The book of
Proverbs was written primarily by Solomon, son of David, in the early
part of his reign as king of Israel. "In the proverbs of Solomon are
outlined principles of holy living and high endeavor, principles that
are heaven born and that lead to godliness, principles that should
govern every act of life. It was the wide dissemination of these
principles, and the recognition of God as the One to whom all praise
and honor belong, that made Solomon's early reign a time of moral
uplift as well as of material prosperity."-Prophets and Kings,
pp. 33, 34.
The last two chapters of the book are attributed to
"Agur" and "Lemuel." Some scholars have assumed that these two names
refer to Solomon. Others have concluded that they were unknown
compilers or authors.
We know from 1
Kings 4:32 that Solomon "uttered three thousand proverbs; and
his songs were a thousand and five" (RSV). His fame spread abroad; the
wisdom with which he was endowed was the wonder of the whole world.
"And the whole earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom,
which God had put into his mind" (1
Kings 10:24, RSV).
The purpose of these lessons on Proverbs is to
demonstrate that only as we have a living fellowship with God can we
maintain purity of heart and conduct. Knowing God through Christ as
Savior and King affects every area of our lives. True religion is the
power for moral and ethical purity. Proverbs is a book of practical
religion designed to demonstrate the results of faith in action. It is
a tool for the purpose of enabling believers to act wisely, to think
about what they do and why they do it, and to be more sensible and
sensitive citizens as a result of integrating learning and faith.
We will study the book of Proverbs topically rather
than verse by verse because the issues and themes raised in the book
are not in any apparent order, and some of them recur a number of
The major purpose of education is the redemption of
the individual-to impart God's character to those who are willing, so
that their thoughts, words, and deeds are truly representative of Him.
The proverbs and these lessons were designed: (1) to provide a view of
our need; (2) to lead us to the Source of wisdom, power, and salvation;
and (3) to furnish a practical guide for every motor area of life.
Hence the title—Proverbs, Wisdom to Live By.
(no frames, all lessons may not be posted)
the Principal Contributor to This Guide
Virginia Davidson and her
husband, Jim, live in Kennewick, Washington, where he is an
environmental statistician at nearby Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory. Their two daughters, Carol and Becky, are students at Walla
Walla College and Upper Columbia Academy, respectively.
Through the years, Virginia's main emphasis has been
keeper of the home. Wanting to "be there" for her girls, she also
provided child care for friends, later moving to custom sewing and
alterations. After a six-month stint of graphic arts at a local print
shop, she returned home to design and build stained-glass windows-a
pursuit that continues to furnish her days with beauty and inspiration,
challenge and opportunity. Beneath her signature, she inscribes each
Ernest H. J. Steed, Ph.D.,
rejoices in 40 years as an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister and
55 years as a church worker.
With his wife, Roda, and family-Lincoln, Leonie, and
Martin-he came to the General Conference in 1966 and over the next 22
years served as World Temperance director, executive director of the
International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug
Dependency, and special assistant to the General Conference president.
Pastor Steed, in retirement at DeBary, Florida,
launched a new company, which became a church in February 1998.
Giardina Sabbath School Study Helps
Jerry Giardina of Pecos, Texas, assisted by his wife,
Cheryl, prepares a series of helps to accompany the Sabbath School
lesson. He includes all related scripture and most EGW quotations.
Jerry has chosen the "New King James Version" of the scriptures this
quarter. It is used with permission. The study helps are
provided in three wordprocessing versions Wordperfect;
Microsoft Word;
RTF for our
MAC friends; and HTML (Web
Last updated on November 13,
Editorial Office:
12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904.
Principal Contributors: Virginia Everett Davidson and Ernest Steed.
Acting Editor: Lyndelle Brower Chiomenti.
Editorial Assistant: Soraya Homayouni Parish.
Art and Design: Lars Justinen.
Pacific Press Coordinator: Paul A. Hey.
© 2000 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. All Rights
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