12 Judgment on Babylon – Discussion Starters
- Judgment on Babylon. As we open this week’s discussion, consider the horrific picture that introduces the lesson: Horns, sharp animal horns and teeth, and a woman with a smirk on her face holding up a bowl of wine to drink. What do your class members think of all of these symbols for the final unifying by the wicked of Babylon? What does Revelation 16:19 predict? Where do you plan to be when this picture unfolds? How can you be sure you can be there? Or can you be sure?
- The harlot Babylon. If the church is represented by a woman, what does the harlot represent? What does the scarlet beast represent? What is the formal name for this religious leader? Your lesson states that two groups are attracted to the harlot and seek a relationship with her. How do the ordinary people of the world respond? People who are drunk, your lesson states, do not think clearly. What deceptive belief(s) do they receive into their thinking at this time? You and I accept the teachings of the Bible. We know we are right, and that Is all we need to know. Comment.
- The harlot riding on the scarlet beast. What does the beast represent? Why is the harlot wearing such extravagant clothing? At the very end of time, how do the beast and the harlot relate to each other? Go through each part of the presentation and make a note about the symbols that are portrayed. Yahweh, or Jehovah, is described in Revelation 1:4 and 4:8 is a name of the mighty God who rules the universe.
- Identification of the scarlet beast. Have you ever read about or studied the persecution of Christians for 1260 days? That persecution can never happen again. Or can it? Your lesson states, “Once again there will be a short-lived union of religion and politics as it existed during the Middle Ages, and persecution again will take place!” How will the true Christian endure this time? When will it end?
- The seven heads. Your lesson cheerfully points out that the requirement for understanding these seven heads is a mind of wisdom and takes nearly a page to present various possibilities. What are some of those possible explanations for interpreting the seven heads? Here’s a start: The seven heads are seven mountains, the great kingdoms of the Old Testament, seven kings, Medo Persian kings, and on. What do you think? Is this book too hard for you or is it invigorating in the way it is presented?
- The judgment of Babylon. How does Revelation explain the ten kings? What–It doesn’t explain them? Is it just another name for the Battle of Armageddon? Do you think that those who will be alive when Jesus comes will understand completely what the judgment of Babylon represents? Or will you and I understand that phase of the end time without any difficulty?

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