1: The Rhythms of Life – Discussion Starters
- In the beginning. Does your living room, kitchen, workplace, and other parts of your home reflect order, with the neat and harmonious arrangement of the items that make living in your home rewarding? What evidence do we see in the study of creation that reveal the value of cleanliness and care in our home–and in our life? Are any of the changes we see in nature evidence of life in a perfect world? Or a world marred by disorder and sin? Or was it just “in the beginning” that a high value on order and harmony was seen in our world?
- The rhythms of life. Does the Bible describe the essentials of life occurring in a predictable order and manner? What about events such as education, marriage, family, and life work? Are there “rhythms” we can count on in
life? What are some interruptions or disturbances that can get in the way of a smooth and pleasant life? Think about some of the people you know who have lived a life of apparent content and helpfulness. Can we live a life like that even if hardship and trouble penetrate our lives? How?
- The unexpected. Job lived a prosperous and blessed life until…Bang! Wham! Ouch! Tragedy after tragedy crashed on his life. Be realistic. How would you respond to tragedies such as those that hit Job? Have you or someone you love suffered from sickness, poverty, or similar circumstances that tempted you to say, “Well, we get what we deserve.” Is that true? Jesus suffered beyond our comprehension while living with us on earth. Did He deserve even one touch of pain, neglect, or downright hatred? Can you and I cope with serious trouble today? Even trouble we know we did not deserve? How?
- Transitions. Our lesson author sympathizes with people who can’t change the behavior and attitude of a husband or wife. Even harder is changing our own lives. Saul changed from living a life of pride and diligence in punishing those who disagreed with him to a life of humility and love for others. How did that happen? Ellen White commented that “The inmost thoughts and emotions of his heart were transformed by divine grace; and…Christ and His righteousness became to Saul more than the whole world.”
- Interactions. Think about all the reactions and interactions you’ve had with others in the past few days. Focus on those that were positive and those that weren’t. Ask yourself what you can do to transform more of your interactions into a sharing time of God’s love with family members, fellow worshippers, neighbors, children, and others that God has placed within your sphere of influence. As you follow through on these opportunities, ask yourself, “What can God do with my desire to share His love with His children?” and “How can I be a positive influence on everyone I encounter today?”
- Let’s pray that this three-month “class” in relationships can work a change in our lives that will lead others to want to be more like Jesus.

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