SDA Sabbath School Lessons
March 16, 1996

#11 How to Do a Bible Word Study

Read for this week's study: Lev. 19:11-16; Psalm 12; Prov. 30:5, 6; Matt. 5:13-16; Matt. 20:26; Luke 10:29-42; Rom. 6:15-23.

Memory text: Matt. 25:40

Key thought:

This lesson seeks to demonstrate the effectiveness of Bible word studies. The word we will study is service. One way the gospel becomes real to others is by acts of kindness, compassion, and unselfishness performed by those who value the gift of salvation and fulfill their responsibility to the world.

What is service all about?

Service can take many forms. It may be practical service to those in need, service of various kinds for the church, witnessing to the centrality of Jesus in our lives, or teaching others God's special message for the last days. Whatever it is, we place ourselves at God's disposal to be His instruments. Service is part of our sanctification; we are set apart to be used by God. Service can bring peace to families, communities, churches, and to our own lives through presenting Jesus as the answer to human need. Service implements mercy and justice in our relationships with others.



This week, through the word-study method, we learned that we can be so concerned about our own personal religious experience that, in the process, we forget about others. We become so self-absorbed that we forget the biblical concept of servanthood. Jesus died for us, not only to give us a way to heaven. He lived and died in order to model how we might make a difference in the world. He wants us to illustrate the nature of His kingdom by our attitudes and actions.

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Last updated on February 20, 1996.