The Collegiate Lesson Study  has been  replaced by “InVerse”. which is described as the study guide for those who want to study more deeply. This page provides links to the InVerse website where you can access their materials. Please understand that InVerse is not a Sabbath School Net site and we have no control of the content. 

Young Adults will doubtless find many of our Adult Resources useful, but the ones below are more specific for the Young Adult and Collegiate members of the church.

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Young Adult – InVerse — 14 Comments

  1. This request has been made on several occasion but i believe they dont see the need for it since most youths always find another congregation to sit in and are never on time! but not every youth is the same because there are a few intrested ones. i think they see it as a waste to order that quaterly.

    • If the church won't order the age-appropriate quarterly, you do have the option of ordering these yourself from your local Adventist Book Center. If finances are a problem, you might use some of the offering you would normally give for church and/or Sabbath School Expense, since that offering is intended to cover the cost of lessons.

      It seems to me that young adults who are interested enough could participate in an adult class, since the Collegiate quarterly covers the same ground as the adult quarterly, but in a different way. Adding the collegiate perspective to an adult class would be beneficial for all concerned.

  2. I'm clueless as to how to do that, but if they worked for you, it is probably just me! I'm a superintendent, trying to find ways to encourage our youth to study more, be more involved, etc., etc.
    Thank you, for trying to help!

    • Hi Karen; just select and copy the offending link and paste it into your reply.

      if you are using a computer:
      1) To Select the link: Click and drag the cursor over the link so that it is highlighted.
      2) To Copy: hold down the ctrl-key and press C
      3) To Paste: move to the comment that you are writing and click the cursor where you want the link to appear, then hold down the ctrl-key and press V.

      If you are using a phone or tablet its a bit harder.

  3. If you have issues with any of our links on this page let us know in a comment here. If you have an issue with the InVerse site itself, you will need to contact their website manager.

  4. I was pressed to write this comment to tell you how invaluable July-September 2019 issuance of the Collegiate Quarterly has been for me. As a black woman who is trying to find space in this world and in Seventh Day Adventism for both my blackness and my womanness, sometimes it is hard to remember that Christ gave me value. Sometimes, I feel like to be Christian is to deny my identities and become a part of normative culture, an ask that is so maddeningly painful. I know that Christ gave all of me worth, but sometimes that is hard to remember, and it makes me lose hope. The July-September issuance of the collegiate quarterly revived my hope. It tells me that there is space in Adventism for activism. That I don't have to feel like my blackness is being ignored, but that it should be embraced. It gives me so much hope to recognize that this world is not equal, that injustice exists, and that the word of my Father compels us to do something about that. This quarterly has allowed me to see that my church does not turn a blind eye to injustice and that has allowed me to align my faith to my activism even stronger. It has allowed me to recognize that Christ is in the business of freeing souls from sin and making wrongs right.

    I am proud to say that I am a Bible believing, Seventh-Day Adventist black woman, who awaits the second coming of Christ with brothers and sisters who have such love and care for all.

    Thank you for this offering of blessing.

  5. Unfortunately, bringing back the Collegiate is not within our power. Sabbath School Net does not have any say in the matter as we are an independent ministry staffed by volunteers. We only provide links to these resources as a service to our readers. You may like to make your concerns known to the Personal Ministries department of the General Conference.


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