13: Redemption – Discussion starters
1. No death, no pain, no tears, life forever. Are you eager to reach the end, the very end, of sin? How will the thousand years help prepare us for a sin-free eternity with God? Why is God so eager to rescue us from sin and offer us full and free redemption? Do we deserve it? Wouldn’t it be a lot easier for Him just to cut off the rebellious among us? Doesn’t He know who they are? Instead, He rescues us from a world loaded with hatred, pain, and suffering. What does He give us instead?
2. Binding Satan. The newspapers and TV are full of stories of criminals who have been caught up in a world of sin and have hurt others in the process. What do you think of the judicial system in Christ’s time? Was it in any way fair and just? What about Satan’s program for binding his captives? What tool did Jesus use to resist Satan? When will God finally get rid of that old devil so we’ll never be tempted again? Can you be freed from the grip of temptation even in this sinful world?
3. Why? When you study God’s word, do you hear yourself coming up with the question, Why? Ellen White states that the redeemed will participate in judging the lost. What Scripture supports this belief? Do you look forward to deciding with God why some will not be included? What keeps people from hearing the voice of God calling them from a world of sin? Can you believe the Scriptures and count on the Word of God to let the “still small voice” reach the hearts of those who otherwise would not know redemption?
4. 1000 years alone. The evil one has always drawn energy from his fellow demons as well as from those who have followed him. Now, at the end of earth’s history, where does Satan go for 1,000 years? His millennium in total isolation ends with his release from the pit of eternal death. With his so-called “freedom,” where does he go? What does he attempt to orchestrate? After the devil’s final loss of his desired reign of power, does he continue to suffer? Doesn’t he deserve eternal punishment? Instead, what happens?
5. New heavens and a new earth. What scene is revealed to God’s people after the wicked are destroyed? Do you think there could be a gap in time between the destruction of the wicked and the establishment of an eternal kingdom? Or has God prepared everything for His saved family who will be transported immediately to their new home? Can you imagine living in a place with beauty everywhere and no stain or cracks from sin? As important as faultless beauty and perfection may be, what about Heaven is even more spectacular?

Is the new earth and the new Jerusalem descent are 2 separate events? Please clarify.
i believe so jerusalem is a city of God where as the new earth is the earth made new or new eden as the old will pass or consumed in the fire we are spending eternity here on earth made new and God will be among this once fallen creations i want tb be there by his grace what a loving all forgiving God i serve