We Are Brothers – Muslim Adventist Connection in BC
Former Muslim religion teacher, now a deacon in the Cornerstone Seventh-day Adventist church, Abbas believes that all Adventists are Muslims, because being a Muslim means being “submitted to God.” And when you are Muslim and learn of the Seventh-day Adventist faith, you have no choice except to become an Adventist.
In this interview of Abbas by Wayne Culmore, our beloved British Columbia Conference president, please look for ways to understand the Muslim mind better. Since Abbas was a religious teacher in Islam, he has a deep understanding of the Muslim mind, and he points the way for us to come close to Muslim people so that we may share the Good News of the Gospel with them.
Please keep in mind Pastor Culmore’s focus, “How do we, as Adventists, reach our Muslim brethren?” as you watch this conversation between him and Abbas.
[October 5, 2014 Note: We will not be publishing any more comments about what is wrong with Muslims and Islam, because that is not the topic of this post. However, we would be delighted to publish experiences and or suggestions regarding coming close to Muslim people or others who do not believe as we do.]