12 Desire of All Nations – Singing with Inspiration
As the Israelites forgot about God and followed so many other gods and nations, God remained faithful to them, with Isaiah and many other prophets working so hard for God to turn His people around, hence I will choose
Hymn 100 – Great Is Thy Faithfulness as a theme hymn for this quarter. Secondary to this we may use
Hymn 104 – My Shepherd Will Supply My Need.
Sabbath afternoon’s introduction shows us the grace of God as does
Hymn 109 – Marvelous Grace and
Hymn 108 – Amazing Grace showing that there is
Power in the Blood – Hymn 294.
We are reminded on Sunday that “the whole Bible is almost nothing but the account of God’s reaching out to save sinners”:
Hymn 272 – Give Me the Bible and
Hymn 593 – In Times Like These (you need the Bible).
Faith is our first topic on Monday with
Hymn 517 – My Faith Looks Up to Thee and
Hymn 523 – My Faith Has Found a Resting Place, followed by our forgiveness in
Hymn 299 – Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive,
Hymn 298 – I Lay My Sins on Jesus and
Hymn 295 – Chief of Sinners.
Isaiah 60:1 on Tuesday calls for the singing of Handel’s Messiah number 9, O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion in which “arise, shine for Thy light has come” resounds. The study of the day moves on to the woman, Zion, as in
Hymn 450 – Beautiful Zion and that we are
Marching to Zion – Hymn 422.
The judgement that comes in the future (Thursday) is sung in
Hymn 416 – The Judgment Has Set. We are also told that
Jesus is Coming Again – Hymn 213.
Asking God’s blessings for you all to have a Happy Sabbath.
If you do not know any of the hymns listed above, you will find the accompaniment music for each one at: https://sdahymnals.com/Hymnal/
Another great resource is for when there is a hymn you wish to sing, but can’t find it in your hymnal. Go to https://www.sdahymnal.org and in the search bar type a special word in that is in the hymn. I am sure you will be amazed at the help you will be given.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”