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Adventist Pioneer Writings

Adventist Issues  Church Governance and History | The Trinity

Apocalypse (Revelation) Resources

Bible Page

(Still under construction.) Includes information about translations and where to buy Bibles in various translations. Includes a page about The New Living Translation Bible, a mix of brief review and links to buy your own copy.

Bible Bookshelf Companion Books from Older Lessons

Books of the Bible Resources

Creation Science Resources
Here you’ll find links to science resources, including books, based on the creation model. If you want assurance that Genesis tells the true history of this planet, you will find scientific evidence to support this belief. (No one can prove creation, and no one can prove evolution. The history of this planet is not science but philosophy for which we can find some evidence.)

Education Resources

End-time Resources

Family Resources

The lessons for the second quarter of 2019 are devoted to Family Seasons. In Family Resources you’ll find links to lots of practical advice on how to make your family a little heaven to go to heaven in.

Most links are to items at Amazon.com. (Anything you purchase through a link on our site, including the home page of Amazon.com, will generate a small fee for us, without costing you a penny extra. It’s a win-win.) Others may be linked to Abebooks.com, seller of used books. (Lots of treasures there.)

Holy Spirit and Spirituality 

Making Friends for God 

Sometimes we call it “witnessing,” and it sounds a bit old-fashioned and stuffy, but we know we ought to do it. But what about looking at it as “making friends for God”?  Check out our recent page for fresh ideas on how to make friends for God. 

Mission Adventures

Mission stories old and new. If you have read any of these, please submit a review or comment on the page.

On Death, Dying and the Future Hope

Rest in Christ Resources    

Role of the Church in the Community

  1. Sabbath School Lesson with some extra resources
  2. More References for the Church in the Community

Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies

Remember that quarterly you’d like to take another look at? You may be surprised at what quarterlies are still available in Kindle format.

Sabbath and Feast Days

It’s probably no surprise that we have a serious resources on the Sabbath and Feast days.


Christian stewardship means managing what God has entrusted to us: Our time, our money, our bodies, our influence, as well as our possessions. In this section you will find resources on these topics

Looking for Used Book Bargains or rare used books? Find them at Abebooks.com.

Another place to find Christian books or bibles is ChristianBook.com.
And, of course, there’s always the AdventistBookCenter.com .

If you would like to review some books for other Sabbath School Net visitors, please let us know, through our contact form.


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If your eyes are not as good as they used to be, you’ll love the adjustable/larger print, and if you like reading in bed, you’ll find a Kindle reader easier to manage than a paper book. 

Page prepared by Inge Anderson, publisher of Sabbath School Net



Sabbath School Net Store — 15 Comments

  1. this site is frustrating me tonight. I am supposed to lead the adult sabbath school class this week. In the past I had access to the teacher's quarterly which, in addition to lessons had aims and directions for focus. On this site all I seem to get is a series of blogs. where is the quarterly?

  2. Thanks for bringing this closer to us but is there anyway someone can get a free download of the Sabbath School lesson?

  3. How can i connect weekly with people around the world @Ssnet as they will be studying and commenting the adult lesson online?

    • I have to say that the best Powerpoint are the ones that you do yourself. I looked as some Sabbathshool lesson PowerPoints recently and they were so complicated the lesson was peripheral to the display. People tend to put too much information on PP presentations. I have taught PP presentation techniques for many years and one thing I like to tell my students in the KIS (Keep it Simple) principle. A couple of slides with material for discussion is better than a whole lot of slides. If you would like somewhere to start, take a few points from Joyce Griffith's "Discussion Starters" and Michael Fracker's "Teaching Plan" published here. Both have more than enough material to make a good lesson presentation.

  4. Question please!
    Please supply if available the EG White for the Sabbath School Lessons "How To Interpret The Scriptures. Thank You.

    Lloyd Thomas

  5. Hello
    This is marvelous! May the Lord reward your efforts in providing such rich resources to His children.
    I would like to access PDF format of the EGW comments on the study guides even previous weeks and quarters, might you be of help?

    Warm regards,

  6. I would like to continue receiving daily sabbath school lessons, I used to receive but I don't know what happened, any help please?


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