11 The Seven Last Plagues – Discussion starters
- The 144,000. Why are the nations so angry just before the Battle of Armageddon? How do the 144,000 qualify as having victory over the beast and being protected from the seven last plagues? Share with your class how the victorious ones become known as the 144,000. Are these the final victors in the struggle against sin? How do you explain why there is there such a small number as 144,000 to represent all who are victorious in the end?
- The meaning of the seven last plagues. In terms of history, how do the seven last plagues compare to the plagues that accompany the seven trumpets? Will there be those who cry out for redemption and receive it during this time? Why or why not? Does the serious and heaven-bound component of God’s people show the rest of the world what they must do in this last time? The Revelation account states that no man was able to enter into the Temple. Why? True or false: The last plagues will bring the final view of how hardened are the hearts of those
who are lost.
- What do the seven last plagues reflect from early Biblical history? How did the last plagues of Egypt bring punishment? Did they convict or stir hearts to holy repentance? Why or why not? What effect do the punishment and pain of the seven last plagues have on the hearts of lost sinners at the end of their lives? How does God manage to protect His children while those who have made a choice for wickedness are destroyed forever? Imagine the screams of the lost begging to be rescued as they suffer their final death. Do you long to hear those sounds?
- The waters of the Euphrates River. We are continually being warned about the pollution or drying up of waters on the earth. What was the significance of the Euphrates River in the destruction of the city of Babylon? Your lesson states that Cyrus the Persian king diverted the waters of the river so that he watched as the city of Babylon met its downfall. Do you think that there could be a human equivalent to the city of Babylon today and its ultimate destruction? Describe.
- Satan’s last great deception. Explain how the drying up of the Euphrates River prepared the way for the coming of Cyrus as the leader of the kings of the beast. Who are the members of the military force bent on destroying the unconsecrated ones for all time? What will Satan be able to achieve by working with the dragon, the sea beast, and the false prophet at the end of time? Why are Satan’s lies so easy for the majority of the world to believe?
- Ready for the Battle of Armageddon. What right does Satan have to gather together deceived people to lead out in this great conflict we know as the Battle of Armageddon? Who are the two sides in conflict in this battle? How horrible is it to see in your mind’s eye the direct conflict between God and these people who have learned to hate him? Is Armageddon a military battle that will involve key nations of the world battling to obtain dominance? If not, what are the roots of this conflict?

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