HomeDailyTuesday: The Resurrection of Jesus    


Tuesday: The Resurrection of Jesus — 8 Comments

  1. The resurrection is so important to our faith. What would have been the point of Christ, suffering for you and me and then die eternally? Where could have been the fruits of His labour- in vain!
    Christ came to bring life eternal to us who had no hope beyond the grave. As followers of Christ, this is not our home, the pain, suffering even death we face today are just for a moment. There is a better life on the other side. This should give us hope and courage to endure all trials, temptations, persecution for His name's sake even death in this life. When we die in Him we do know that our live are actually hid in Him and when He comes, we will be raised and live with Him eternally.
    So it would be useless to suffer and even die for Christ's sake and rise no more. Our faith and hope and our suffering for Him will have no value.So His resurrection forms a base for us at the end of the age.

  2. Our faith and hope are in God. The resurrection of Jesus Christ truly attests to this. It gives us immense confidence in God as He directs us in ways of dealing with troubles of this world and most importantly prepares us for the life after now. Indeed the knowledge of resurrection is an assurance that we are Gods, bringing our conscience into an appreciation of what we should focus on. And giving us the strength to remain in focus as we await for that glorious day.

  3. Death is devastating from the human point of view. There is no such a pain comparable to the death of a loved one. We cling too much to what we can see and touch. Once we loose that we fall apart. But Jesus has brought us a solution. His death and resurrection is the proof that death was conquered! We need to work on those feelings of loosing. There is time for us to prepare! Although none likes it!

  4. The resurrection of Christ is our only hope for eternal life. Without it, we are doomed to die in our sins period! The promise of eternal life through Christ Jesus is a source of encouragement to help us weather the storms of life. No matter what we face here on earth, knowing that God has promised us life eternal (if we are faithful!) gives us the strength to endure and the courage to face any challenge.

  5. Jesus took my punishment, then defeated death because He loves me and wants me to be with Him in heaven. If I meditate on this truth, then I will be filled with joy and hope no matter my earthly circumstances. And I will desire to share this great news with those around me.

  6. Satan lied to Eve in Eden when he told her, "You will not surely die" and this led to Adam and Eve to sin. The consequence for humanity was dire but the plan of salvation kicked in. It took the Son of God to leave His throne in heaven to come to earth in order to rescue us from the prison-house that Satan had locked us into. Jesus suffered, was crucified, died and was raised from the dead so that mankind could be freed. As a result the resurrection of Jesus Christ became the basis of our hope. It gave believers reason to live and persevere through whatever difficulties we might face. It enabled believers to cope with suffering and die in hope and confidence that the best is yet to come. The reality of Christ's resurrection has become the basis of our faith and hope. It is foundational to the teaching of our faith.

    But " if Christ be not raised" Paul tells us that, "...your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept." (1 Cor. 15:17-20). As a direct consequence of this fact, we will live forever with Christ, with new glorious bodies; with power and glory and life that’s far better than what we have ever experienced.

    We must remember that on the day of Pentecost Peter testified: "Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that He should be holden of it...Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ." (Acts 2:24,36). Paul says, “If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians 15:13-14). In other words, if there isn’t any resurrection, our faith is pointless. If Christ is not raised we all remain under the dominion of sin and death and Satan has triumphed. Paul says in verse 19, “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all people.” If there is no future for us, then our lives would more sensibly focus on having a good time while we can (verse 32). Praise God the resurrection of Jesus our Lord took place some two thousand years ago. Therefore our faith and hope are real.

  7. I think that it is important to add to the lesson quote that death is not only silent and dark but unconscious. Time passing means nothing in death. Time is equal to all who have died from the first death to the present time.

    It would be very hard and unimaginably difficult to have to wait in silence and darkness and be conscious for thousands of years.


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