07: Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Prayer – Thought Starters
[Thought questions for Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Prayer May 12, 2015]
1. Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Why did Jesus, the Creator of the World, and our Savior, need to rely on the Holy Spirit in His ministry on earth? Or did He? Should it comfort us to study the close relationship between Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Is it possible for all of us to live as close to God as Jesus did to the Holy Spirit? How will we grow by such a relationship? Will we continue to grow in this way throughout eternity?
2. The prayer life of Jesus. Again we see a paradox revealed in the life of Christ: The Creator of the universe, bowing down in humility as He readies Himself to give His all to us. How can Christ’s example of prayer lead us to a more complete relationship with God? Of the six prayers of Jesus that are highlighted in this week’s study guide, which one would you select for having the greatest impact in your life? Can you share your experience?
3-4. The model prayer. The Lord’s Prayer, also known as the “model” prayer, is central to Christian belief. Why do you think the term, “father” is used to point to the leading power of the godhead? How do the words “in heaven” modify the meaning of this term? Do we have the ability as human beings to make God’s name holy? How do we do that? If we don’t have such an ability, not, what is the meaning of “Hallowed be thy name”? In this prayer Jesus applies the phrase “Thy kingdom come…” both to God’s coming into our hearts and to the coming of God’s kingdom in final glory. Which coming has the greatest value to God’s people today? Are you sure? How often are we able to turn to the eternal wonders of God while living in a sin-scarred world? In what way(s) is forgiveness a two-way street? God’s forgiveness has a blessing in addition to wiping away the memory of our faults. What is that blessing? If temptation is not sin, why are we guided to ask God to steer us from all temptation? How much of His power has God set aside to protect us from sin?
5. Luke’s way of leaning on prayer. Can you remember a time in your life when you prayed for days for a certain blessing or answer to your needs? Is it easier to craft the answer for your prayer than to focus on the prayer itself and your spiritual need? Would you get up in the middle of the night to give a friend some bread to consume because he’s hungry? Are there people praying today, even right now, for blessings you could help to bestow upon them? Will God help you reach out to others today and every day?

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