March 23 - 29
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SDA Sabbath School Lessons |
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#13 Using Your Spiritual
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5:22, 23;
Cor. 12:7;
Memory Text: | "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law"
5:22, 23, NIV).
Key Thought: | Each member and each congregation have a combination
of gifts that determine the ministries a congregation can efficiently carry
out. The organization of a congregation should take into account its
mixture of gifts.
The Lessons: |
The Discussion: | We invite youi to join the SSNET moderated email discussion group. You are also warmly invited to join a group discussion of this lesson Sabbath morning (usually 9:30 AM) with your SSNETlocal Seventh-Day Adventist congregation.
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Sabbath - March 22 |
FITTNESS TO SERVESeventh-day Adventist churches are usually organized around officers (elders, deacons, deaconesses, clerks, and treasurers) and departments (Sabbath School, Adventist Youth, etc.). Usually the annual nominating committee fills the list of positions given in the Church Manual. According to the Church Manual, the nominating committee has a twofold purpose: (1) to give careful study to the needs of the church and (2) to make careful inquiry into the fitness of members to serve.
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Often "fitness to serve" is overlooked or ignored by nominating committees.
Too often, "fitness to serve" is restricted to a person's availability,
seniority, or social standing. "Fitness to serve" means that the nominating
committee must decide regarding an individual's spiritual maturity. The
committee must assure the church that a nominee's life shows no visible signs
of unbecoming conduct. "Fitness to serve" should include the identifiable
spiritual giftedness of those appointed.
Sunday - March 23 |
ONE ANOTHER (John 13:34).The Greek word translated "one another" is used 76 times in the New Testament. The uses of this word give a picture of what could be called the corporate Christian personality of a local church.
Look up the following texts. Each represents a "one another" statement in the category on the chart.
These categories represent an interdependent ministry in which members develop Christian characters and personalities for the benefit of all (Gal. 5:22). This ministry includes the use of spiritual gifts.
Notice how spiritual gifts are related to the overall corporate personality
and function of a church congregation
Cor. 12:7;
Notice also how reciprocal living and spiritual gifts complement each
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"One another" commands in the Bible: Without giving all
the references, we can list some of these commands. Inspired writers
urge us to love one another, receive one another, greet one another, care
for one another, be patient with one another, make things right with one
another, and forgive one another. What unity would prevail in the church
if these injunctions were followed! There would be no cruel judging
of other people's characters. There would be no unkind criticism or
envy of others. There would be mutual respect between races, sexes,
social and economic classes. In fact, the church would be a foretaste
of heaven. "The characteristics most needful to be cherished by God's
commandment-keeping people are patience and long-suffering, peace and love"
- Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 398.
Monday - March 24 |
IDENTIFYING YOUR CHURCH'S COMBINATION OF GIFTSOnce individual members identify their gifts and ministries, a church congregation can categorize its primary and secondary combinations of gifts by ranking the gifts of the members. A church can then develop programs and projects that utilize the giftedness of its members. This corporate giftedness may change as members come and go. An annual evaluation of giftedness as part of the nominating committee process will indicate the changes that have taken place. Once a congregation has been surveyed for spiritual giftedness, all you need is a yearly update of new and/or formerly nonparticipating members to keep your corporate-giftedness information up to date. Are there any combinations of gifts that are essential for the efficient functioning of the church?
There are four sets of gifts that are always needed and will, almost
always, appear in the church. If one of these sets of gifts is missing,
the church must pray earnestly that the Lord will provide it, either by calling
someone within the church, or sending someone with that gift to the church.
Tasks and spiritual gifts. When Paul outlined a philosophy
of ministry built around spiritual gifts, there were no church buildings
to maintain, no zoning laws with which to struggle, no building codes or
fire inspections, no denominational organizations, no income tax laws or
medical plans, no monthly treasurer's reports. There were few of the
multitudinous church tasks that keep congregations busy today. Spiritual
gifts were focused on ministry, primarily church planting and growth.
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Sometimes a person may have a mixture of gifts that includes secondary
gifts that fit certain church tasks but do not form part of that person's
primary ministry choice. The Lord will amplify these secondary gifts
for the good of the kingdom and confirm and bless abundantly the person's
ministry. But this should be a temporary situation until someone with
a more appropriate mixture of gifts appears on the scene. A Christian
spirit enables an individual to accept the fact that others are more qualified
by their gifts to perform certain functions. Humility bows to the Lord's
Tuesday - March 25 |
ORGANIZING YOUR CHURCH AROUND SPIRITUAL GIFTS (Matt. 28:16-20).Today's lesson outlines a way of organizing your church personnel and program using spiritual gifts. The system described in this lesson is built around four sets of general frameworks for ministry:
Because any or all of these may change periodically, the system is never static. Because the system is needs based and administered through spiritual giftedness, it is always active and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. A system of this type cannot become static unless it is forced into an artificial mold.
Stage 1: Form a Prayer and Planning Commission. This
commission will seek, through prayer, the will and blessing of the Lord in
discovering and meeting the needs of the church and the community.
The Lord will reveal the spiritual gifts of the members and the plan for
ministries that will employ those gifts for the church and the community.
Stage 2: The Prayer and Planning Commission is divided into three task forces. Each task force has a specific job description and a time line within which to work. Once the task forces have finished compiling their information, the Prayer and Planning Commission will present a report to the nominating committee. Task force 1: The needs of the church. This task force will use a questionnaire to survey the congregation regarding the needs of the church itself. Task force 2: Spiritual gifts of the community. This task force will survey the community and update demographic data.
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Task force 3: Spiritual gifts of the church. This
task force will update information on the spiritual giftedness of the
Wednesday - March 26 |
PUTTING SPIRITUAL GIFTS TO WORK: A CASE STUDY.Read the following story, and fill in the blanks at the end. Discuss the story and your answers with your class. See Friday's lesson for answers. A small group of about 15 people from the same church meets together once a week. The group shares needs, experiences, and concems. They have a good relationship, and the meetings are productive and helpful. They spend time in Bible study and prayer. Here is a sample of the conversations that take place: Mary: "Pete, when you explain things as you did about those puzzling verses, I really see what they mean and what God is saying. I like the way you related those verses to the whole book we were studying." John: "Mary, that was a beautiful experience you shared. I don't see how you can work in that soup kitchen in the inner-city area and love those people the way you do. But I admire you and can see how the Lord works through you."
Pete: "John, when you shared how God met your needs through
that passage in 2 Corinthians, I can't tell you how encouraging it was to
me. I'm experiencing a problem like that, and God used you to help
me face it."
Martha: "I believe God wants the kind of warrn, vital fellowship we have to spread through our whole church. I have a growing conviction that God is going to do some spectacular things in our church. I have this deep conviction that a year from now this church is really going to take off. I can just see how John 17 will be a reality in our church." Jerry: "I made another friend at work this week. I shared my experience with him, and he wants to take Bible studies. Just think, it might not be long before he joins us in this group, and maybe the church. I can hardly wait!"
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If these conversations are typical, you can probably assume
Mary has the gift of ____________________________________ John has the gift of ____________________________________ Pete has the gift of ____________________________________ Martha has the gift of ____________________________________ Jerry has the gift of ____________________________________
Thursday - March 27 |
WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED?For an entire quarter now, we have been learning about spiritual gifts. How much have you learned? Take the following short test. Discuss your answers with the other members of your class. See Friday's lesson for the answers.
Match the gifts with the Scripture passages that describe them. Put the number of the gift in front of the passage. (See Friday's lesson for the answers.)
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Friday - March 28 |
FURTHER STUDY:Answers to the case study in Wednesday's lesson: Mary has the gift of mercy; John has the gift of exhortation or encouragement; Pete has the gift of teaching; Martha has the gift of faith; Jerry has the gift of evangelism. Answers to the quiz in Thursday's lesson: (1) T; (2) F; (3) F; (4) F; (5) F; (6) T; (7) T; (8) F; (9) F; (10) T. Answers to the matching questions in Thursday's lesson: (a) 14; (b) 5; (c) 11; (d) 1; (e) 3; (f) 16; (g) 13. The following resource will be especially helpful for using spiritual gifts in your church: Monte Sahlin, Velino Salazar, and James W. Zackrison, How To Set Up and Run an Evangelization/Discipleship Cycle in Your Church (available through the NAD Distribution Center in Lincoln, Nebraska).
To the best of your ability, complete this personal commitment regarding your future ministry: "I plan to use my spiritual gifts effectively in the church by ...
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SUMMARY: Spiritual gifts are the tools the Holy Spirit
provides believers to facilitate the work of the kingdom. We are all responsible
to the Lord for how we employ those tools. The church progresses numerically
and spiritually when spiritual gifts are exercised properly.
Inside Story | Just One BookLuis Humberto Orjuela While literature evangelists Luis Garcia and Roylan Lopez were canvassing in the East Venezuela town of San Fe1ix, they met a young teacher named Yuraima (Yu-RI-mah) Cabrera. Even though she was of another faith, she bought a large selection of books. When the men delivered the books, they gave her a copy of The Great Controversy.
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The following week the two workers met Yuraima on the street. She told
them, "I have read The Great Controversy. It had a great impact on me. I
have been looking for you ever since." The book had convinced her of the
Sabbath truth, and she wanted to know more about Seventh-day Adventists.
The two men made arrangements to visit her that night.
After praying fervently, the men went to her home and studied with her for several hours. She was eager to learn how to keep the Sabbath. She told them that she had loaned the book to her sister Arelis, who was reading it. She urged the men to visit her, as well. A few days later the men visited Arelis (Ah-RAY-lees) Cabrera and her daughter. The mother and daughter told them that they had visited many churches, trying to satisfy their spiritual needs, but had not found the right one. As the men studied with these two women, they gladly accepted the Sabbath truth and began attending the Adventist church. A few weeks later the men visited Mrs. Cabrera's mother. The older woman told the colporteurs that for years she had been listening to the Voice of Hope (Voice of Prophecy) radio program and said that she would attend no other church than the one sponsoring that program. She was overjoyed when the men told her that they represented that church. The chain of conversions continued. Yuraima introduced them to a friend who works in the University of Guyana who was reading The Great Controversy. A few months after the men had first met the sisters, they were invited to a baptism--of Yuraima, Arelis, Arelis' daughter, and her friend. Today, Yuraima's son and two of her brothers have also joined the church, and another sister is receiving Bible studies. Only eternity will reveal the results of reading just one book. Luis Humberto Orjuela is publishing director of the East Venezuela Mission.