11 The Seven Last Plagues – Singing with Inspiration
Hymn 73, “Holy, Holy, Holy” and
Hymn 30, “Holy God, We Praise Your Name” are in our memory text, Rev 15:4.
To help with Rev 11:18 when “the nations are angry”, are we ready to
“Sound the Battle Cry”, Hymn 614? Still in our Sabbath afternoon study, Rev 15:1-4 shows God’s faithful people are victorious over the beast –
Hymn 608, “Faith Is the Victory”.
Throughout this week’s study we see that God’s people
“Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus”, Hymn 618 and
“Stand Like the Brave”, Hymn 610.
Rev 16:12 is preparation for the kings from the east –
Hymn 213, “Jesus Is Coming Again”,
Hymn 220, “When He Comes” and
Hymn 219, “When Jesus Comes in Glory”.
“We Are Living, We Are Dwelling”, Hymn 617
depicts the age in which we are living – now.
May we all remain faithful for Jesus’ very soon return knowing
“Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come” – Hymn 212.
“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV