HomeDailyWednesday: Declare His Glory Among the Nations    


Wednesday: Declare His Glory Among the Nations — 5 Comments

  1. I have purposely emphasised that true worship is something we live, not just the liturgy of Sabbath services or even family worship. There are many references to God's distaste for worship that goes through the motions but does not come from the heart. (Liturgy is a word that means all that happens in a formal church service)

    Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Isaiah 1:13 KJV

    ... and:

    Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27 KJV

    That said, it does not mean that liturgical worship is unimportant and that we should do away with it. Rather it should be an integral part of our lives and together both the liturgy and living should bring honor to God.

    In my teaching days, I used to get my students to write papers on current technical topics. Some students would pick up on some esoteric issue and ignore the important background and boring stuff. They would essentially give me the icing on the cake without the cake. My task in training these students was to teach them the value of both. I wanted to know that they understood all the boring stuff and then surprise me with their application and extension of that knowledge. Both parts were essential to the assignment.

    Our liturgy is an essential part of our spiritual experience. By itself, it can be likened to the cream without the cake. When our liturgy is combined with the cake of everyday living and sharing it can become a powerful part of our Christian experience.

    And if that is true, it may be important for us to be a bit more creative in our liturgy. I am glad that so many readers took the opportunity to write their own psalms and share them here early this year. Would it be a good idea to share these in your local church services too?

  2. In this life of so many things that constantly drag energy and attention out of us, how do we equalize the will of God for ourselves? Time spent with the Master. He is our single hope. We need to learn to do everything in constant communion with the Lord. Not one second should be wasted.

  3. I get the impression when reading Psalm 96:1-13 that it is a call for the believer to be made ready for the time when – vs.13, ‘He is coming to judge the earth, judging the world with righteousness and the people with His Truth.’ Continuous praise, prayer, and faithfulness in living His Truth is the hallmark of those who love God with all their heart.

    It appears to me to be the essential difference between those of the world and those touched and changed by the Son of God – they can exclaime the New Song and sing a New Melody heared throughout the earth as they rejoice in the Glory of God and His Goodness. And it is not just His people, but heaven and the whole earth ‘rejoice before the LORD’!

    Yes, praising God and rejoicing in His Glory is His testimony; showing the world its Creator and sustainer and what He has done and what He will do! Then the time comes when all will sing the New Song reflecting His Righteousness as He reigns unchallenged in all the earth and heaven. Amen

  4. Declaring God's glory among the nations is not just telling mankind about His love and message of salvation but also showing the world who He is by living His character in our daily life.

    Our actions speak louder than words. The way we treat other people, the way we live our life, the way we deal with circumstances - are the powerful tools in declaring God's MESSAGE and GLORY to the world.

  5. Thank you Maurice Ashton for bringing out the distinction and the importance of the two 'worships'in a way I understood..


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