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06: Creation and the Fall – Thoughts Starters — 13 Comments

  1. Is it at all possible to add some answers to the question in the lesson so the students can compare to see if heir though are on the right tract.

    • If you are prayerfully, carefully considering the possible answers and asking the Holy Spirit to guide you in your choices, you are doing everything you can do to keep on the right track.

  2. thank God for his his teachers thanks to ssnet.i do have questions how was Eve's temptation in Eden diffrent from Adam's? how did Adam react when GOD asked him if he had eaten from the tree?

  3. I believe that all temptations have one element in common that qualifies them as a temptation, and that is selfishness, or turning to ourselves rather than to God. When God asked Adam about eating from the tree, Adam said it was Eve’s fault. We’ve been blaming others for our sins ever since that day.
    Joyce Griffith

  4. Great lesson study guide. Got a few baffling questions. Firstly, at what point did sin entered the garden? was it as soon as satan showed up there, or was it after Eve ate the fruit? Secondly, How did satan know that God had commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge and evil? Was it mere coincidence that he was waiting for the Eden couple at that particular tree or was he randomly hanging out near a tree looking for an opportunity to tempt them? Inquiring mind would like to know.

    • Sin entered the World immediately Eve had lunch with the Devil. Of Eve withstood the deceit and overcame the evil one, there would have been no sin. Rev 12.9-12, the devil was cast down from Heaven and he has a great wrath for his time is but short. Eph 6.12, we are contending not against fresh and blood, but against principalities, spiritualities in high places, against rulers of darkness of this world. The devil is a spiritual being and is present in all corners of the earth at the same time. Chest told Hos Discipes that when HE ascended to the father, He would send another comforter who as we know is present at the same time in all parts of the world. Satan was thrown on earth after creation and Adma and Eve were already here. He had no difficulties knowing that God had given the holy couple the commandments on the tree as much as he had no difficulties getting to know the night Jesus was born in Bethlem.

  5. thanks for the great answers. Got one question though: Wat really was the reason for the snake to be cursed since it has no moral conscious? Did it have power to refuse to be used by the devil?

  6. The Bible contains several examples of creatures demonstrating intelligence, such as the donkey that spoke to Baalam, the animals that lined up to enter the ark, ravens that brought the prophet food, and more. God can speak through any creature He chooses,even animals and birds that do not have a moral conscience.

  7. Trying to answer br Francis. Sin is the transgression of God’s law. So we see that sin entered the garden when Adam and eve ate the fruit, breaking God’s law.
    Secondly, satan was aware about the command not to eat from the tee because then he had not yet been chased from heaven. Remember he was cast to earth, meaning earth had already been created. So he kept following Eve and he guessed she was dying of curiosity about the fruit, he just took advantage of that.

  8. In the biblical account of Genesis 2 and 3, never once was the word “sin” used. The quote from Gods word in Genesis 2:17 Gods message was not that if you sin. Rather, He describes what would happen if they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3 does not record God cursing man or woman.

    It is clear therefore that God was never acting in any severe way towards Adman and Eve. His words were more as sympathy towards their condition. “And the LORD God said unto the woman, what [is] this [that] thou hast done?” verse 13. And to the man he said “And unto Adam he said, because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed [is] the ground for thy sake…”

    Also, in the story Satan or the Devil was never referred to. Reference was made to the “serpent” and I have never seen the word “snake” in the Bible (KJV).

    Thus reading the texts without any biased of after thoughts or after-knowledge, we see God comforting Adam and Eve and perhaps protecting the Devil’s identity. It is clear that God’s character and trustworthiness was questioned both by the serpent and the human after their act. God had not changed towards mankind, rather mankind changed towards God.

    I believe Human’s redemption is based then on whether we find God worthy of our trust.Its not about our condition, its about the faithfulness of God. That is why Faith is the only requirement for Heaven.

  9. You are absolutely right that it was mankind who changed, not God. "I change not," He says, and we need to remember that. I especially like your point that God was there in a comforting role, not scolding and cursing his precious children. Thank you.

  10. We have no idea how long Adam and Eve lived in the garden until the serpent appeared to Eve. Eve shows no startlement when the snake starts talking, why. Did the other animals talk? I doubt it. Also Gen 3:6 says "she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband WITH HER and he ate..." We have always been taught that Adam was not with Eve and she later had him eat the fruit. Could not this verse be construed as saying Adam was there with her but the snake specifically spoke to Eve. I know there are a lot of ways we could construe the time period in there. But it could make you think. On the other hand thats what Satan wants us to do. Question, question.??


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