09: Words of Truth – Thought Starters
Introduction. Are you comfortable with the idea that some of the proverbs in the Bible reflect sayings of the heathen? If not, why not? If the truth espoused by the ancient Egyptians corresponds with truth followed by Christians, should we not embrace that truth as well?
[Thought questions for Words of Truth February 24, 2015]
1. Knowledge of truth. How often do you find yourself nodding off to sleep during a sermon? Does staying awake assure you that you will catch the central theme and allow the message to enter your heart? Do you now and then hear people refer to the church as “the truth”? Besides understanding the concepts of your faith, what else is required for a deep heartfelt knowledge of truth from God? What should we watch out for in “belief by definition” or, “preaching by proof text”?
2. Robbing the poor. If it is scandalous and outside all Christian thinking to rob from the poor, are we justified in stealing from the rich when they have so much more wealth than they need? Is it easier to steal from the poor than the rich? Why? Is there some comfort in the prediction that thieves of all kinds will one day be brought to judgment and found guilty? How can your standards of honesty and right living make the Christian life worthwhile?
3. Being jealous of the wicked. Have you ever known or heard about people who were dishonest, scheming individuals who seemed to have everything? Isn’t it natural to be jealous of people who have what you need but can’t afford? Are we ever tempted to find something wrong with the rich in our community or church so that we could stop wishing we could be like them? In God’s sight, what is wealth?
4. What we put in our mouths. Alcoholic beverages are becoming popular in some of our church circles, even though not openly. Why is that? How do church members justify drinking beer, wine, whiskey and other intoxicating drink? What message is contained in the 23rd chapter of Proverbs? Take notice of verse 35. Drunk beyond human reason, what is the first thought of the person awakening from his stupor? Are you amused? Is God?
5. Our responsibilities. When we see someone in tattered clothing who is lying alone by the side of the road, do we have a responsibility? What about the 14-year-old daughter of a church leader who finds herself pregnant? Or the young church member who ends up in prison because he has participated in a major crime? How can we minister to the troubled in our midst without being judgmental or accepting their wrongdoing? How can the words of Proverbs 24:26 help bring healing?
6. The God of love. What an empty life the ungodly lead. Do the proverbs contain tidbits of knowledge and wisdom that lead you to fill your life with God’s way? Share the most meaningful ones with others, in discussion or in the way you live this week. And be glad you’re not an atheist. As Dante Gabriel Rosetti put it, “The worst moment for the atheist is when he is thankful and has nobody to thank.”

Thank you Joyce, you got me thinking again. The set of questions under #1 I think is worth spending some time with. But I also thought the quote at the end was interesting, “The worst moment for the atheist is when he is thankful and has nobody to thank.”
As I ponder the text that says, "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be" (Rom. 8:7 NKJV). I wonder if the atheist is even capable of considering the source of blessing beyond himself. To me perhaps it is like an ape that looks at a work of art yet has no mind about what it is - can't appreciate it because to the animal it is just another object, nothing more.
Yes Tyler I enjoy yours and Joyce questions, it makes you think especially when it comes to the truth. Jesus says He is the Truth the way and the light. IN Ecclesiastes. Solomon who call himself the preacher says in chapter 12:9-12.He came to the conclusion. Fear God and keep His Commandments, and every work weather it's good or evil G od shall bring every work into judgment, my mother favorite proverb was Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding in all your way's acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
The thought of being thankful but having no one to thank is interesting to say the least. As far back as I can remember, God has been so gracious to me. I love Him so much because He first loved me. It seems as though the older I get the better my relationship with God grows. Knowing that God loves me gives me the assurance that all of my faults and struggles are important to Him. I am an overcomer simply because of the Cross. We are victorious in Christ.