2: The Family – Discussion Starters
- The first family. Can a family school can be a good school? How about the first students who lived on this planet? Was Jesus the first teacher in this school? What do you think the curriculum was for our planet’s earliest school? Agriculture? Astronomy? Childcare? With wonderful divinely led instruction in this early school, how did it come to be that disobedience and murder were so readily implanted there? Would you agree that in this early family school, the doctrine of love to all somehow was overlooked? Was the evil one a
teacher in early schools?
- The childhood of Jesus. How old do you think Jesus might have been when he received His first learning experience from his mother Mary? What were the good qualities Mary and Joseph possessed as they set forth to raise their Son? Imagine being a childhood friend of Jesus. Instead of attending schools operated by the synagogues, where did Jesus first learn to read and write and grow in His understanding of nature and life? Imagine Jesus studying the Creation story in the family school when He was, in fact, the Creator of what He was studying.
- Communication. Do you suppose that Jesus learned to speak as any child does? What is more important in learning than being able to communicate? How does a true Christian family learn to be companions with God? Is it true that even godly parents become discouraged? How do the feelings of parents become transmitted to their children? What are some elements of good communication in a family? How does God communicate with members of His earthly family? Or does He?
- The role of parents. What are some of the key responsibilities that fathers and mothers must assume to fulfil their God-given role as Christian parents? Start with pre-school and move to adulthood, asking as you become older and wiser if you are giving your life wholly to Jesus so that your children can see what God means to you. Have you set aside time when you can pray with your children and grandchildren? Your lesson states, “The marriage relationship is an analogy of Christ’s relationship to the church.” Explain in what ways these two relationships can co-exist with one learning from and leaning on the other.
- ”Lest ye forget.” The 6th chapter of Deuteronomy is a comprehensive and thrilling explanation of how God’s chosen people, the Israelites, could obtain eternal righteousness through careful observance of His laws and instruction. Do those principles apply to God’s people today? What rewards are being prepared for us now to fulfil God’s promises to us? How can you and I keep from forgetting how righteous and true God is? What will be our reward when we join the multitude of families who have learned to reap the rewards of being members of God’s eternal family?

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