02: The Origin and the Nature of the Bible – Discussion Starters
- The divine revelation of the Bible. “Holy men of God,” the apostle Peter boldly says, “spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:21). How was that like a conversation between God and those who wrote the Bible? How were people chosen to fill this role? Do you think the writers whose words comprise the Bible understood that their writings would be considered as divine? How do you and I benefit from these long-ago discussions between God and His chosen followers? How important is it for all of us to accept the divinity of the Bible? Or is the Bible too difficult to understand much
less follow?
- The process of inspiration. Was it a miracle, or a simple process of paying attention, that the words of Bible writers became essential in the belief system of Christians through the ages? Imagine asking a Bible writer such as Paul how he could he be sure that every word he wrote was inspired by God. How much praying do you think we should do while applying those messages to our Christian life? How can preachers of other faiths and belief systems claim to accept the Bible as the word of God but deny the truth of creation, the exodus, and the resurrection? As they speak falsehoods, do they seem sincere?
- The written word of God. Have you ever wondered why God had men and women put in writing those words of Scripture that were obviously intended for people in other generations? Couldn’t God’s people remember what God told His prophets without having the messages written down? Did God tell his writers to write–or was it their choice?
- The parallel between Christ and Scripture. How important was Christ’s written message to this fallen world? Imagine Jesus holding a series of evangelistic meetings at a prominent location and then saying “goodbye” to His people. Or imagine Him delivering His messages but not leaving any means by which human beings could understand them? How did our Savior combine the past with the present? How did He make His plan of salvation real to everyone through Scripture?
- Understanding the Bible in faith. Your lesson compares the faith of a child toward his or her parents that leads to understanding how to get along in life with the faith that the Bible can give is to assure us a place with God through eternity. How are you affected by the fact that the Seventh-day Adventist church stands alone in its acceptance of the 66 books of the Bible as the written word of God? What do you think is missing in the teachings of belief systems that claim to follow the Bible, but reject fundamental teachings such as the Sabbath, the state of the dead, the Second Coming and many more. Express your gratitude for each Biblical teaching that you find leads you closer to God. Now let’s share out gratitude!
Special Note. You might find time in your class on Sabbath to ponder what is happening in this world with the horrible pandemic that is killing millions. Can we endure this horrific event without a threat to our faith in Jesus? Do you think God sent this plague as punishment? Or did the devil send it as evidence of his power over us? Has God given us opportunity even in this frightening and painful event to cling to Him? Let’s pray for God’s power to rule in our lives and for Jesus to live in our hearts no matter what.

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