We apologize that our usual contact form is  not working due to a plugin being discontinued. We are working on a solution. 

However, you may state your concerns in a comment below. Please mark  your comment as “Private” if you do not wish it to be published. 



Contact Us — 26 Comments

  1. i would like to know if I could use some of the pictures on your site...the one with Jesus hugging a child is beautiful.

    • Thank you for asking. However, we do not produce the art we use. We use art by permission of the artists or the owners of the artist rights. Thus we cannot give you permission to use any of the art.

      You may ask permission from the owner of the art. Most of the art we use comes from GoodSalt.com, and you can generally buy it there for a stated price for the size and format you want. In fact, clicking on such an image should take you to the GoodSalt website

  2. Hello my name is Pristal I am interested in your bible study can you please provide me with more information about your beliefs.

    Thank you

  3. I was wondering if you are not going to make the scriptures so that we can click on them to see them as it always was before?

    • Dear Linda,
      We are sorry you are experiencing problems. The Scriptures can be brought up by touching/clicking on the links. If it does not work for you, try using a different browser.
      But we would be interested to know what setup you are using that does not bring up the Scriptures for you, such as what device and what browser you are using.

  4. the Sabbath lesson does not have it so we can click on the scriptures and see the scriptures. I wrote a comment before and then it was fixed, but now it is back to not doing that. I appreciate the scriptures so I can click on them as it is very hard for me to find them in the bible. Thank you so much for what you do.

    • We are sorry you are having problems, Linda.
      However, we have no idea why you are having problems, since the links work for us in various browsers and on various devices.
      Please share the following with us so we can figure out how to help you:

      • What is the page (URL) on which this happens? (Only necessary to provide one URL)
      • Your device - brand of desktop/ notebook/ tablet/ phone
      • What browser are you using?
      • In what approximate location (state and country) are you accessing our site?

      If you cannot do the above, perhaps you are using an app? (We do not provide an app.)

  5. This week the links to the Bible verses in the html format are gone. They were not in the first lesson for this week & when I paged ahead they were there but today they are gone for the week! Haven't checked ahead of that.

    • We are so sorry our site is not working for you.
      It seems you are having problems with Lesson 3 of this quarter. Is that correct?
      Still, it might help if you provided the following:

    • Your device - brand of desktop/ notebook/ tablet/ phone
    • What browser are you using?
    • In what approximate location (state and country) are you accessing our site?
    • The information will help us work on a solution.

  6. curiously today the scripture links at
    do not work. but they do at
    Google Chrome, Version 126.0.6478.128 (Official Build) (64-bit), Windows 10

    • Yes, thank you. That is curious, indeed. Links show up for us, but the small menu at the top right of the page is not showing up in the main lesson. However, it shows up in the Teachers Comments, and any changes I make there carry over to the main lesson. Could you try making a change in the Teachers Comments menu and see if the links will then work for you on the main page?

      We're working on a solution.

  7. Notes and text links should work correctly now. The trade-off is that the links to Ellen White references are lost.

    We're not sure exactly why some of you could not see text links or save notes, because we were unable to reproduce the error.

    However, we lost the small menu that allowed you to choose what Bible version you preferred, etc., when we added links to Ellen White references, as we used to have. (There was a workaround: You could choose "Teachers Comments" on the menu at the top of the page. Then you could choose your preferences re bible versions, fonts, etc. After saving these, you could go back to the main lesson page, and your preferences would also show up there.)

    For the time being, we have rolled back the site to the state it was before adding the hyperlinks to Ellen White remarks, as referenced in the lessons.

    Let us know how things work for you.

  8. i would like to order 12 books from the potomac bookstore cherry hill,silver spring md.but i want to know which method of payment the bookstore would prefer.i sent an e-mail recently to info@ living wellabc.com and i do not see any reply thanks for your cooperation rudolph smith.

    • Sorry Rudolph I am not able to help you. Sabbath School Net is an independent ministry and not part of the Church organisation. Apart from knowing there is an Adventist Book Centre in Silver Spring with an email address orders@livingwellabc.com and a phone number (301) 572-0700; found using a Google search, that is all I know.

  9. Hello,

    I am trying to utilize the NKJV version under Bible texts when reviewing the lesson study. Unfortunately, it only shows KJV and ASV, even though I keep selecting to change to NKJV. Is this an issue on this website or a user problem where I may need additional assistance?

    • The Bible version you select should show up when you hover over or click on a Bible text. However, the "Bible Texts" on the menu are a separate feature: It is the full selection of texts used in a particular lesson. Due to copyright issues, we are restricted to using Bible versions in the public domain.

      Does that clear things up?

  10. Just wanted to tell you there is a date Miss print, or typo for the inside story. The story about the Armenian family holding Sabbath service in their living room, which so far as I have read is a great story, it says August 23, 2024, which hasn’t happened until tomorrow. It was a little confusing when I first read it.
    Edit and PS
    Just realized what you might be doing. I apologize.
    I realized tomorrow is Friday the 23rd.
    I am new to this site. You may be posting one day ahead of time which kind of makes sense.

    • Jimmy, you got it! We publish lessons a day ahead so that readers on the other side of the dateline get them in time.

      Welcome to our blog! We hope to see many more comments from you. Just be sure to read the Comment Guide Lines which ask you to give us a first and last name, among other things. 😊

  11. The Middle East Publishers link for Sabbath School lessons really hasn't changed much.



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