11: False Teachers – Discussion starters
- The threat from within. Are the two prongs of Satan’s attack on the Christian church (outside persecution and inside deception) equal in force? If not, which one does Peter believe that Satan finds more effective in destroying faith in Jesus? What about the church you attend? Do you ever observe Satan’s success in drawing believers away from truths they once held precious? Share with the class an example of a false teaching of Satan that Peter wants us to avoid at all costs.
- False prophets and teachers. How is it possible that the early Christian church
would already be struggling with false teachings? What were some of the early heresies that brought trouble and pain to the church? Do they still exist today? Would you ever be so bold as to speak out against an errant belief in your church that qualifies as a “destructive heresy”? Or would it be better to shake your head and say nothing? Does it matter what beliefs our fellow members really hold?
- Freedom in Christ? What good is freedom in Christ without freedom from sin? If sin has such horrible consequences, doesn’t it make sense to try to avoid the negative effects of sin rather than sin itself with its enticing pleasures? Explain your answer. What does the phrase, “cheap grace” mean? What did Peter think of that concept? If Jesus paid the price for our sins, doesn’t that make sin cheap? Why or why not?
- A dog returns to its vomit. The other word picture is of a sow washed clean but returning to its wallowing in the mud. How does Peter fit those two ancient proverbs into his plea for Christian purity? What are your feelings when a valiant worker and faithful member of the Christian faith walks away from it? Do you ever think, “Well, at least he’s not as sinful as if he’d never belonged”? What would Peter say?
- Peter and Jude. Does it trouble–or encourage–you when you discover that the message of Jude 4 basically repeats the message of Peter in 2 Peter 2? What is the fundamental truth that both of these early church leaders evidently wanted us to absorb thousands of years later? Are you glad for the doctrine of eternal destruction of ordinary sins and those who cling to them?

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