HomeDailyThursday: The Nature of the Cosmic Conflict    


Thursday: The Nature of the Cosmic Conflict — 2 Comments

  1. God, in His wisdom, allows time for His character to be fully revealed and contrasted with Satan’s deception. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus serve as the ultimate revelation of God’s love, proving Satan’s accusations false. In the end, the truth about God’s character will be so evident that all creation will recognize His righteousness, leading to the final defeat of evil—not by coercion, but by the undeniable power of truth and love.

  2. When we think of cosmic conflict we probably envisage something like you see in Star Wars with bright flashing phasor explosions and anti-matter tornados. That comes from watching too much TV. Perhaps a better temporal example is the bitterness between Oppenheimer and Truman over the use of nuclear energy.

    Oppenheimer was deeply affected by the destructive power of the atom bomb and wanted a non-destructive demonstration of its power, followed by international controls to prevent them being used in warfare. Truman on the other hand wanted an active demonstration against a civilian population to end the war and a show of strength against the Soviet Union. Truman considered Oppenheimer a moralist cry-baby and refused to listen to him.

    In the aftermath of the war, Oppenheimer was vilified and virtually shut out of the decision-making process. His story is probably one of the darkest chapters in the conflict between scientific achievement and moral responsibility in the twentieth century.

    That is the sort of conflict I envisage when I think of the war in heaven. Morality versus power. On the one hand we have God with the idea of love, care and responsibility and Lucifer calling God a “cry-baby” and vilifying him. In the story of the fall, we see Satan again portraying God as the villain, holding something useful back from his human creation and himself as the one that offers to enlighten them.


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