HomeDailyWednesday: The Freewill Defense    


Wednesday: The Freewill Defense — 1 Comment

  1. The notion that God can do anything is not quite true. Consider this question: "Can God build a stone so large he cannot lift it." The issue is that the question creates a logical contradiction. We should consider the creation of intelligent beings in the same light. To create intelligent loving beings and not give them the power of choice is a contradiction.

    The discussion by C S Lewis referenced in today's lesson study is quite right.

    The question of intelligence and free choice has resurfaced in our discussions of Artificial Intelligence and while the current AI entities are quite smart, they are essentially statistical search engines. The ethicists among us though forsee the problem arising where AI entities may cross the boundary and start thinking for themselves and making free choices. The issue is the boundary is quite blurry and is compounded by political and commercial control. Some of the discussion about AI ethics has made us aware of the roots of the problem of evil. (I might add a link to some Christian discussion sites on this later.)


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