Tuesday: Abraham’s Spirit of Prayer
Daily Lesson for Tuesday 24th of October 2023
Read Genesis 18:23-32 and James 5:16. What should this teach us about the power of intercessory prayer?
The dialogue between Abraham and God is a type, a representation, of intercessory prayer. Abraham is presented in this chapter as an intercessor before God for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. He was pleading for them, in behalf of them; that is, he was in a way acting as a type, a symbol, of Jesus as our Intercessor before the Father. Our mission today will be successful only if we proceed with these kinds of prayer.
Abraham had learned to love the inhabitants of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the other cities close by. This is why his prayer was honest and sincere. He already had fought against some kings who had defeated the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. After Abraham’s victory, Bera, the king of Sodom, came to meet Abraham with Melchizedek. Bera asked to have his people returned to their homes: “ ‘Give me the persons, but take the goods for yourself’ ” (Genesis 14:21, ESV). This is an indication of the love of this king for his people. Since one of the great characteristics of Abraham was love, he loved the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah, and he prayed for them and their people. “Love for perishing souls inspired Abraham’s prayer.”—Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 140.
Abraham exercised humility and perseverance in his prayers. As soon as God accepted the first request, to save the city as long as 50 righteous people were living there, he continued his intercession.
Our mission cannot be successful without prayer, intercessory prayer. After meeting someone, after giving a sermon or a Bible study, we must pray for the people we have been in contact with. God is heedful of these prayers in touching the hearts of the people we have contacted. It is not our words or eloquence that will convert our friends or acquaintances—it is the Holy Spirit. This is why in any mission in which we are engaged, we must pray for each person individually.
Read Romans 8:34 and Hebrews 7:25. What do they tell us about what Jesus does for us, and how might this truth help us understand better our own role as intercessors for others?

One of the things that I have learned about praying for others is that such prayers are not just about "the others"; it is as much a prayer for ourselves. The Holy Spirit is not a robot that you just point in the right direction and send off to do its job. Rather, it is often more about changing your own attitude toward the people you are praying for.
[And on that note - I will sign off for a few days' leave. I am having surgery on my back. I should be up and running again within a week]
One thing I have realised Maurice, once you start praying for a person, your ill feelings towards that person disappear.
Praying that all goes well with your surgery.
Hey Maurice God, who is my healer will heal you. Be bless!
May God be with you! I'll miss you!
May God bless the surgeon's hands and give you a swift recovery!
May God bless the hands of all the nurses and all the Doctors who will take part in this procedure.
Wishing you all the best brother Maurice!!!
I pray that God will lead the whole process. You are in my prayers.
May God be with you and restore you for His glory because you bless everyone around you and here!
Praying for you Maurice. Thanks again for your everyday insights.
We all have faults. Like Abraham, may we be willing to intercede in prayer for those who are in a Sodom situation. While interceding for them, let us continue to remain steadfast in God's word.
Praying for your healing and complete restoration post surgery!
You will be in my prayers
You will come back to us stronger and better than you are leaving. The Master Surgeon (JESUS) will do the surgery himself.
Let us intercede for one another like Daniel did, Nehemiah did, etc.
Good morning Maurice, I pray that your surgery will be successful.
Happy to hear that you are getting help with your back - God's Love is with you!
Bro Maurice,we will be praying for God’s guiding the hands of the doctors, and for your speedy recovery. Thanks so much for your awesome and Holy Spirit provocative thoughts you provide.that challenge our traditional and default thinking.
Blessings and Much Love.
Hello Marurice,
I'm sending my best wishes and prayers for your upcoming back surgery. May your surgery go well, and may you have a speedy recovery. May the doctors and nurses be guided by wisdom and skill in caring for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Warm regards,"
I give the Lord thanks for interceding for us.
I also thank Him that we can also intercede for ourselves.
Well my Brother, I will be interceding on your behalf.🙏
God is the great physician and I pray all wii go well with your surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Dear Maurice praying for the best outcome and speedy recovery. Going to miss your insightful comments over the next few days.
Praying really not only change the individual been prayed for but also the person who is praying.
May God be with you through this procedure and give speedy recovery.
Prayers for you Maurice. My you have a successful surgery and quick healing. 🙂
I just want to echo the sentiments about prayer changing our own attitudes toward the people for whom we pray. This truly feels like a which comes first type of question (chicken or egg), because it seems like we have to start with love in order to pray for someone. On the other hand, praying for our enemies—a person for whom love is often absent—can indeed cause us to love them if we humbly pray.
I also want to emphasize continuous follow-up prayer in mission. Sometimes, when we’ve experienced a victory through prayer, we stop praying. But often, that is the point at which we need to pray the most.
I just join this discussion group but I will certainly miss your wise words of wisdom. I pray forva succesful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Praying the Lord guides the hands of all involved and your recovery will be quick.
Dear Lord, bless the hands of Maurice's surgeon. Amen!
Will keep you in my prayers Maurice.
I will be interceding on your behalf, God bless and keep you🙏🙇
What is the source of a heartfelt prayer and what does it reveal about the one who prays? Where did Abraham’s Spirit of Prayer come from – what is its source? Where do we as believers stand as we address our heavenly Father with our praises and petitions?
2 Cor.5:16-18 – “So from now on we regard no one according to the flesh. Although we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: … .” HEAVEN'S MINISTRY in and through us!
As the Holy Spirit makes His home by unfolding our born-again nature, it is He who leads us in all our interactions with our fellow man; really all which we come in contact with and interact with. There is no more separation between the Spirit and what we do and how we live; at least this is what being in Christ means. All things spring from our new nature which is Christ-like, and compassioned prayer is one of them.
Though Abraham lived before our Lord and Savior came to make his home with mankind, the Father’s Spirit already dwelled in him. Abraham was chosen to be a vessel for God to manifest His plan for the salvation of mankind. So are we – every minute of every day! We ought to always remember that we live as the spiritual children of our heavenly Father and give Honor and Glory to Him with our life.
May we all be inspired today to pray for someone. Prayer is such a powerful tool, an indispensable one. Prayer is like air to living creatures, but it requires a choice. The motivation for praying, again, is Love. Wherever there is Love, prayer will follow. Jesus succeeded in His mission because He prayed so much. Thus, we all need prayer to succeed in our mission. May we be moved today by constant prayer in Love!
Bro Maurice, I pray for a successful surgery and excellent post-op healing in Jesus's name.
Maurice, you are in my prayers individually now.
Praying for a successful operation and a speedy recovery my brother in Christ 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Wishing you a swift recovery and the Lord's blessings.
Brother Maurice, I'm praying that your recovery, will be rapid and painless...Blessings'
I wonder if angels, who delight in the service of God, pray, when they wish talk with Him? Does God read their thoughts and their desires? Do they commune with Him, as we do, within their minds, and hearts?
If so, Then what a privilege it is to share in the community of heaven in prayer. Our living rooms, our private spaces become audience rooms before the throne of grace in prayer. The spirit of unselfish love the permeates that holy place will naturally inspire our our prayers for others. We will join in the service of angels in service to God, by infusing our thoughts with the will of God, which has always been, love for others, and not of ourselves.