Thursday: The World: The Arena of Mission
Daily Lesson for Thursday 12th of October 2023
Read Revelation 7:9-10. What does this text suggest about the far-reaching geographical scope of God’s mission?
This week’s lesson has intentionally discussed two crucial mission texts that emphasize the centrality of disciple-making in the Great Commission and the message of the eternal gospel. Interestingly, both texts have at least a common connecting point: the “where” of mission. They read: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19, NKJV), “those who dwell on the earth—to _every nation, tribe, tongue, and people_” (Revelation 14:6, NKJV; emphasis added).
In other words, the gospel of Christ is to reach all classes, all nations, all tongues, and all peoples. The influence of the gospel is to unite the saved in one great brotherhood. We have only one model to imitate, and that is Christ. If we accept the truth as it is in Jesus, national prejudices and jealousies will be broken down, and the spirit of truth will blend our hearts into one.
When Jesus said, “ ‘You will be my witnesses’ ” (Acts 1:8, NRSV), He had three different geographical areas in mind:
Area 1: “ ‘You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem.’ ” At that time, His disciples were very close to Jerusalem. So, Jesus was basically saying, “Begin to share your experience with God with people who are close to you.” Mission begins at home, with family, with neighbors, with friends. This is the initial place of mission.
Area 2: He then continues: “ ‘in all Judea and Samaria.’ ” Our mission also involves those who are in some ways close but at the same time distant from us. In this group are people who may speak the same language that we speak—people who have a similar culture but do not live or share the same reality that we do. This is our further place of mission.
Area 3: Beyond this, Christ says: “ ‘and to the end of the earth’ ” (NKJV). God’s mission calls us to reach individuals from all places, nations, people groups, languages, and ethnicities. This is our ultimate place of mission.
Challenge: Pray every day this week for the community where you live. God has placed you there for a reason.
Challenge Up: Research the demographics of your area (what kind of people live around you)—ethnic and religious background, old, young, poor, wealthy, languages spoken, and so on. Ask God to show you how you may be a channel of His love to them.

At our General Conference sessions, we often bask in the glow of our statisticians' reports about how many Seventh-day Adventist Church members there are, how many countries we are active in, and so on. With my mathematical background, I often have a wry smile to myself about this somewhat blatant misuse of statistics. I am reminded of the person who drowned crossing a river with an average depth of 6 inches!
Relying on statistics for confirmation of success is risky business when it comes to faith.
Jesus told a parable recorded in Luke that starts with the searching question:
Here is the parable:
Are we going into all the world as proud Pharisees or humble forgiven tax collectors?
Your point Maurice speaks to our “rich and increased with goods” laodicean condition. Because of man’s sinful condition, I believe all knowledge comes with a catch 22. We consider that the more knowledge we have, including knowledge of the truth, the better. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. Hosea 4:6. However, the more knowledge we have, or think we have, the greater the danger to be puffed up by it. This undermines our witness for the Lord, the foundation of which is humility. “Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies”. 1 Corinthians 8:1. May the Lord save us from ourselves.
"If we accept the truth as it is in Jesus, national prejudices and jealousies will be broken down, and the spirit of truth will blend our hearts into one." This is a tremendous and fitting idea for the present moment (although it was probably written months ago). The mission left for Christians on this planet is to be filled and spread the Love of God for His creatures in all corners of this planet, either close or far.
To me, the fact that the Apostle John first only hears the number of the 144,000 and also 12,000 from each tribe of Israel but does not see them but then turns and sees a numberless multitude that are "Holy and flawless" etc., means to me that they are "One and the same group of saved people" from every kindred and nation and people. And also because the entire 22 chapters of the book of Revelation are 22 Chapters of "Symbolic Prophecy" I go on to concur that it is very much the same saved group of people before Jesus comes to claim them all as saved for eternity.
When our Lord and Savior gave the go-ahead to take the Gospel into all lands, it was done for the purpose to expose all peoples to the Word of God - it’s Light and Life to be found within. When carried to all corners of the world, the Holy Spirit will work to increase the Word’s power to change lives.
There is still the opportunity for the Gospel to travel to uncharted waters, though most populated places have received by now the life-changing, all powerful message that humanity has one Creator and Jesus Christ is His Son. The remaining mission effort is like that of Paul in his days - planting seeds of faith in God’s Word and to encourage people to steadfastly embrace their new faith.
Supporting the efforts of the local congregations to further THEIR outreach into their communities, neighboring regions and especially reaching into areas difficult to be reached by ‘foreigner’ is where I see the bulk of the mission work to take place; undergirding all efforts with the unwavering commitment that we will always come alongside the efforts of the fledgling families of new believers. We are not an ‘invading’ force, we all belong to the same family - being brothers and sisters IN Christ Jesus.
I agree with the three stage approach to mission, but it is a collective mission. Many of the followers of Jesus never left their initial area, whether Jerusalem or elsewhere. The same is true for us. But the church as a whole has a mission to the whole world.
That this collection of the redeemed are from every people group around the world, means that the gospel of Jesus is relevant and life changing for anyone. We somehow need to grasp His power in our own individual contexts. We need to live authentically. We need to have our own testimony of being made a 'new creature' (II Cor. 5:17). Our enthusiasm for our Savior can ignite the faith of a person who may have nothing in common with us culturally, God be praised.
To accomplish the mission of God, the church needs to "Mission-Centric".
1. Focus the church on mission
2. Spend the church's money on Mission
3. Train the church to do Mission.
**To look for opportunities in theie immediate environment
4. Task particular officers to monitor the process.
**Put our money, energy, time and resources where our mouth is.