LESSON 10 | *December 2 - 8 |
The Price of Duplicity | ![]() |
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Read for This Week's Study:
Gen. 25:19-29:30. |
Memory Text:
"Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither
thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave
thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of"
Frenchman Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), sometimes deemed the philosopher of the French Revolution, argued that "there is no original sin in the human heart" and that human beings are all basically good. It was society, he said, that had corrupted humanity. If left to our own devices, to our own feelings and conscience, we would naturally do the right thing (all this from a man who, after fathering a number of children, dumped them all at an orphanage). Of course, it's hard to think of a view more contrary to Scriptures or, really, to reality. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9). Or, as expressed in another context: "But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man" (John 2:24, 25). This week, as we continue our family saga, we get more sad glimpses into the wickedness and deceitfulness of human hearts. Pride, passion, and selfishness reign, even (more frightfully) sometimes under the justification of seeking to do God's will.
The bright spot? Even amid all this, the Lord reveals His love, His patience,
and His saving and forgiving grace for erring
sinners. |
*Study this week's lesson to prepare for Sabbath, December 9.
SUNDAY | December 3 |
Esau and Jacob (Gen. 25:19-34)
Though a twin, Esau came out first and was, therefore, counted as the oldest. As such, to him were given the special promises and privileges that accompanied the covenant first made to Abraham. "With these promises Esau and Jacob were familiar. They were taught to regard the birthright as a matter of great importance, for it included not only an inheritance of worldly wealth but spiritual pre-eminence. He who received it was to be the priest of his family, and in the line of his posterity the Redeemer of the world would come. On the other hand, there were obligations resting upon the possessor of the birthright. He who should inherit its blessings must devote his life to the service of God. Like Abraham, he must be obedient to the divine requirements. In marriage, in his family relations, in public life, he must consult the will of God."Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 177, 178.
in mind Ellen White's insights, read the verses for
today. How do her words help us understand why Esau acted as he did? What
lessons are in here for us? See also
Genesis 25:27 contrasts the two boys. It's interesting that the Hebrew word describing Jacob is tam, which means "complete" or "perfect" or "morally innocent." It's the same word, translated in Job 1:8 as "perfect," used to describe the character of Job. Despite this depiction, he still was willing to take advantage of his brother's weakness in order to seek for himself the birthright. Perhaps the promise made to his mother regarding him and his brother (vs. 23) made him think that he had to have the birthright in order for that promise to be fulfilled. Whatever his motives, he obviously esteemed the birthright as something to be coveted.
At the same time, Esau demonstrated he was unworthy of the birthright privilege not only by bartering it away in a most flippant manner but also by reinforcing his choice through an oath (vs. 33) and by his unperturbed departure (vs. 34; see also Gen. 26:34, 35).
However worthy the object of his desire, Jacob tried to get it through
less than honorable means. How can we protect ourselves from the same faulty
reasoning that the end justifies the means?
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MONDAY | December 4 |
Isaac and Abimelech (Genesis 26)
As in the early sojourn of Abraham, there was a famine in the land that caused Isaac to move to a new location. Perhaps because of the potential for discouragement, it was at this time that the Lord renewed with him the same covenant promises that he had made with his father, Abraham (Gen. 26:1-5).
7-11. Where have we seen this before? What lesson can we draw from this
Sometime later Isaac's wealth increased to the point that it elicited the jealousy of the Philistines. In order to preserve peace, Isaac moved to the valley of Gerar and later moved again to Beersheba (vss. 12-23). This illustrates the hardship and tensions to which believers are exposed in this sin-darkened world.
patriarchal practice did Isaac follow after the second
divine revelation was accorded to him? What's the importance of this practice?
What is it meant to symbolize?
24, 25; see also
Nearly a century after the treaty that Abraham had entered into with Abimelech, the ruler of Gerar, a later Abimelech, accompanied by a friend and the chief captain of his army, invited Isaac to enter into another sworn peace treaty.
Notice what Abimelech says twice to Isaac
28, 29). How do these words in many ways reflect what it means to
be a witness to the Lord? What aspects of your life could someone look at
and say, "You are now blessed of the Lord"? In what ways are you blessed
of the Lord? Write a prayer thanking God for all that He has done for you.
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TUESDAY | December 5 |
Faithless Schemes
In Genesis 27:1-7, Isaac permitted his tastebuds to influence his heart and conscience. He determined to bestow the birthright blessing upon his older son in spite of the Lord's words at their birth (Gen. 25:23), Esau's deliberate disregard of the birthright (vss. 29-34), and his ill-disposed choice of Hittite women for wives (Gen. 26:34, 35).
"Rebekah divined his purpose. She was confident that it was contrary to what God had revealed as His will. Isaac was in danger of incurring the divine displeasure and of debarring his younger son from the position to which God had called him. She had in vain tried the effect of reasoning with Isaac, and she determined to resort to stratagem."Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 180.
the rest of the story regarding this deception
27:8-29). Notice carefully
20, particularly Jacob's answer to his father's question. Why does this
show even more just how wrong this action was?
As Isaac smelled the clothes Jacob wore, his mind was carried from the present to the future. The smell of the fields suggested to him an abundance of crops and a bounty of grain and wine (vss. 27-29, 37). Jacob was promised ultimate dominion over the nations, a plan that was reiterated and enlarged upon by later prophets and poets of Israel. Under inspiration the prophetic eye envisaged the ultimate success and supremacy of God's people.
carefully the blessing bestowed by Isaac on Jacob
28, 29). What elements are found in the blessing? What is in there
that would make him want it so badly?
WEDNESDAY | December 6 |
The Price of Duplicity (Gen. 27: 30-46)
Twice now we've seen Jacob take advantage of the weakness of others in order to obtain what he wanted. What a sorry example. That he, though, should nevertheless be one of the founding patriarchs says a lot about God's grace, especially for those who truly repent of their sins. However, as the Bible shows numerous times, the forgiveness of sin doesn't automatically equate with the nullification of the consequences of sin.
What made this deception even all the more foolish was that it should have been obvious that it would be uncovered, that Esau and Isaac would eventually know what happened. Apparently, though, both mother and son were determined to get what they wanted, regardless of the cost. What an important lesson here for all of us: Think through carefully what you are about to do!
Perhaps the saddest thing, too, about these events (including chapter 25) is that there are no innocents. All four of the people here, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Esau were guilty of wrongdoing.
to each name, write down the wrong they did. What was
at the heart of all these
In the end, what we see here is pure selfishness, people wanting what they want for themselves, regardless of whether their actions are right or wrong. What's even more frightening is that, in some cases, they were actually acting according to what they believed were God's wishes. Yet, look at the results. Though in verse 45 she tells Jacob to flee and she'll call him back later, nothing in the Bible indicates that Rebekah was ever to see this son again.
Go over the list of sins you listed above. What drove each
onepride, greed, passion, whatever? Which of these does Satan use with
greatest success in your own experience? Why is death to self at the foot
of the Cross your only hope for victory in these areas? How can you better
avail yourself of the power promised us in the Word
Cor. 10:13)?
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THURSDAY | December 7 |
Jacob's Ladder (Genesis 28)
the fatherly instruction and blessing with which Isaac
sent Jacob to Mesopotamia
28:1-5). Why should this point about marriage be so
After all this duplicity and deceit, Jacob flees his family. Yet, it's obvious that God is not through with him. In a dream the Lord appears to the young man and gives him some wonderful assurances and promises.
28:10-15. Why do you think the Lord would promise so much to someone
like Jacob? What does this tell us about grace?
Ellen White writes that, before he slept that night, Jacob "with weeping and deep humiliation" confessed his sin and asked the Lord for some evidence that he was not "utterly forsaken."Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 183. The dream was, she wrote, the response to his repentance.
The dream of the ladder, of the angels ascending and descending, was a partial revelation of the plan of salvation. No matter how far sin had separated humanity from heaven, Jesus bridged the gap; He is the ladder between heaven and earth; His perfect righteousness was enough to reconcile a sinful world with a Holy God (2 Cor. 5:18, 19) and to justify before God all those who accept by faith what Christ has done for them (Rom. 3:28-30, Rom. 4:5, Gal. 3:24)?
Thus, many years before the Cross, we are shown the close connection between heaven and earth; we are shown that we are not forsaken, that we are not alone, and that God is intimately involved in what happens here.
FRIDAY | December 8 |
Further Study:
Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets,
pp. 177-189; The SDA Bible
Commentary, comments on Genesis 25:19-29:30.
"Jacob and Rebekah succeeded in their purpose, but they gained only trouble and sorrow by their deception. God had declared that Jacob should receive the birthright, and His word would have been fulfilled in His own time had they waited in faith for Him to work for them. But like many who now profess to be children of God, they were unwilling to leave the matter in His hands."Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 180.
"In this vision the plan of redemption was presented to Jacob, not fully,
but in such parts as were essential to him at that time. The mystic ladder
revealed to him in his dream was the same to which Christ referred in His
conversation with Nathanael. Said He, 'Ye shall see heaven open, and the
angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.'
1:51. Up to the time of man's rebellion against the government of God,
there had been free communion between God and man. But the sin of Adam and
Eve separated earth from heaven, so that man could not have communion with
his Maker. Yet the world was not left in solitary hopelessness. The ladder
represents Jesus, the appointed medium of communication. Had He not with
His own merits bridged the gulf that sin had made, the ministering angels
could have held no communion with fallen man. Christ connects man in his
weakness and helplessness with the source of infinite power." Ellen
G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets,
p. 184.
Discussion Questions:
I N S I D E Story | ||
The Disobedient Son by JOSEPH AMULE JOHN I grew up in a nominal Christian family in southern Sudan. Then when I was a teenager, my brother and I met a neighbor who was an Adventist. He invited us to study the Bible with him. When I told our mother what we planned to do, she warned us to stay away from him and not to listen to his religious heresy. She refused to talk about anything this man said, and she told us not to talk to this neighbor again. But I still had questions. So I sneaked to the pastor's house to learn more about God's Word. He gave me a Bible, and we talked for a long time about what the Bible teaches. I decided to follow Christ and become an Adventist. There was no Adventist church where we live, and the pastor did not live in our area all the time. So when he was gone, I kept the Sabbath as much as I knew how on Saturday, and I worshiped with other Christians on Sunday. Then a lay pastor came to work in our area, and I started studying with him. When the pastor returned and held evangelistic meetings, I attended. During the meetings I had a dream that a man tossed away a new cigarette. I picked it up to smoke it, but it turned into a snake. I smoked at this time, and I understood that I had to stop smoking or it would bite me and kill me, even as a snake would. I threw away my cigarettes and never smoked again.
JOSEPH AMULE JOHN (left) is a radio repairman and a farmer living in Morobo, Sudan. |
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