recycles water and many chemicals to moderate the climate. Within this atmospheric envelope, life is found over a very wide range of altitudes and temperatures. Some life forms require a high level of light and warmth. Other things require only a little light and very little heat to survive. Some animals require large amounts of oxygen, others only a scant amount.
On a more personal level, high-quality fresh air is the best suited to transfer oxygen to the blood through the lungs and to carry off the carbon dioxide that the body produces. This high-quality air is most available in natural environments, where trees, plants, and flowing waters are found. The plants absorb the carbon dioxide in exchange for renewing the oxygen content of the air.
We recall that God placed Adam and Eve in a garden setting surrounded by plants of all types and watered by a river that flowed through the garden and became the headwater for the great rivers of the antediluvian earth.
The message for us, then, is that in order to obtain optimal health, fresh air is crucial. We should seek to do all that we can in order to breathe the cleanest and freshest air possible.
A person carries about two quarts of oxygen in the blood, lungs, and body tissues at any given time. Every cell in our bodies requires air in order to work, and when that supply is cut off, life cannot exist. Indeed, brain cells deprived of oxygen for more than four minutes begin to die, and the person will, as well.
How often do you take advantage of fresh air? What changes can you
make that would give you more access to it? Sometimes it would take
nothing more than opening a window. ![]() |
WEDNESDAY | May 19 |
Bad Air, Good Air
One of the great challenges that many people face, especially those living in cities, is that the air often is dirty and polluted. Other factors working against fresh air include tobacco smoke, especially when it is recirculated in office buildings. Breathing dirty air can lead to numerous health problems, including migraine headaches, nausea, vomiting, and eye and respiratory ailments. In some parts of the world, millions of people, especially children, suffer life-threatening illnesses from breathing bad air, often from poorly ventilated cooking facilities.
In contrast, good clean air usually may be found in abundance in natural outdoor environments, especially around evergreen trees, green plants in mountains and forests, near moving waters such as oceans, lakes, and waterfalls, and after rain. It is estimated that the algae in the ocean provides almost 90 percent of the oxygen in our atmosphere, with the rest coming from plants. Live plants in your own home can help to clean the air there and remove carbon dioxide.
How important, then, that we do our best to breathe clean air. Exercise outside, as opposed to indoors, especially in the morning, if possible. In addition, especially for those who work inside, it is important to be able to take regular intervals or breaks in order to get outside and breathe fresh air, again if possible. After just a few moments outside, a person often will feel refreshed and reinvigorated. It’s so much better to sleep at night with a window open, even just a little, so that we can enjoy the benefits of fresh air while sleeping.
“In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood. They impart to it a bright color and send it, a life-giving current, to every part of the body. Good respiration soothes the nerves, stimulates the appetite, and aids digestion. And it induces sound, refreshing sleep.
“The lungs should be allowed the greatest freedom possible. Their capacity is developed by free action; it diminishes if they are cramped and compressed. Ill effects follow the practice so common, especially in sedentary pursuits, of stooping at one’s work. In this position it is impossible to breathe deeply. Superficial breathing soon becomes a habit, and the lungs lose their power to expand.”—Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Health and Healing, pp. 151, 152.
Our personal situations vary; some folk have a lifestyle and situation in which about all they ever breathe is fresh, clean air; others, due to where they live and work, might find fresh air a precious commodity that they covet as much as a thirsty person does water.
Whatever your situation, how important it is for the best health to take advantage of fresh air when you can get it.
Read Genesis
1:26. What does this imply about our responsibility to the created world we
have been given?
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THURSDAY | May 20 |
The Atmosphere of Heaven
The study so far this week has emphasized the physical properties of the atmosphere that God created for His family on earth.
We use the word atmosphere to describe not only the physical environment of air that surrounds us, but also the attitudes, feelings, emotions, support, and affirmation of those around us, which create an atmosphere that may be positive or negative.
“Every soul is surrounded by an atmosphere of its own— an atmosphere, it may be, charged with the life-giving power of faith, courage, and hope, and sweet with the fragrance of love. Or it may be heavy and chill with the gloom of discontent and selfishness, or poisonous with the deadly taint of cherished sin. By the atmosphere surrounding us, every person with whom we come in contact is consciously or unconsciously affected.”—Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 339.
One may thrive or die, depending upon the nature of such atmospheres. Let us now consider the atmosphere of heaven—a spiritual atmosphere of praise and joy—and study the effect it can have on the lives of believers here and now on earth.
can you learn about the atmosphere of heaven from these
texts? Job
38:6, 7; Pss.
103:20–22; 148:2;
15:7; Rev.
The atmosphere in heaven is clearly one of joy and praise to God. Several of the texts above call for the angelic host to praise God. It is a rich experience to see in the mind’s eye these mighty beings of light gathered about the throne of God in praise for His love, mercy, and grace. Heaven must be a place where joy, praise, and happiness reign.
The good news is that we may, by accepting the abiding presence of Christ and the Father in our lives (John 14:23), begin to experience these things now. We are called to action, to breathe the pure air of heaven now and be surrounded by the atmosphere of the heavenly home as we complete our sojourn on this earth.
FRIDAY | May 21 |
Further Study:
Discussion Questions:
I N S I D E Story | ||
My Brother's Wish
Ashika lives in Fiji. She grew up in an eastern Indian home where many gods were worshiped. Her parents had divorced, and Ashika and her brother lived with their grandparents. Then her father married a Seventh-day Adventist woman, and Ashika and her brother were introduced to Christ. Soon the brother and sister gave their hearts to God and were baptized into the Adventist Church. Their choice to follow Christ caused a deep rift within their extended family, but the teenagers were deeply devoted to God. Then Ashika's brother became sick and was diagnosed with bone cancer. Ashika stayed with her brother in the hospital whenever she could. One day he told her, "I won't live to become a pastor, Ashika. You must take my place." Ashika was devastated by her brother's death. Her brother's last wish troubled her, for she had planned to become a teacher. She wasn't interested in studying theology. What can I—an Indian woman—do with a theology degree? she wondered. Her parents encouraged her to apply to study theology at Fulton College, so she did. She hoped that the school of theology wouldn't accept her. But her parents were praying that God's will would be done in her life. When she learned that she had been accepted into the theology department, she realized that this was God's will. She surrendered to God. "Now I know that this wasn't just my brother's wish; this is God's calling," she says. "I rest in God's will and wait for Him to show me His plan." Ashika's decision to study theology in Fiji means stepping out against a culture in which women are not encouraged to be leaders in the church. But she is willing to follow the path God is laying for her. She is certain that He will guide her all the way. Roughly half the population of Fiji is a Indian; only a handful are Christians. Pray for this largely unreached population. And remember that your mission offerings support evangelism in Fiji and around the world. ASHIKA CHAND has graduated from Fulton College and is working in Fiji. |
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