Sunday: The Title of the Book
Read Revelation 1:1-2. What is the significance of the full title of the book? What does the title teach us in terms of whom the book is really about?
Revelation 1:1 states the title of the book as “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”. The word “revelation” comes from the Greek word apokalupsis (apocalypse), which means “uncovering” or “unveiling”. The Apocalypse is an unveiling of Jesus Christ; it is both fromJesus and about Him. While it came from God through Jesus Christ (Rev. 22:16), the book testifies that Jesus also is the focus of its contents. The Apocalypse is His self-revelation to His people and an expression of His care for them.
Jesus is the central figure of Revelation. The book begins with Him (Rev. 1:5-8) and concludes with Him (Rev. 22:12-16). “Let Daniel speak, let the Revelation speak, and tell what is truth. But whatever phase of the subject is presented, uplift Jesus as the center of all hope, ‘the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright and morning Star’”. – Ellen G. White, Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 118.
Also, the Jesus of the Apocalypse is the Jesus of the four Gospels. Revelation continues the description of Jesus and His work of salvation on behalf of His people as first depicted in the Gospels. The book of Revelation focuses on different aspects of His existence and ministry. Essentially, it begins where the Gospels end, with Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into heaven.
Together with the Epistle to the Hebrews, Revelation emphasizes Jesus’ heavenly ministry. It shows that, after His ascension, Jesus was inaugurated into His royal and priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. Without Revelation or Hebrews, our knowledge of Christ’s high priestly ministry in heaven in behalf of His people would be very limited. And yet, besides Hebrews, the book of Revelation provides us with a unique look into the ministry of Jesus Christ in our behalf.
Read John 14:1-3. How does the very broad promise here help us better understand what Jesus is doing for us in heaven right now? What hope can we draw from this wonderful promise? |

I had a little déjà vu moment this morning. I opened my online Bible to copy this passage for my comment and it turned out to be the quote of the day before I looked it up. This is one of the first passages of scripture that I memorized. Quite frankly I am glad that I learned it at such an early age, because it is one passage of scripture that I have come to appreciate because there is so much meaning packed into a small space.
This morning I noticed the last sentence; “that where I am, there ye may be also.” The implication is that the disciples had enjoyed their experience with Jesus and would want it to continue. Jesus was offering an open invitation to the continuation of that relationship. All this came hard on the heels of an argument about who the greatest would be in the new kingdom.
The disciples had much to learn but the willingness to learn was still there even in their fractured relationship with one another. I think this is a fitting transition in our own discussion into the study for this coming quarter. The book is entitled by John as, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, and its study has the potential to strengthen our relationship with Jesus.
that where I am, there ye may be also. Jesus did not say "where I am, there ye shall or will be but MAY be He said. It is a matter of choice. Freedom of choice is what we are been given by our loving Creator. He forces no one but gives us that maximum respect to always choose. Therefore the choice is ours to welcome His invitation or reject His beautiful offer. God help us
The title of the book Revelation tells us It's all about Jesus.
Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled."
I am in heaven representing you.
I did not stop when I died for you at the cross.
What is Jesus doing today. What would be done in the future. How it will all end is revealed in the book of Revelation.
The work of Jesus Christ.
Jesus's unconditional love, unfailing love; always being displayed to us, regardless of our sinful human nature. He was there in the creation week, He was there in the garden of Eden when His own creation sinned, He personally came on earth for our salvation, He is in heaven at the right of God still working on our salvation; and He is revealing Himself in the book of Revelation, still for the sake of our salvation.
Hep us Lord to understand these mysteries as they are revealed in this book. Let the Holy Spirit give us an understanding of the prophecies and help us prepare for your soon coming.
If revelation means" uncovering" why is the book Of revelation full of symbols?
To uncover is to say 666 is so and so, the beast from the sea is so and so, the church in Ephesus is so and so etc. If Jesus revealed himself this way, what could have happened?
Do you think if the book of revelation was not symbolic people and even Satan himself could have tampered with the truth?
When uncovering this truth should we uncover it all without fear or should we leave covered the sensitive ones?
That brings to the front Deuteronomy 29:29. The 1st part. What are Gods secrets that we don’t need to know? I believe that He revealeth thinks to those who sutdy and show themselves approved unto God. But He still has mysteries we leave to Him. Now your question as I understand it(should we leave the sensitive one covered?). Yes and no. Depends on how acquainted you are with who you are talking. Now if they ask you your belief, then you should give them your belief, or interpretation if you will. Now if I don’t know if or don’t remember,I say, I will get back with you on that, thus saving imbarrisment later. But no, I don’t cover sensitive interpretations. Would I cover the truth about the state of the dead, the Sabbath, the Three Angels Message, the Righteousness of Jesus, the Spirit of Prophecy? No! Again these may not be appropriate on 1st contact. 1st contact I may not even be able to share love, grace, peace, hope, and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ. Depends on their interest. You could spawn their interest by giving them a Great Contrversy or Desire of Ages book on 1st contact, and telling them what Christ means to you and has done for you. Why not give them a Bible? It may be appropriate, if they don’t have one, yes. Most Americans either have, or have access to one. Most Americans have a smart phone and have access to a free app of the Bible. Our books or pamphlets point them to the Bible. Do I think that if the book of Revelation was not symbolic Satan and people led by Satan and people influenced by him would have more fodder to to distort the truth, yes, that is what the disciples were told by Christ. He said something down that line. You understand because you have Me and I am sending you the Holy Spirit when I am gone.
Very relevant lesson study this quarter as the book of Revelation tells us more of what JESUS is doing for us.
Brother Staubyn, I am very happy that Jesus is engaged in His heavenly ministry for all of us who live in this period of time. This book, Revelation, presents Him as our mediator and coming king!
Jesus' priestly ministry is not reconciling God the Father to us but reconciling us to Him, revealing the Father to us by revealing Himself to us because if we know Him we will know the Father because their characters are in harmony and they live by the same Principles of Life.
The study of The Revelation of Jesus Christ is so significant, I encourage everyone reading this post to prayerfully invite someone to join you as we pursue a greater knowledge and understanding of Christ's unending love for us.
I have enjoyed today's lesson with my wife and two kids, they went to bed with two words; apocalysis and revelation, though may young daughter(1yr 10 month), it is interesting when she speak them.
We thank God that he hide not any thing on us. But he want us to know him through his word.
Praise the Lord.
"The word “revelation” comes from the Greek word apokalupsis (apocalypse), which means “uncovering” or “unveiling”. The Apocalypse is an unveiling of Jesus Christ; it is both fromJesus and about Him. "
I absolutely agree with what the lesson has stated about Revelation being uncovering/unveiling via the interpretation/translation of the Greek word. And I agree that it is a revelation from Jesus that is about Jesus. However, it is also broader than this. It is a detailed revelation/unveiling about the Great Controversy including all parties who are part of and caught up in this saga. It is a revelation of how the controversy started, how it has played out, how it is going to continue to play out, and how it is going to end. Like the book of Job, it reveals what is going on behind the scenes - and it is a reliable and trustworthy revelation of such. We can absolutely trust that it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
And I would propose that God's/Jesus revelation and His judgement are one in the same essential phenomenon. If I keep in mind Isa 55:9 and look at texts such as 1 Cor 4:5 and John 3:18-21, I find that God's judgement is in fact a process of revelation.
There is a latin phrase used in law that in English translates "the evidence speaks for itself". This is the reality that I believe God's higher way of 'judging' operates upon. All God needs to do is to reveal - to bring everything out into the Light of day (as per Jn 1:4,5; 3:19; 1 Cor 4:5) - in order to display how cause has naturally led to effect.
The Greek word translated judge is krino. The most pure translation of this word means "to distinguish". While it has most typically been portrayed that this 'distinguishing' comes because God determines, in keeping with the notion of 'the evidence speaking for itself', this distinguishing can equally be achieved via unveiling/revealing of what is - revealing of truth. This is consistent with what is being stated in 1 Cor 4:5, for example.
Thus, I believe there is a biblically-valid case for God's judgement (including the final judgement) being a process of revelation-based declaration (ie diagnosis) rather than the more typically portrayed process of determination.
Rather than God determining who is saved and who is not, I would propose that the Bible actually supports that He instead reveals all the details (evidence) that shows cause and effect. Most fundamentally, this cause and effect would be those who have hardened their hearts in self-based living will have lived a life of 'lawlessness' (1 Jn 3:4) and therefore disconnected themselves from that which is necessary to sustain life. On the other hand, those who have had their hearts recreated and renewed back to self-renouncing love, the most fundamental 'law'/principle of abundant life, will reap that abundant, eternal life. Psalm 1 in essence traces this same cause and effect distinction.
As we study Revelation this quarter, I believe much more can be seen by keeping in mind that God's revelation and judgement are conceptually one-in-the-same phenomenon. That is why I believe that the book of Revelation is a revelation by Jesus regarding all aspects pertaining to the Great Controversy from start to finish. This is how I believe God and His Law/Ways will be 'vindicated': the evidence will speak for itself.
Phil van der Klift, A wonderful presentation on the introduction to the book of Revelations.
Praise God.
I'm looking forward to this lesson.
I am so thankful and excited about this quarter's lesson on 'The book of Revelation'. I have learned a lot just by studying the first lesson. However, I need some help regarding who delivered the 'Revelation of Christ' to John? Revelation 1:1 (NKJV) says that John received the message through an angel but the quarterly states that Jesus visited John personally. I have looked up SDA commentary but didn't understand. Please help me.
I'm new to this blog and am excited about participating in discussing the Sabbath School Lesson. Thank you.
Hi Milton and welcome to the ssnet community.
The introduction to the lesson stated "he had a special visit from Jesus Christ..." I can see how the way it is stated could lead people to conclude that this is implying that John was visited personally. However, the bible is the more accurate report to go by.
Perhaps the lesson should have stated that John had a special vision from Jesus Christ.
I hope this helps your understanding.
Thank you Phil. That surely helped my understanding.
John's book is also a Revelation of the book of Daniel. Daniel's book was sealed till the time of the end, "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Daniel 12:4 and in Revelation 10 when we reach the end of the 2300 days and the time of the end, Daniels book is now opened. "I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. 2 He had a little book open in his hand." Revelation 10:1-2.
Yes, Jesus the Christ, who is now the heavenly high priest, figures largely in the Revelation as the One who is the focus of all who exercise faith in Him, who is the Blessed Hope for His people. It is He who unveils the events that “must shortly come to pass”, for He has been given all power. For all who place His will above their own, He will reveal the truth of this Revelation of/from God sent through Him.
This is the same Jesus revealed in all scripture(John 5:39), and in this Revelation He is seen fulfilling the Word of God concerning His work in the heavens as foretold in the types and by the prophets.
The “place” Jesus prepares for us is also mentioned in Zechariah 3:7, and requires us to exercise faith in His power to justify/sanctify, that He might bring us to the inheritance promised for “all them which are sanctified”.