Sabbath: The Covenant
Read for This Week’s Study: Gen. 9:1-17; Gen. 12:1-3; Gal. 3:6-9, Gal. 3:15-18; Exodus 24:1-18; Jer. 31:31-34; 1 Cor. 11:24-26.
Memory Text: ‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah’
(Jeremiah 31:31, NIV).
Although the Bible speaks of covenants
in the plural (Rom. 9:4, Gal. 4:24), there is only one basic covenant, the covenant of grace, in which God bestows salvation upon fallen beings who claim it by faith. The idea of plural covenants
arises from the various ways God has restated the essential covenant promise in order to meet the needs of His people in different times and settings.
But whether it’s the Adamic covenant (Gen. 3:15), the Abrahamic covenant (Gen. 12:1-3, Gal. 3:6-9), the Sinaitic covenant (Exod. 20:2), the Davidic covenant (Ezek. 37:24-27), or the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-33), the idea is the same. The salvation God provides is a gift, unmerited and undeserved, and the human response to that gift-in a sense, humanity’s holding up its side of the deal-is faithfulness and obedience.
The first mention of the New Covenant is in Jeremiah, in the context of Israel’s return from exile and the blessings that God would grant them. Even amid calamity and trouble, the Lord extends to His wayward people the offer of hope and restoration.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, December 12.

I find it interesting that God says that the days were coming when He would make a new covenant with two specific groups,
1.The people of Israel, and
2.The people of Judah.
The Northern tribes had, for the main part, long been scattered and absorbed into the world. These had no literal Temple. Today God has people in "Babylon" doesn't He? He also has people in the world who make no profession of Christianity. I'm wondering whether, by including the "house of Israel" and "the house of Judah" in the new covenant, God refers, effectively, to a visible church and to an "invisible" church. One making a profession [an outward claim,] to Christianity, one making no claim to it.
One group is 'advantaged' inasmuch as they have the Word of God, and that they may "grow thereby" (1Peter 2:2), the other group is without this resource. But both "houses" have the Law of God written in their hearts and minds, and God claims them both as His.
Why is there a need for a new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31) or multiple covenants (Romans 9:4; Ephesians 2:12)? Is the All-wise God setting up flawed covenants only to discover they are unworkable and in need of renegotiation or revision? Could the All-knowing One be engaged in a quest of trial and error? (Isaiah 46:10)
The Creator who became Redeemer had it right from the beginning. The Everlasting Covenant which was in place before mankind sinned and will be in effect after sin is eradicated bonds and binds the creature in loving obedience to the Creator.
Originally the Heavenly Father provided sustaining grace (the power) on one side and humans were to respond with commitment or loyalty on the other (Genesis 2:15-17). The two parties were under obligations required by love and contract (agreement) as in a marriage. It was never okay then; nor is it now to be so loving as to love any other in the same way there was love for God (Exodus 20:3-6). It will not be okay in the New Earth where the Father will also provide sustaining grace (power).
The Covenant was breached and therefore invalidated by mankind (Genesis 3:6-11) in the beautiful Garden called Eden, the site of the holy union (matrimony). So it had to be renewed by the innocent One who was still interested in a perfect union, but now with an additional provision of saving grace (the pardon) to address the violation (Genesis 3:15).
All other covenants and arrangements were made subordinate and to support the one Everlasting Covenant, to teach important lessons and to point back to the main deal. The covenants are not flawed, but the people who break them are. Whenever mankind proves unfaithful there is a need for renewal, a new covenant experience which provides another chance to make the marriage work.
Ultimately it will work; for a remnant, the redeemed of all ages will reunite with the Redeemer in the beautiful Garden called Eden to celebrate the grand wedding (Revelation 21:2; 22:1-5).
Wonder why this God peoples worship the baals along ago..Then,forgot the Lord God which makes miracle and speaks through their prophets.What the special about this baals which can't speaks,eats or moving?
The question could be asked today as well. Why are people who have a knowledge of God distracted by the lesser gods of wealth, possessions and pleasure-seeking. We are no better than the ancients.
While I hear what you are saying, I fear we place undo emphasis on it. Certainly we can neglect God by being "distracted" by other things. But to compare that to the overt worship of a false deity and the literal making of god in our image (idol) seems to me beyond reason. One is benign neglect, the other overt rebellion. I think we do a disservice by equating them as if they were of equal consequence.
Many have excused themselves from rendering their gifts to the service of Christ, because others were possessed of superior endowments and advantages.
[moderator's note: Please include the source of your quote; this one is from "Steps to Christ" by Ellen White]
Let us contains praise to Him who is great our Lord.
While grace is certainly the basis for all of the covenants, there are yet major differences between the covenants. One of the most important is with whom God makes the covenant. The "new covenant" is made with those who are of faith, who open their hearts that the law may be written there, not with the whole world as was the covenant revealed to Noah.
At times it makes me go into tears for the numerous shame ive caused Christ all the time I breach the covenant. As I sing this song Chief os sinners though I be and Burdens are lifted at calvary. I long to be at Jesus feet and remain in a covenant with Him.