12: Worship that Never Ends – Singing with Inspiration
The beautiful picture on the front of our lesson pamphlet brings us our theme hymn for this quarter with its two variations in melody:
Hym 552/546 – The Lord’s My Shepherd.
Psalm 66:2 “Sing out the honour of His name; make His praise glorious” and then our Memory Text states “I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being”. – Psalm 104:33.
With the introduction on Sabbath afternoon, came the question, “What shall I render to the Lord…?” with the answer of being faithful:
Hymn 602 – O Brother, Be Faithful. Our worship time includes praising the Lord:Hymn 249 – Praise Him! Praise Him!. Sunday ends with offering praise and thanksgiving:
Hymn 563 – Praise and Thanskgiving.
The title of Monday’s study is found in
Hymn 19 – O Sing A New Song To The Lord.
Psalm 96:1, 2 (Wednesday) encourages us to sing
Hymn 63 – O Come Let Us Sing To The Lord and
Hymn 249 – Praise Him! Praise Him! “The proclamation of God’s salvation to all nations gives substance to praise and content to worship”:
Hymn 646 – To The Name That Brings Salvation.
To learn unknown hymns, you will find the accompaniment music for each one at: https://sdahymnals.com/
Another great resource is for when there is a hymn you wish to sing but can’t find it in your hymnal. Go to https://www.sdahymnal.org/
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”