12 Judgement on Babylon – Singing with Inspiration
Judgment! –
Hymn 416, “The Judgment Has Set” brings our lesson into music. Once again we can see that
“We Are Living, We Are Dwelling”, Hymn 617. Sadly, in Christchurch (New Zealand), we saw the unfolding of a horrible event this past Friday (15th March 2019). Can you sing
Hymn 5, “All My Hope on God is Founded” “In Times Like These”, Hymn 593?
The last question on Tuesday is answered in
Hymn 531, “We’ll Build on the Rock” right now. It will be too late to try and build later.
We are told on Wednesday we need a mind of wisdom. We may gain this directly from God’s Word –
“For Your Holy Book We Thank You”, Hymn 277.
May we all remain faithful for Jesus’ very soon return knowing
“Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come” – Hymn 212.
“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV