LESSON 10 | *November 28 - December 4 |
The "Madness" of the Prophet |
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Read for This Week's Study:
Numbers 2224; Deut. 1:30; 20:4; Matt. 15:14; 1 Cor. 2:14; 2 Pet. 2:14-16; Rev. 3:17. |
Memory Text:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (1 Timothy 6:10). |
The story of Balaam is well known
and often used to make jokes, such as: Well, if God could talk through
Balaams donkey, then He could talk through so-and-so.
In one sense, however, theres nothing really funny about this story. Though it can be read on various levels, Balaams encounter with the Lord can be seen as another example of how sin, if not overcome, if not wrestled with through the power of God, can lead us into paths of destruction. Balaam is referred to in the New Testament three times (2 Pet. 2:15, 16; Jude 11; Rev. 2:14), and none of the references are very flattering. On the contrary, hes a prototype, a symbol, of sin. Peter talks about the madness of Balaam. Yet, it wasnt the madness of the mentally deranged; rather, it was the madness of someone who was so swept up into covetousness that he was ready to do what Balak asked, and all for money, regardless of how wrong it was.
If someone like Balaam, a prophet, could be so mad, how much
madder would we be to do something similar, especially with his sorry example
before us?
*Study this week's lesson to prepare for Sabbath, December 5.
SUNDAY | November 29 |
A Fearful and Deluded King
Try to put yourself in the position of Balak, king of Moab. Here was this massive horde that had come out of the great nation of Egypt, and who had survived only by miracles (what else?) in the desert for four decades. And now they were camped in the plains of Moab (Num. 22:1), not far from his kingdom.
Even though the nation had not made any threats against them and wasnt intending to invade, Balak, understandably, was nervous. After all, look what they had just done to King Og of Bashan and to King Sihon of the Amoriteswhose nation already had defeated Moab (see Num. 21:26). Not to mention what they had done to the Canaanites (vss. 13), too. No wonder he was nervous.
Read Numbers 22:16. What was it about the Israelites that especially made the king fearful?
In reality, if Israel had been a threat, what should Balak really have
been afraid of? See
MONDAY | November 30 |
Who was this Balaam?
Balaam was once a good man and a prophet of God; but he had apostatized, and had given himself up to covetousness; yet he still professed to be a servant of the Most High. He was not ignorant of Gods work in behalf of Israel; and when the messengers announced their errand, he well knew that it was his duty to refuse the rewards of Balak and to dismiss the ambassadors. But he ventured to dally with temptation.Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 439.
22:721. On the surface, it looks as if Balaam is standing firm
for the Lord. However, if you read carefully, what hints can you find of
his playing with temptation?
Balaam had urged the messengers to tarry with him that night, declaring that he would give no decided answer till he had asked counsel of the Lord. Balaam must have realized that his curses would not hurt Israel, for Balaam knew, or at least had known, the Lord. He really didnt need to ask the Lord; perhaps He did so hoping there would be another answer. Either way, by having them linger when he should have dismissed them right away, he opened himself up to temptation. After all, the men had come with the fees for divination (vs. 7, NRSV).
Notice what happened at the second invitation, when they promised him even more. God had said that if the men come to call he may go, provided he speak only what God said (vs. 20). But in the early morningbefore the princes could say anythingBalaam saddled his donkey and rode off at once with ambassadors of Moab. In other words, despite all the pretense of faithfulness and his claims about not being able to be bought at any price, he was eager to get all the money that was offered to him.
Peter 2:1416. How did Peter view the actions of Balaam? What warning
is there for us regarding covetousness and temptation? Why is it so easy
to rationalize away our sin to the point that it doesnt seem sinful?
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TUESDAY | December 1 |
Unnatural Confrontation
Determined in his heart to get the rewards the king offered him, Balaam set out with the men toward Moab. Despite all Balaams outward professions of fidelity, which he even might have believed himself, the Lord knew what was going on in the mans heart and responded to it.
22:2234 and answer the following questions:
A lot has been written over the centuries regarding this, one of the stranger stories in the Bible. Different commentators come away with different interpretations. One point, though, seems clear: Balaam was a man who had a special connection with the Lord. After all, the Lord still was speaking with Him in an intimate manner. And yet, even with this connection, Balaam was determined to do what he himself wanted.
WEDNESDAY | December 2 |
"The Death of the Righteous"
After the incident with the donkey, Balaam came to Balak. It is interesting to note that Balak brought Balaam to the high places of Baal (Num. 22:41). Apparently, Near Eastern pagans built their shrines on the tops of mountains so as to be nearer the gods whom they wished to influence. Balaam ordered the king to build at this place seven altars and offer seven bullocks and seven rams thereon.
the words that Balaam, controlled by God, spoke over
the children of Israel. What powerful message, and promise, is found in them?
What hope is offered to us all in them, as well? See
23:510; see also
Corinthians 15.
He saw them supported by His arm as they enter the dark valley of the shadow of death. And he beheld them coming forth from their graves, crowned with glory, honor, and immortality. He saw the redeemed rejoicing in the unfading glories of the earth made new. Gazing upon the scene, he exclaimed, Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of Israel? And as he saw the crown of glory on every brow, the joy beaming from every countenance, and looked forward to that endless life of unalloyed happiness, he uttered the solemn prayer, Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his!Ellen G. White, Patriarch and Prophets, p. 447.
does it mean to die the death of the righteous?
What is the only way we can die such a death?
In a sense, these words of God uttered over His ancient people reflect the gospel promise of all of Gods people in every age, the promise of eternal life because of the righteousness of Jesus. None of us are righteous; none of us live or die in and of ourselves with enough righteousness to deliver us from the grave. Only the righteousness of Jesus can, which is credited to us by faith. Here, in the book of Numbers, with the story of Balaam, God is revealing to us the promise of salvation through Jesus.
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THURSDAY | December 3 |
Stars and Scepter
Imagine the kings surprise when Balaam began to bless Israel. Although angry, the king still wasnt ready to give up. He took the prophet to another mountain peak where he could see only a small part of Israel and built another seven altars, offering again bullocks and rams. Balaam went not, as at other times, to seek for enchantments (Num. 24:1). Yet again, instead of Balak getting the curse that he was willing to pay so much for, Balaamunder the control of Goduttered another blessing over Israel. A third time Balak arranged for seven altars and their sacrifices on another peak, but Balaam knew it was useless to ask God for permission to use magic on Israel. Looking on Israels encampment from this third angle, he blessed the nation again (Num. 23:2730; Num. 24:110), and Balak sent him home in disgrace for his failure to curse Israel.
the parable Balaam told in
24:1517. What was this a prophecy of, and how was it fulfilled?
Seeking clearer knowledge, [the wise men] turned to the Hebrew Scriptures. . . . Balaam belonged to the magicians, though at one time a prophet of God; by the Holy Spirit he had foretold the prosperity of Israel and the appearing of the Messiah. . . . The prophecy of Balaam had declared, There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel.. . . Could this strange star have been sent as a harbinger of the Promised One?Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, pp. 59, 60.
Bible students long have seen in these words a Messianic prediction, that of the coming Redeemer, Jesus. The image of a scepter (power) and a star (light) both are apt symbols of Jesus. Though the Lord used, at the time of the prophecy itself, local symbols, which would have meaning to those who heard it then, the principle behind the prophecythat of Christs power and victoryapply to the whole world. Jesus is the light of the world and the rightful owner of it, and no matter what humans plans are, in the end the whole world will see Him prevail. See Isa. 45:23, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10.
However much injustice in the world, we have the promise that God will
prevail, and that justice will, as well. How does that promise help you cope
with all the injustice you see now?
FRIDAY | December 4 |
Further Study:
Discussion Questions:
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I N S I D E Story | ||
Mad Man Goes to Church
by CHARLOTTE ISHKANIAN Mekonin lived in a farming village in Ethiopia. Many people in this village didn't like Adventists, and some even wanted to destroy the local Adventist church. One day people noticed that Mekonin was behaving erratically. He became angry easily and even tried to kill his wife. Fortunately, she and their children fled to her parents' home. As Mekonin's behavior became more demonic, the neighbors feared for their own safety. They chained him to a pillar in his home and stayed a safe distance away. Then someone mentioned that when the Adventists pray for people, they're healed. The next Sabbath morning several strong men bound Mekonin in chains and led him to the Adventist church. The men sat down on a bench near the back surrounding Mekonin, ready to subdue him if he became aggressive. The visitors sat quietly through Sabbath School and church. Then the pastor, deacons, and church elders gathered around Mekonin and prayed for him. "Why don't you throw water on him?" one of the neighbors asked. The pas-tor explained that the power to heal Mekonin was in Christ, not in the water. The pastor asked the men to bring Mekonin back the next day for prayer. On Sunday the neighbors returned to the Adventist church with Mekonin, but this time he came without the chains. About 60 people came to pray for Mekonin or to watch what happened. The following Sabbath, Mekonin visited the Adventist church again. He walked with some Adventist members and was not bound by chains. Mekonin took part in the worship service. The pastor knew of another Adventist church nearer to Mekonin's home and asked the local elders to go to Mekonin's home and pray with him. Other Adventist groups learned about Mekonin's condition and joined in praying for him. Within two weeks Mekonin was healed of the demons who had possessed him. Mekonin's wife learned that her husband had been healed; she and her children returned home. Mekonin and his wife joined the Adventist church, along with neighbors who had once wanted to destroy the church but had seen God heal Mekonin in answer to the believers' prayers. Today six Adventist churches stand in the area near Mekonin's home, testimonies of God's goodness and power to save. Your mission offerings help spread the gospel in farming villages and large cities around the world so that people chained by darkness can be freed by Jesus, the Light of the World.
CHARLOTTE ISHKANIAN is editor of Mission. |
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of Adventist Mission. email: info@adventistmission.org website: www.adventistmission.org |
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