1: The Gospel from Patmos – Discussion Starters
You may have seen an island something like Patmos–shaggy rocks in a bleak, dark sea. Why, you may wonder, did God choose such a desolate place as this to reveal to mankind the final works of God in gathering up the few, the dedicated to take them to live with Him? And if John was sent as a prisoner to Patmos, What was his crime?
- The Title of the Book. Revelation: that which is revealed. Do you ever read the words of this book and ask, “What does God mean by that?” when your experience with the book may be to wonder. In Greek, we probably would choose the word apocalypse to express our wonder. How would you combine in
purpose the four gospels with the revelation of Jesus to the world? If you haven’t already memorized John 14:1-3, why not do that now?
- The Purpose of the book. John has no apology about why the book was written–to reveal the future. People were always asking, Where? How? With that in mind, how was John expected to reply? Some have made fortunes by writing their own interpretations of the prophetic words. How does God determine how these prophecies will be fulfilled?
- Symbolic language. What is the danger of using temporary symbols to reveal the far future? Did prophets of God define symbols to help people understand them better? Your lesson author warns that all prophecies, especially Revelation, should not be interpreted by current events in our culture. Why? Your author also points out that most of the symbols of Revelation came from the Old Testament, adding that we need to pay more attention to the Old Testament to obtain a clearer understanding of the Revelation. How can we consider—and follow–that advice?
- The Godhead. Don’t miss the interesting description of the three members of the Godhead and the Bible text that supports them. Pray about it, and then draw a graph that shows the unique roles of God the Father the Holy Spirit, and Christ, in the ultimate fulfillment of these powers for the work of God’s people on earth.
- The keynote of Revelation. When we hear of terrible disasters and signs of the evil ones who work for the devil, what should be our response? How certain are you about the second coming of Christ? This month’s lesson ends on an upbeat tribute to the second coming. “Even so, Amen.” What do those two pronouncements say to you? Jesus is waiting “a little longer,” according to Ellen White. How do her words help inspire you in these final days as she says: “A little longer, and He will present us as ‘faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.’”?

There was a time when the book of Revelation was a book best left to the bible scholars but God has made it clear that this book is for all to understand if we allow His Holy Spirit to teach us!