Resources for Current and Past Sabbath School Study Topics

Family Resources

The lessons for the second quarter of 2019 are devoted to Family Seasons. In Family Resources you’ll find links to lots of practical advice on how to make your family a little heaven to go to heaven in.

Most links are to items at (Anything you purchase through a link on our site, including the home page of, will generate a small fee for us, without costing you a penny extra. It’s a win-win.) Others may be linked to, seller of used books. (Lots of treasures there.)

1 and 2 Peter Resources (2017b)

Apocalypse (Revelation) Resources (2019a)

End-time Resources

Holy Spirit and Spirituality

Holy Spirit and Spirituality Resources (2017a)

The Gift of Prophecy Resources (2009a)

Paul’s Epistles

Resources on Galatians | Romans | Apostolic Church | Modern Takes | Bible Interpretation

Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies

Remember that quarterly you’d like to take another look at? You may be surprised at what quarterlies are still available in Kindle format.


Christian stewardship means managing what God has entrusted to us: Our time, our money, our bodies, our influence, as well as our possessions. In this section you will find resources on these topics
