HomeSSLessons2021a Isaiah2021a Teaching Helps1: Crisis of Identity – Singing with Inspiration    


1: Crisis of Identity – Singing with Inspiration — 7 Comments

  1. Hi Corinne, so what is your recommended theme song for 1st Quarter 2021 on the book of.Isaiah?? I have not seen it.

    • Hi Iyan
      That is a very good question.
      I have not done enough reading through the whole of the lesson pamphlet to come to a conclusion on that as yet, sorry.
      That will be my homework for this week 🙂
      Blessings and thanks for your question

    • Hi again Iyan

      Having done research into this quarter's lesson studies, as the Israelites forgot about God and followed so many other gods, God remained faithful to them, hence I will choose Hymn 100 – Great Is Thy Faithfulness as a theme hymn for this quarter. Secondary to this we may use Hymn 104 – My Shepherd Will Supply My Need.

      This will appear in the notations for Lesson 2.

      I do hope this will help you for this coming Sabbath as you present your Sabbath School time together.


      • Hi Corinne,
        First of all, i like to make a testament to you. "Happy New Year 2021". This labor of love by you, make the worship more meaningful that correlate the lessons and the songs. It is great indeed. Keep up the good work and all the best to you and your family in 2021. Cheers

  2. My hymns of choice would be-

    # 311- I would be like Jesus
    worldly please vainly calls me,
    I would be like Jesus.
    # 309- I Surrender All.
    All to Jesus I surrender.
    # 186 and # 456 go together
    Having a Friend and becoming so close in
    our walk that nothing can separate us.
    Listening to Him moment by moment.

  3. Corinne, thank you so much for the research you do each week to provide what you consider suitable hymns for each Sabbath.
    During lockdown, our Sabbath School class has been meeting by Zoom. Before the study, we have prayer, Mission Spotlight and a hymn. There are two of us in the class that have a piano and a keyboard (which I have). When I am asked to choose the hymn, I go immediately to your selection and choose one for that time, which I play at home, and is heard by the members through Zoom so they can sing along. It has worked well, although it will be great when we are back together in church and can all sing praise to the Lord as a full congregation.
    Thank you for providing the selection of hymns you offer each week.
    May God richly bless you as you inform and inspire others.
    Blessings to you.

    • Good morning, Jai.
      Thank you very much for sharing how you are still having Sabbath School time 'together'. We also have been doing ours online, and watching an empty church but still having people up front, singing well apart, piano, organ, teachers and pastors preaching. It has been a wonderful blessings, but as you say, it is not quite the same as being together. What a wonderful time we will all have in Heaven together, singing and praising our God! Can't wait for that Great Day.

      Thank you very much for the encouragement. God answers abundantly the prayers sent Heavenward to gain inspiration each week. God be praised!

      Keep the Faith, dear people. Keep the Faith.
      Many blessings, Jai as you continue to lead and play


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