HomeSSLessons2016a Rebellion and Redemption2016a DailyFriday: Further Thought – Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs    


Friday: Further Thought – Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs — 3 Comments

  1. Despite all the challenges we are facing, everything stolen by satan will be restored by the blood of Jesus Christ.

  2. Life on this earth rarely, if ever, goes as planned. Yet, in spite of the sinfulness that prevails in our lives, there is forgiveness and blessing for any who accept by faith the wonderful provisions of God through Christ. The life of service is the way of life in the heavenly realm, and there is wonderful joy to be found in such a life, even in this world. This is the preparedness needed to gain the life to come, and without this service here and now, the life of study and prayer will degenerate into a meaningless existence as with all who reject the Gift of Life in favor of the pleasures of sin for a season. Service is the result of true study and prayer, for it is the life imparted by grace which will reflect the Divine nature in all who are transformed into His likeness.


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