Thursday: A Classless Society
Perhaps the most socially attractive feature of primitive Christianity was the absence of class distinctions. Dividing walls had crumbled beneath the gospel’s weight. The common person triumphed through Christ. Christ transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary. Carpenters, tax collectors, stonecutters, queens, domestic servants, priests, Greeks, Romans, men, women, wealthy, and the destitute all became equals within Christ’s kingdom of grace. In reality, the Christian community was to be a classless society.
What do each of the following texts teach about our common humanity? Considering the cultural background of the time, and of the Bible writers themselves, why might it not have been so easy for them to grasp this crucial concept?
Read Acts 2:43-47, Acts 4:32-37. In what ways did early Christians apply, in practice, the principle of universal acceptance? How did the notion that God loves ordinary, everyday people enable the explosive expansion of primitive Christianity? At the same time, we need to ask ourselves, How well do we, individually and collectively, apply these principles to the ways in which we minister to the world? What kind of things hold us back from doing better in this important area?

They sold all that they had and brought all to share with the brethren. Everybody was equally treated, no any form of partiality existed. No one had anything of their own. All their riches, societal status, religious position, etc were put aside. And God Himself was the focus of everyone's attention. What a lesson! This calls for a review of our lives. With all the properties we own, money in investment, businesses we run, positions in the various companies we work in and in Government, it's really difficult if not impossible not to lose focus of our main target. May God help us
Let us not forget, God does not dishonor riches because my bible tells about my foreparents who were very rich people. Job was the richest man in the East in his days. Solomon was the richest man and king, and all the others before and after.
But it is the love of money that makes a different. When we read from Spirit of Prophecy we read that those who had more than one house, some sold what they had to start the church. The church was at its baby stage at that time, now it is not.
I leave everyone to the Holy Ghost to speak to people's heart as to what to do with their money and riches. The same Holy Ghost that was working in those days of the early church is still working in these days. If anyone gets a chance to read about the "Judgment" in Spirit of Prophecy and we will see and ask our selves how do we stand before a Holy God?
Most people don't think that is necessay to be Christian. They think that doing what is right that is what matters. We have to pray more sincerely so God can demonstrate the contrary.......God Bless
A personal look at Acts2:43-47; and i ask myself if it were possible to have such assembly and inter-dependency amongst today's Christians? When all have sold their lands, and property and is shared among everyone, maybe a large portion to the "apostle", who will bring in the next batch?
Beside, the pursuit of materialism and larger than life attitude of the ministers today has become a cause for mistrust of funds from members.
David, God asks extraordinary things of people at extraordinary times. He does not ask the same thing of all people at all times.
I suspect the time will come again when those who have possessions will be asked to sell them to give the proceeds to the work of the Lord. The key now is to recognize that we are stewards of the Lord's goods and be ready to use them for His purposes whenever He calls.
To love without seeking return, and care for others. To sacrifice self in preference to supplying anothers need. To follow the example of Jesus Christ. This goal is what we ought to seek. By this Jesus says you will be known as my disciple.
"The encounters of Jesus" What did Christ possess that people long to be healed? What did His ministry say that brought the throngs of the blind ,lame,and broken? John 17:3;"and this is life eternal,that they might know thee the only true God,and Jesus Christ,whom thou has sent."Our Lord and Savior Jesus was acting on the very principle of His actions(character)of the Father. No partiality. The Lord knows what we need, if we forsake all as thee early apostles then the mulitiplying of the saints being saved today for the kingdom "will be a sweet smelling aroma unto Our GOD."blessings"
God should really help us, i wonder how many people can leave their possessions, jobs and public positions for the sake of the word of God. The bible says the field is big but the laborers are few. make your decision now and take your position. God is faithful and just, He will take care of us no matter what, as He promised in His word.
Does the counsel of James 2:1-9 relate in any way to the common practice in churches of showing particular favor to people of substance, identifying them for special praise and acknowledgement from the pulpit and special seats at potluck, in some cases to curry favor in return? This may be more evident with people of social wealth than material possesions, but is there a difference in principle? Maybe it does not really apply in such cases, but when and where does it in practical terms?
What do we make of James 2:9 which indicates that partiality is a sin? Could it be the message is more far reaching than it appears?
The Gospel is the great equalizer. Most of us like to think there is something special about us. The same testing truth of Luke 14:25-27 comes to all of us, no matter what job, class, education, etc. We chose to accept our death in Christ or not.
We have in the United States areas where there is much tax subsidized
housing where the snow is shoveled, the heat and hot water is free, the rent is low and these people buy new cars and their kids go on cruises. They live as middle class. There have been many "poor" people I have worked with and lived among that are proud and know it all.
I have lived and worked among the rich and wealthy and there are kind, giving and caring. They have their own pride.
Both classes need the good news of their need of Christ. Someday we will look at both classes with the same kind of love and need for Christ. We still have a way of distinction and I see it when certain people come into the church to visit and how we talk about and treat certain people. May God help us all to have the same love for all.
Our economically stratified society is made possible in large part by wide practice of usury. Comments addressing usury are to be found in Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. It would appear that we have strayed far from the principles found there.