Sabbath School Lesson Begins
The Book of Proverbs
Lesson 13 *March 21–27
Read for This Week’s Study: Proverbs 31, Job 29:15, Proverbs 8, 1 Cor. 1:21, Rev. 14:13.
Text: Do not give your strength to women, nor
your ways to that which destroys kings. It is not for kings, O Lemuel,
it is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes intoxicating drink
(Proverbs 31:3-4, NKJV).
The book of Proverbs began with the teachings of a father (Prov. 1:1, 8; 4:1) and ends with the teachings of a mother (Prov. 31:1). The name Lemuel may allude to Solomon; if so, then Lemuel’s mother is Solomon’s mother, and she warns her son against the two most serious threats to the king: wine and women.
The association of wine and women is deliberate. To be efficient as a ruler, the king has to be careful of the influences he faces, and these two factors can be very powerful. Though the right woman could be beneficial, alcohol is only trouble.
The father’s introduction was concerned with the spiritual acquisition of wisdom. Now, the mother’s conclusion is concerned with applying wisdom in real life. For the spiritual principles taught by the father would mean nothing if the practical advice offered by the mother were not followed.
*Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, March 28.
To Life?
In many cultures, drinking alcohol is associated with life.
People raise a glass and wish one another a long life, though the irony
is that each glass works toward destroying life. Nicely designed
bottles, poetic and funny drinking songs, clever commercials, and even
some scientific
findings all comfort drinkers in
their idea that alcohol is good for them. Proverbs has already warned
us against this deadly deception (Prov. 23:30–35). Now the theme
reappears, showing us even more damage that drinking can bring.
Read Proverbs 31:4-5, 8-9. Together, what do they say, and how does their message apply to every follower of the Lord, not just the king?
In similar language, Job describes himself as being eyes
to the blind, and . . . feet to the lame
(Job 29:15, NKJV).
Likewise the king or those with means should help support the poor and
the needy — those who are speechless
in that they
don’t have a voice because no one listens to them.
The destructive effect of wine can also be seen in how it can
so easily distort one’s judgment. While alcohol is bad enough for
common folks, for a king or someone with power, alcohol can create
terrible situations. The drinking king not only forgets the
and does not know what is right, but he subsequently
issues distorted judgments: the guilty are declared innocent, and the
innocent guilty.
What is at stake here is the capacity to discern between right
and wrong, good and evil. The prohibition of wine drinking has to do
with basic wisdom and, as such, should apply to every human being. It
is noteworthy that this concern is precisely the reason implied in the
special prohibition of drinking for the priest: that you may
distinguish between holy and unholy
10: 9-10, NKJV).
Who hasn’t seen the devastating effects of alcohol in so many lives? How can you help others, especially the young, stay clear of what can bring only harm to them and to others?
To Death
Read Proverbs 31:6-7. How are we to understand these texts?
A quick reading of these verses gives the impression that Lemuel’s mother allows the consumption of wine or any other alcohol for the person who is about to die (vs. 6) or for the person who suffers from depression (vs. 7). This reading, however, would contradict not only the immediate context — Lemuel’s mother has just warned the king against wine drinking — but also the general context of the book of Proverbs, which systematically and emphatically prohibits wine drinking.
In addition, it hardly makes sense to offer something to the perishing that would only make their health and well-being worse. And giving alcohol to a depressed person is like giving salt to someone who is already dehydrated. If, as we know, God cares about our bodies and our health, it doesn’t make sense to see these texts, especially in context, encouraging the use of alcohol.
More important, an analysis of the use of the expression who
is perishing
in the book of Proverbs reveals that it is
always associated with the wicked (Prov.
10:28; Prov. 11:7, 10; Prov. 19:9; Prov. 21:28;
Prov. 28:28). Through the expression who is
Lemuel’s mother points in fact, by association, to the wicked. As for
the expression bitter of heart,
it refers to the
depressed person (Prov. 31:6, NKJV),
who like the wicked becomes
insensitive and forgets
poverty (Prov. 31:7).
Satan gathered the fallen angels together to devise
some way
of doing the most possible evil to the human family. One proposition
after another was made, till finally Satan himself thought of a plan.
He would take the fruit of the vine, also wheat, and other things given
by God as food, and would convert them into poisons, which would ruin
man’s physical, mental, and moral powers, and so overcome the senses
that Satan should have full control. Under the influence of liquor, men
would be led to commit crimes of all kinds. Through perverted appetite
the world would be made corrupt. By leading men to drink alcohol, Satan
would cause them to descend lower and lower in the scale.
Ellen G. White, Temperance,
p. 12.
Who can find a
virtuous woman? for her price is far above
(Prov. 31:10).
Who is the virtuous woman
of Proverbs
31:10? A number of indications suggest that the author has more in mind
than a godly woman or the ideal wife. Following the lead of many
passages of the book (Prov. 1:20–33,
Prov. 3:13–20, Prov. 4:5–9, Proverbs
8), we
have good reason to think that the virtuous woman
represents wisdom. This personification of wisdom as a woman is
justified not only because the Hebrew word for wisdom,
chokmah, is a feminine noun, but because it also
allows the Hebrew writer to draw all kinds of concrete lessons for our
daily life. Wisdom is not pictured as some lofty and unreachable ideal,
but as a very practical and approachable woman who could become our
life companion.
This last teaching about wisdom is given through a beautiful acrostic poem: each verse begins with a Hebrew letter following the alphabetic order, as in the book of Lamentations and in many psalms.
the text on wisdom in Proverbs
8 with our text on the virtuous
What features of the virtuous woman
remind us of wisdom in the book of Proverbs?
1. She is precious and worth finding (Prov. 31:10, 8:35).
2. Her worth is more than rubies (Prov. 31:10; Prov. 8:10-11, 18-19).
3. She provides food (Prov. 31:14, Prov. 8:19).
4. She is strong (Prov. 31:17, 25; Prov. 8:14).
5. She is wise (Prov. 31:26, Prov. 8:1).
6. She is praised (Prov. 31:28, Prov. 8:34).
Though we live in the so-called information age, and though we
have acquired so much more knowledge than had previous generations,
there’s little to indicate that our generation is any wiser than
previous generations. Indeed, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, We
have guided missiles and misguided men.
Read 1 Corinthians 1:21. What does it say to you, and how can this idea help you live by faith?
The virtuous woman in Proverbs
31 is not lazy; she works hard
and is very active. The poem insists on this quality (Prov. 31:27),
which characterizes the wise versus the fool (Prov.
6:6; Prov. 24:33-34).
The field of her activities is comprehensive and concrete. To be
spiritual does not mean that we should be idle, all under the pretext
that we are concerned with highly important religious issues, and thus
do not have time to take care of trivial
(See Luke 16:10.) The
woman willingly works with her hands
(Prov. 31:13, NKJV). It is
interesting that this very spiritual person
is never depicted praying or meditating. She is shown as an efficient
and productive woman, much like Martha of the Gospels (Luke 10:38–40).
Read Proverbs 31:12, 15, 18. Why is the woman always working?
The woman works all the days of her life
(vs.12), even during the night (vss.15, 18). Her active and watchful
presence is effective all the time. The reason for her constant
attention is her responsibility.
Read Proverbs 31:20, 25. What is the temporal scope of her projects?
Here we touch on an important point regarding our work and effort: it will be tested by time. Only the future will testify to the quality of our deeds. To work wisely is to work with the future in mind, not just for an immediate reward.
Though not quite dealing with the same thing, the principle in
the following text from Revelation is so important: Blessed
are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the
Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do
follow them
(Rev. 14:13).
If you have a special woman (a wife, mother, other family member, teacher, boss, or friend) in your life, what can you do to show your appreciation for her and for all she has done for you?
Read Proverbs 31:26–31. What other important characteristics are seen in this woman? Why are these important for all of us, regardless of who we are?
As we have seen all through this quarter, an emphasis is placed on words, on what we say. The woman is known for her wisdom and for her kindness. They are related. After all, couldn’t one argue that kindness is another form of wisdom, especially when we understand that wisdom isn’t just what we know but what we say and do?
Notice, too, the phrase the law of kindness.
That is, kindness isn’t just some fleeting attribute that escapes from
her mouth now and then. It is a law, a principle of her very existence.
How powerful it would be if the law of kindness
were to guide all that came out of our mouths.
Read Proverbs 31:30. What important point is revealed here that is so often forgotten?
All too often women are rated only in terms of outward
appearance; that’s such a shallow and superficial marker. The Bible
points out just how vain,
how empty, that kind of
attitude ultimately is. This woman’s true beauty is found in her
character and how that character is made manifest in her life and
works. Beauty will always pass away; character can endure forever. A
great name among men is as letters traced in sand, but a spotless
character will endure to all eternity.
— Ellen G. White, God’s
Amazing Grace, p. 81.
In what areas of your life do you need to see your character improve? Praying about it is fine, but what concrete positive steps must you take in order to see growth?
Study: When indulging their appetite for wine
and while under its exciting stimulus, their reason was clouded, and
they could not discern the difference between the sacred and the
common. Contrary to God’s express direction, they [Nadab and Abihu]
dishonored Him by offering common instead of sacred fire. God visited
them with His wrath; fire went forth from His presence and destroyed
— Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church,
vol. 3, p. 295.
Let the children and youth learn from the Bible how
God has
honored the work of the everyday toiler. . . . Let them read . . . of
the wise woman described in the Proverbs, who
— Ellen G.
White, Education,
p. 217.
seeketh wool
and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands;
who giveth
meat to her household, and their task to her maidens;
who planteth
a vineyard,
and strengtheneth her arms;
who stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, . . . reacheth
forth her hands to the needy;
who looketh well to
the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:13, 15, RV; Prov. 31:16, 17, 20, 27.
virtuous woman.How can the principles behind what is revealed in this specific situation be applied to believers, whatever their gender, marital status, or age?
Becky needed a new pair of shoes. Going to her favorite shop near Newport Beach, California, she picked out a pair, but discovered her size wasn’t in stock.
Dwight McKeever, the sales rep, assured her that her size could be ordered, and the shoes would be in by Wednesday afternoon.
Becky returned on Wednesday, but the shoes hadn’t arrived. On Thursday, still no shoes. When Becky came into the shop late Friday afternoon, Dwight explained that the delivery truck hadn’t arrived, but would anytime. Becky waited a few more minutes, but then said she had to go. Fifteen minutes after she left the store, the shoes arrived.
Quickly phoning Becky’s home, Dwight left a message. Sometime later, she returned his call, explaining that she would wear her old shoes the next day, and pick up the new ones on Saturday night.
Just a few minutes later, Becky returned to the store I
just came to let you know that I’m not angry that the shoes didn’t
arrive on time, and that I’m very impressed with all you’ve done to
help solve this problem.
Then she turned to leave.
But what about your shoes?
Dwight asked. I’ll
get them tomorrow night,
came the response as Becky walked
out the door. Thinking that maybe she needed money, Dwight offered her
a loan, but money wasn’t the problem. Frustrated, Dwight couldn’t
understand what the problem was.
Finally Becky explained, I’m a Christian. I want to
honor God on the Sabbath.
The only Sabbath Dwight knew of
was the rock group, “Black Sabbath.”
I’m a Christian, too,
he told her, but
what does that have to do with buying shoes?
If you’re a Christian,
she replied with a
smile, then you know that the Ten Commandments tell us to
keep the Sabbath holy, and that means we shouldn’t buy or sell.
Intrigued, Dwight wanted to learn more. Becky invited him to a
Revelation Seminar being held nearby, and he accepted. I had
picked up the Bible a few times, and wanted to know how it would all
end, so I went straight to the last book, but couldn’t understand a
he recalls. There was a beast with all these
heads, but I wasn’t too worried because I knew with nuclear warfare we
could just blow up all those heads.
When he told that to Becky, she laughed. You might
want to come to the seminar and learn what it’s really all about.
To see how Becky’s faithfulness led Dwight and many of his family to accept Bible truth, continue reading the story in Mission magazine, 1st quarter, 2015, or online at
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Sabbath School Lesson Ends
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