09: Jesus, the Master Teacher – Thought Starters
[Thought questions for Jesus, the Master Teacher May 26, 2015]
1. “And they were astonished at His teaching, for His word was with authority.” Luke 4:32. When did words spoken with authority last get your attention? Why were Jesus’ listeners so astonished? Can you and I also experience surprise as we absorb God’s Word? Where should that sense of surprise lead us? How does ignoring our Lord result in the following? “As they ceased to recognize the Divine, they ceased to regard the human.”
2. Jesus and His ultimate authority. What are some examples of Luke’s description of the authority of Jesus? “Jesus confronted everyone” your lesson points out. How could He ignore formal introductions or limit conversation to those already converted? Have you ever sold Christian books or gone door to door to strike up an interest in Bible studies? Can we borrow Jesus’ authority? How might the authority of Jesus help us make our relationships with others more uplifting?
3. Luke presents Christ’s greatest sermon. Not word for word the same as Matthew’s presentation, but thought for thought, as the Sermon on the Mount is intact in Luke? What is the “Christian Imperative” presented by Luke? How can we, in all honesty, think good thoughts or exercise good behavior toward those who show rude, pushy, or know-it-all traits of character? How much should you and I contemplate these essentials of living like a Christian in a rude and troublesome world? Or should we just let things happen?
4. A new family. If you grew up in a biologically intact family, you were probably very much like your mother and your father and any siblings. How is that different from the “family of God”? Is God’s “family” known for being alike? or being diverse? Can unity exist in a diverse family gathered in Christian love even with inherited differences? What sort of family bonds will we experience through eternity? As Christians, should we be known for breaking down differences or for protecting ourselves from those who are different from us?
5. Inheriting eternal life. Why did the attorney want to inherit rather than earn eternal life? Do you think that maybe he knew deep in his heart that eternal life is not something you can earn? Do we sometimes face the temptation to assume that wanting eternal life is all that matters? What else is needed? Was the attorney eager to demonstrate his faith? Why?
6. My neighbor? Is that tobacco-smoking, beer-drinking, foul-mouthed old man who lives three blocks down the street really my neighbor? How can that be? Well, what about that filthy man lying by the side of the road, obviously injured? Oh, it’s the same man. My neighbor. Here I’ll reach for my cell phone and call 911. Then I can forget about him.

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