We began this
new millennium with the first quarter's study of one of the crucial
Message and Mission themes: Our assurance of salvation in Christ. It is
fitting that in the second quarter of this new millennium our study
will touch on another Message and Mission theme: The certainty of the
Second Coming in the context of the everlasting gospel.
In this Bible Study Guide, we will examine some of
the distinctive doctrines of the church as they relate to the certainty
of our Lord's second advent. Such doctrines will include the authority
of the Bible, Creation and the Sabbath, salvation, the sanctuary and
the judgment, the witness of the remnant, death and resurrection, the
millennium, the end of evil, and the beginning of the new earth. We
will discover that the doctrine of the Second Coming does not stand in
isolation, but it is the grand climax of the everlasting gospel and is
intertwined with many of its teachings. When we question any
fundamental Bible teaching, we also raise questions about the Second
We also will explore the meaning of doctrine itself.
We will see that doctrine is not an end within itself but is an
essential element in establishing our relationship with God. What is
central to Christianity is the message that we can be reconciled and
restored to fellowship with God through Jesus Christ.
Christianity is a relationship with God that matures
when it is built upon biblical teaching and lifestyle. We will see that
our relationship with Him does not do away with law and doctrine;
rather, it establishes them. May our study this quarter bring certainty
and peace to our hearts as we joyously anticipate the imminent return
of our Lord. May it affirm our faith in the blessed hope as the
culmination of the gospel message for planet Earth.
"The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of
the church, the grand climax of the gospel. The Saviour's coming will
be literal, personal, visible, and worldwide. When He returns, the
righteous dead will be resurrected, and together with the righteous
living will be glorified and taken to heaven, but the unrighteous will
die. The almost complete fulfillment of most lines of prophecy,
together with the present condition of the world, indicates that
Christ's coming is imminent. The time of that event has not been
revealed, and we are therefore exhorted to be ready at all times."
"Fundamental Belief, 24" in Seventh-day Adventists Believe...
A Biblical Exposition of 27 Fundamental Doctrines, edited
under the direction of the Ministerial Association of the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists from materials compiled by P.G.
Damsteegt (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Publishing Association,
1988), p. 332.
the Principal Contributor to This Guide
Edward Zinke was an associate director of the
Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference for 14 years and
author of several Sabbath School teachers lessons. He is the son of
missionaries. His father, a medical doctor, was very active in raising
churches in both North America and Mexico, where they resided for four
years. Elder Zinke has a B.A. in theology from Loma Linda University,
an M.Div. and an M.A. in Old Testament from Andrews University. He
achieved doctoral candidate status in theology at Catholic University
of America.
While at the Biblical Research Institute under
direction of Dr. Gordon Hyde, Elder Zinke was the catalyst and
organizer of the 1974 Bible conference in the North American Division
and subsequent Bible conferences in France, Germany, East Germany,
Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and Australia. As president of the Adventist
Theological Society and in conjunction with the Inter-American Division
and Biblical Research Institute, Elder Zinke organized the first
International Bible Conference, which was held in Montemorelos, Mexico,
in 1996. He was also closely involved in organizing the first Jerusalem
Bible Conference, held in June 1998.
Elder Zinke and his wife, Ann, are the owners of
Ann's House of Nuts, an importer, processor, and distributor of nuts
and dried fruits. They have three sons, David, Doug, and
Devin. Two are active in the family business and the third is a student
at Southern University. The Zinke family enjoys cross-country
backpacking and international travel.
Editorial Office:
12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904.
Principal Contributor: Edward Zinke.
Editor: Philip G. Samaan.
Associate Editor: Lyndelle Brower Chiomenti.
Editorial Assistant: Soraya Homayouni Parish.
Art and Design: Lars Justinen.
Pacific Press Coordinator: Paul A. Hey.
© 2000 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. All Rights
Giardina Sabbath School Study Helps
Jerry Giardina of Pecos, Texas, assisted by his wife,
Cheryl, prepares a series of helps to accompany the Sabbath School
lesson. He includes all related scripture and most EGW quotations.
Jerry has chosen the "New King James Version" of the scriptures this
quarter. It is used with permission. The study helps are
provided in three wordprocessing versions Wordperfect;
Microsoft Word;
RFT for our
MAC friends; and HTML (Web
Sabbath School Net is a volunteer ministry independent of the General Conference Sabbath School Department.
For questions and concerns about the Adult Bible Study Guide,
please contact the editor of the Bible Study Guide, Clifford Goldstein
The web version of the Sabbath School lesson is published on
this site by permission of the Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Website contents copyright 1996-2025 by Sabbath School Net, an independent supporting ministry.
For permission to copy contents of the web version of the Sabbath School lesson, please contact both the Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide and the publisher of this site.
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