LESSON 5 | *July 23- 29 |
Lord of Our Speech | ![]() |
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Read for This Week's Study:
Psalm 9; Acts 1:8, 1 Cor. 2:1-5; Eph. 4:15, 29; Col. 4:6; James 3:5-13; 4:11. |
Memory Text:
"Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one" (Colossians 4:6, NKJV). |
Key Thought:
We are called to use our speech for the glory of our Lord and the
blessing of others.
The gift of speech can be a tremendous blessing or a terrible curse. When we enter into a newness of life under the lordship of Christ, Jesus invites us to let Him be the Lord of our speech. Used wisely, our speech can bring glory to God and blessing to those around us. Misused, our speech can wreak havoc. Corrupt communication causes pain to the heart of God and damage to the lives of those within our circle of influence. Ellen White reminds us that "the faculty of speech is a precious gift, and if the noblest of our faculties, reason, is set to the task of knowing God, then the gift of speech may become a means of grace to others, a channel through which the knowledge of God may be communicated."Manuscript Releases, vol. 19, p. 277.
In this week's study, we will explore some practical ways in which we can
use our speech for the glory of God and the blessing of others. The same
appeal that the apostle Paul gave to young Timothy is given to each one of
us today: "[Be] an example in speech"
Tim. 4:12, NRSV).
*Study this week's lesson to prepare for Sabbath, July 30.
SUNDAY | July 24 |
Speaking Words of Praise to the Lord
It is the highest privilege for members of the human family to speak words of praise to the Lord. The psalms are full of exhortations to praise the Lord. In Psalm 9 the psalmist David declares, "I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High" (Ps. 9:1, 2, NKJV).
much as possible, read the
five psalms. What was it about the Lord that caused the psalmist to utter
so much praise?
What spiritual advantages come to us by taking time to praise the Lord,
whether verbally or in writing?
Write your own psalm of praise to the Lord for whatever you feel impressed
to praise Him for, and then read it aloud. See for yourself how such expressions
can impact you only for the good.
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MONDAY | July 25 |
Speaking With Grace (Col. 4:6).
the apostle Paul's counsel to the believers in Colosse,
as recorded in
4:6. What does it mean to "let your speech be always with grace, seasoned
with salt" (NKJV)? Keeping in mind, too, that salt back then
was used as a preservative, what do you think "seasoned with salt" means
in this context?
Read the story in
8:1-11 of the adulterous woman who was cast at the feet of Jesus. How
does the interaction of Jesus with the woman and with her accusers illustrate
one way by which one can speak with grace?
TUESDAY | July 26 |
Speaking the Truth in Love (Eph. 4:15).
As we suggested yesterday, there are times when we might need to speak words of rebuke, counsel, or admonition to others.
the following texts:
14:8, 9;
18:19-23. What kind of tone do you think Jesus used when speaking these
words? How would that tone reflect the principles of love and grace He Himself
4:15. How do you understand what it means to speak the "truth" in love?
Is "truth" still "truth" if spoken in any other way but love?
WEDNESDAY | July 27 |
Speaking in the Power of the Spirit (Acts 1:8, 1 Cor. 2:1-5).
When someone refers to speaking in the power of the Holy Spirit, we generally think of preaching. The testimony of Scripture is clear: It is God's intention that all preaching be delivered in the power of the Spirit.
the promise of Jesus in
1:8 and the testimony of the apostle Paul in
Corinthians 2:1-5. What is the secret of powerful
Powerful preaching is not the product of human wisdom or eloquence. Rather, it is the testimony of one who has entered into a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The same Holy Spirit who placed His seal of approval upon the preaching of Paul will also enable humble servants of Christ in our generation to speak with a demonstration of divine power.
Speaking in the power of the Holy Spirit, however, is not limited to preaching. God intends that all our speech be delivered with a demonstration of divine power. Indeed, each one of us who lives in newness of life under the lordship of Christ is given the privilege and responsibility of speaking in the power of the Holy Spirit. Divine power, however, doesn't necessarily mean just eloquence (see Exod. 4:10, 1 Cor. 2:1). If we are speaking in the Spirit, our words, our tone, our message will reflect the attributes of the Spirit that are made manifest in lives touched by the Spirit. Our words will reflect the kind of people we are; they will reflect whether we are walking after the flesh or after the Spirit.
Also, we must never confuse grand elocution with speaking in the Spirit. Many of history's worst tyrants were men whose speech was very powerful and very effective; one, though, would hardly say they were speaking in the Spirit.
What principles do the following texts give us that help us know whether
we, or someone else, is speaking under the influence of the Holy Spirit?
Cor 12:1, 2;
5:9, 10;
How can you apply these principles in your own life and speech?
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THURSDAY | July 28 |
Avoiding Corrupt Communication (Eph. 4:29).
The apostle Paul admonished the believers in Ephesus to avoid corrupt communication. Unfortunately, many of us live in a social environment where corrupt communication is considered normal. People frequently take the name of the Lord in vain, use profane language, and make rude or suggestive comments. Even as Christians, if we allow ourselves to be exposed continuously to this kind of language sooner or later it will influence us to where we, ourselves, are more likely to use these words. We must constantly be on guard.
the light of Paul's comment in
4:29, how would you define "corrupt communication"? Why is it not limited
only to what is known as profanity? Consider also
In contrast, the apostle Paul appeals to believers to use speech that is "good for necessary edification" (Eph. 4:29, NKJV). The word used here literally means "building up." One translation puts it this way "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that ii may benefit those who listen" (Eph. 4:29, NIV).
Our words, then, have a powerful influence, either for good or for evil, for either building up others in faith or for tearing them down Who hasn't experienced themselves the power of words, either for good or for evil, either for edification or for creating doubt? How crucial that we watch not just our words but the tone and manner in which we express them. Indeed, even the right words in the wrong spirit also can be considered "corrupt communication."
FRIDAY | July 29 |
Further Study:
The gift of silence. The wise man Solomon reminds us that there is a
time to speak and also "a time to keep silence"
3:7, NKJV). When Jesus Christ is Lord of your speech, you will not
only speak for the glory of God and the blessing of others; you will also
discern when it is time to keep silent.
Note: In the light of this week's study, consider to what extent you are allowing Jesus Christ to be Lord of your speech. Spend time reading Scripture with the intention to be more attentive to God's words than to your own. Use a journal to record your thoughts. When you conclude your time of silence, you might find that you are more aware of the gift of speech.
"I wish we could have a pledge in our hearts that we would not utter one
word against a brother or a sister. . . Do not gossip about them and make
remarks about their character, but go to them in the love of Jesus and the
love of the truth and try to help them."Ellen G. White, In Heavenly
Places, p. 289.
Discussion Questions:
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I N S I D E Story | ||
One Small Miracle
Karen Glassford I am a third-generation Adventist and a missionary kid. I had lived in the mission field, so when I accepted an invitation to go to India to conduct evangelism, I did not think that much in India could surprise me. I was prepared for the poverty I would find, but I wasn't prepared to witness the miracles God performed before my eyes and in my arms-miracles that overwhelmed me with gratitude to God, who can do anything. Several hundred villagers came to our evangelistic meetings. They came to watch the video about the life of Jesus, to listen to the Bible stories, and to learn how to live healthier lives. I watched their faces as they realized that there is a God who loves them and wants to spend eternity with them; to learn of a future far different from the troubled world they knew. Their eyes filled with joy as they realized that life has a purpose, that hope is real. One night as I waited to preach, someone pulled on my scarf. I turned to look into the desperate eyes of a woman holding a baby girl. The infant was clawing the air, struggling to breathe. I touched her fevered body and could hear her little chest rattling loudly. The baby's face was turning blue, and the mother's eyes begged me to help her. I placed my hand on the child and prayed, "Dear Lord, help this baby to breathe. Ease her suffering and save her!" The child seemed to calm down a little, but she still fought for every breath. I continued praying, "Lord, this little Hindu baby does not know You, but she needs Your healing touch." The child's life hung in the balance. My faith seemed so small, but again I prayed, "Lord, for the sake of this child, her family, her village, please heal her now, so that all will know that You are all powerful and that You care about them." Instantly the baby stopped struggling and fell into a peaceful sleep. Her hot little body cooled, and the rattle in her chest quieted as air flowed freely into her lungs. I stood transfixed, overwhelmed at what I had just witnessed. As I had held that tiny child, the great God of the universe who had parted seas and calmed storms, had stepped down into that dusty place and touched her. I was holding a miracle in my arms. Many other miracles marked the meetings that we held in India. Hearts were changed, souls were gathered into God's kingdom. But this one small life will forever stand as a testimony to the compassion of our mighty God.
Karen Glassford is a homemaker and mother living in California. |
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of Mission Awareness. email: info@adventistmission.org website: www.adventistmission.org |
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