Inside Story: Finding Jesus in a Holy Book
Inside Story for Friday 5th of January 2024
By Andrew McChesney
Paul went from home to home to meet people in a European city. With him, he carried a Bible and the holy book of another major world religion.
One day, a man opened the door. His breath smelled of cigarette smoke.
“I would very much like to give you a gift today,” Paul said.
“What kind of gift?” the man asked.
“I have this Bible,” Paul said.
“I don’t want a Bible,” the man said. “I belong to another religion. You are a Christian.”
“I have the holy book of your religion, too,” Paul said.
The man was surprised. He seemed interested. “OK, read something to me but only from my holy book, not from the Bible,” he said.
Paul opened the holy book and read about Jesus. The man’s surprise grew.
“Is this the same Jesus as in the Bible?” he asked.
Over the next few weeks, he studied four lessons about Jesus from his holy book. The man saw that the book does not talk about Jesus being crucified. He saw that the book predicts Jesus will come again. He saw that both people from his religion and Christians were waiting for Jesus to return.
When Paul arrived for the fifth lesson, the man wasn’t home.
A year passed, and one Sabbath the man showed up at Paul’s church.
“I want to come to this church,” he said. “Can I?”
It was Paul’s turn to be surprised.
“I want to follow Christ,” the man said.
After that, the man came every Sabbath. He said his holy book left him feeling empty. It offered no Savior for his sins. He longed to be baptized.
“Jesus says the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,” Paul said. “Do you want to be free of cigarettes? Jesus said, ‘If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed’ [John 8:36, NKJV]. You have to choose Jesus or cigarettes. You can throw away your cigarettes today if you choose.”
The man looked scared. “It isn’t possible!” he blurted out. But then he reached into his pocket and threw a cigarette pack into a trash can.
“Jesus, give me victory over cigarettes,” he prayed. “I want to be free.”
Late that night, he called Paul. “This is terrible,” he said. “I feel awful. I cannot live without cigarettes.”
The two men prayed together on the phone. God heard the prayer and gave the man victory. He has not smoked in the four and a half years since then. Today, he is an outreach leader for the church.
“He loves people,” Paul told Adventist Mission. He is waiting eagerly for Jesus to return.
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