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Monday: The Dragon of Revelation — 6 Comments

  1. The Bible identifies the dragon as Satan, the devil, and the greatest enemy of God’s people (Revelation 12:9). What are the attributes or characteristics of the dragon? The Bible identifies the following as the core attributes of the dragon:

    1. A deceiver - (Revelation 12:9, John 8:44)

    2. An accuser of God’s people - (Revelation 12:10)

    3. An oppressor of God’s people - (Revelation 12:13)

    4. An enemy of God's Commandment keepers - (Revelation 12:17)

    5. Desires to usurp God’s power – (Isaiah 14:13-14)

    6. Give power to the Beast (evil world leaders)- (Revelation 13:2)

    It is miserable to note that even we who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ exhibit the same characteristics as the dragon (deception and lies, false accusers, persecutors of fellow brethren, desire for power and control, and wage war against God’s people). The spirit of the dragon is active and alive in the world today, but there is good news, the dragon is a defeated foe through the blood of Jesus Christ and the truth found in the Word of God.

    “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death” - Revelation 12:11 (RSV).

  2. We are a bit short of dragons in Australia but we have crocodiles. Anywhere north of the Tropic of Capricorn where there is water connected to the sea you have to be wary of crocodiles. There are red and yellow signs in public areas where crocodiles are likely to be but there are lots of areas where the population is too sparse to put up signs and you need to be aware yourself. Crocodiles can be very big. I have a photo of Carmel standing beside the life sized replica of one in Normanton, Queensland. She could be swallowed whole!

    Crocodiles are intelligent hunters. They hunt by careful observation and you are often not aware of their presence until they suddenly leap out of the water and grab their prey. In the Northern Territory, there is a river ford known as Cahill's Crossing, where there have been several deaths, usually of people who think they know a lot about crocodiles.

    In many ways, I can replace the imagery of the dragon in Revelation with a crocodile and get a similar spiritual understanding. I remind myself that we Seventh-day Adventists have made the prophetic understanding of the dragon our business. We like to map out where it has been and what it has done. I mentioned earlier that many of the people killed by crocodiles thought they knew a lot about them. Maybe they did, but they placed themselves in a position where, possibly fuelled with a bit of "I have a sound knowledge of crocodiles" bravado, they could be attacked by crocodiles . Crocodiles do not ask their victims how much they know. As long as a crocodile is alive it can still bite.

    We know how it ends:

    And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, ... Rev 20:1,2 KJV

    ... but in the meantime, we have to be dragon-aware and in the safety of God's love.

  3. We need to develop trust in God now. Today is the opportunity to know the God Who loves us to the point of death! By doing this, even with the Revelation of many future things given to us, no anxiety should prevail, just the certainty of a Father who takes care of every detail.

  4. At times, I find myself questioning why God allows events that seem so contrary to His will and why He doesn’t directly correct wrongdoers with audible messages. I believe this restraint stems from the “rules of engagement” He has established with the devil to address sin. Imagine if we were required to constantly receive direct, audible communications from the supernatural—both good and evil—as we navigated our daily lives; the experience would be utterly overwhelming.

    Instead, God chooses to communicate with us through more accessible means. He speaks through His written Word, the beauty and order of nature, the stirring of our conscience, the counsel of people in our lives, and even through common sense. These channels provide gentle yet effective guidance for our decision-making, while reserving direct supernatural communication as a measure of last resort.

  5. Satan has had more than 6000 years to perfect his craft. In the cosmic conflict that we are engaged in, I don't stand a chance. I'm not smart enough to whip the devil. This battle is different than any ever waged. Our strategy is the opposite of what has happened in any other conflict. The battle is not mine.... so I need to surrender. Normally this wouldn't make sense. However by surrendering to the only one that can win the battle - I win. Jesus tells us, "Without Me you can do nothing." The greatest battle we will ever fight is the "battle against self", one of surrender.

  6. We are living in the time where we have to be vigilant and pray for guidance. The enemy is out to deceive the whole world even the elected ones. ("In Revelation 13:8) "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."
    The dragon is not only against God but also going after the people of God. I pray for all of our sanit to watch and pray.


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