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06: Creation and the Fall – Teaching Plan — 8 Comments

  1. iam not questioning the justice of God but a kind of retrospect why the serpent has to be cursed considering that satan has used it as his medium.and iam certain that the serpent cannot resist the overwhelming power of satan thus he became the medium.

  2. They are both responsible for going against God's command, one was not more responsible than the other. They knew it was sin. Eve "took of the fruit thereof and ate, and gave also unto her husband WITH her; and he ate."

  3. When God does something it is well done, no questions about it. God is righteous and His works are works of righteousness. It is sometime incomprehensible to our feeble human mind, but if we were to understand everything about God, He would no longer be the supreme being He is.

  4. engaging in an ungodly act, whether you are the instigator or being have been approached by Satan's agent. you will pay the same price at judgement. we need to be vigilant.

  5. Thanks for mailing lesson teaching plans and other supporting informations. I do enjoy and it does help in the thought process
    step by step.

  6. What struck me was the ease with which Eve converse with the serpent. Did she have the habit of talking to animals? If that happens to be the case, then it seems like the enemy took advantage of Eve was used to doing. She was victim of her habits. The question that comes in mind is that why is a perfect world created by a loving and caring God, would God allow Satan to come to the garden in disguise to take advantage of his beloved creatures both the serpent and Eve?

  7. Allou, your question on why God allowed Satan to take advantage of his beloved creatures has puzzled me also for many weeks now. Aside from giving us choice from the get go, God knowing what our history was to turn out to be, giving us the first promise right there and then of sending Jesus later on to pay for all sin as it continued until enough is enough and sin is no more, showing the universe and other worlds by using us as examples in his plan to put down insurrection, that humans are worth rescuing, still throws up the question "Why"? There is the thought that if God was heavy handed and disposed of Lucifer (satan) and his rebellious associates (got rid of the problem) what would the rest of creation and other worlds' reaction be to God fear and trembling? I can only think of a parent child relationship. You have a baby and you feel unconditional love and their dependancy wanting to give them a good life wishing them to be prosperous but most of all unconditionally to love you back. When they sart to make their own choices you are proud when they do well not so proud of their failures both reflect back we think on us as parents and how we guided and shaped them even knowing the mistakes are learnt from too. In the garden God also gave us free choice without it our relationship with him would have been robotic, one sided, unable to develop fully, the tide would be going just one way. Would we have discovered or have been able to truly develop the capacity to love unconditionally as is God's love for us without his gift of choice? How would it have been if Eve had thought no God has said not to eat the fruit he did have his reasons there is something odd about this snake and what he is saying? What would it have been like then living down through the ages in the garden of Eden, no death, sickness, pain, sorrow, sound familiar? All will be revealed: what happened happened we have a job to do for The Lord ie be the best we can be, feed his sheep, let him start the transformation on our hearts, minds and world around us that we may be worthy and fulfil our purpose here on earth in his honour.

  8. Who is responsible, Adam or Eve? is a question which misses the language of Genesis 1-3.

    We call 'the woman' in this episode Eve, but she did not receive that name until AFTER the fall. These details matter. The author of Genesis left nothing to chance. Until the fall, "the man" and "the woman" are considered one unit: what one does, they both do. We see the name Adam, and think of it as a name. But in Genesis 1, it is essentially 'Red,' after the color of the clay from which they were formed. Or, for that matter, we might as well refer to them both as "Clay." It is a clearer idea of what is going on here in Genesis.

    Once again, from the point of view of the audience of Genesis, there is no 'did he' or 'did she?' So did "Clay" speaks to the serpent, or did "Clay?" Yes.


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