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Nave’s Topical Bible
Nave’s Topical Bible, the best known of all topical bibles, has been a valuable Bible-study reference and a best-seller for more than 75 years. It is a comprehensive digest of over 20,000 topics and subtopics with more than 100,000 associated Scripture references. The most significant references for each topic actually include the full text of the verse cited-saving the need to separately look up each verse.
Because Nave’s groups verses by “idea” (or “topic”), it offers a better overview of relevant Scriptures than a concordance, which only lists or indexes verses according to specific words. This edition also includes the helpful Scripture index (left out of some other editions), which makes it possible for the reader studying a particular biblical text to locate every topic and grouping of Scripture in Nave’s whenever a particular verse is included. That way, it is possible for the reader to study either all the verses related to a particular topic or all the topics related to a particular verse-it works both ways.
A “Topic” search can sometimes turn up a text whose exact wording you may not remember. All searches have an implicit wildcard before and after the topic searched.
You can also search BibleGateway by Topic by Clicking on this Text. |
Search Ellen White’s Writings
A new tab or window will open with the GOOGLE results of your search of the Ellen White Writings website.
Or you can go directly to the Ellen White Estate Search