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Sunday: A Brokenhearted Savior — 14 Comments

  1. Jerusalem's siege, capture and destruction is one of the most well-documented events in the first century CE. Flavius Josephus, a Jew who switched sides during the war gave a detailed, if somewhat biased account of the Jewish rebellion, the siege, and the ultimate destruction of the city and its temple. This led to the diaspora of the Jewish nation. Between the rebellion and the destruction, there was a period of relative calm and this provided an opportunity for Christians to escape from the conflict. The human suffering during this time was both horrific and colossal and does not make for good bedtime reading.

    The seeds of rebellion were already present in New Testament times and there are references to the activities of zealots in the Bible.

    "Jesus wept." John 11:35 KJV

    Those words are all the more meaningful for their simplicity. The Jews had put their faith in their religion, their nation, their interpretation of prophecy and it was not just going to come to nothing, it was going to end in catastrophic suffering. "Jesus wept!"

    We modern Christians like to quote the prophetic aspect of this event. It gives us a good feeling that we have got it right because we follow Jesus who can prophesy events like this.

    Maybe the real lesson is for us to change the focus of evangelism to heart religion rather than institutional religion.

  2. Would you cry over the brokenness of something you had the power to fix?

    An example might be as a parent or adult who loves a child...the child is sobbing unconsolably about losing a favorite toy and even though you know where the toy is and that it is being shipped back to him/her, you feel tears well up in your own eyes and heart as you share the child's present grief.

    When Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus, it may be similar to that. He alone knew Lazarus would soon come back to life, and yet He wept at the pain of the whole situation.

    Jesus also wept at the top of the Mt. of Olives. This situation seems a bit different than the tears at Lazarus's tomb. He had just ridden into Town on the donkey with many shouting His praises. The people knew nothing could stop Jesus as they had seen Him raise the dead, not to mention making food for 1000s and casting out demons and healing incurable diseases. They knew if Jesus just spoke the words, the Romans would flee away. They wanted Jesus to rule over the Romans and over the abusive religious elders,.... but would they let Him rule in their hearts?

    Jesus did have the power to MAKE them shout His praises from soft hearts (and not from greedy hearts wanting Him only to make their nation #1 again). He said that He could make rocks speak His praises, so He could also MAKE stony-hearted people in Jerusalem sing love songs to Him. But He couldn't. Jesus had to "walk in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake". God's loving character never forces Himself on anyone. He can't fix in us what we won't let Him fix.

    And so I see Jesus crying over people whom He had the power to fix (by sovereignty), but didn't have the power to fix (because of God's gracious gift of human free will). Jesus wept over Jerusalem because even though God's marvelous plan for His true character to be revealed was coming to pass (Ps.118:22-23; Is.53:10-11; Luke 18:31-33; John 12:27), oh how He wanted the people of Jerusalem to conquer their evil impulses and enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. Oh how He wanted them to not blindly reject Him, to understand "the things that make for peace" (Luke 19:42) and truly share this glorious moment in history with Him. To truly understand God's steadfast mercy when they sang "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" (Ps.118:26,28-29).

    His power is restrained by His mercy, and that looks like a well of tears. God's power seen in Jesus Christ is self-denying. When I'm feeling most powerful, is it a time of greatest self-denying? Is it a time when Christ's painful, impossible mercy is called forth in me towards another?

  3. He cried, his heart was broken-hearted, because the people had all the means to be saved, to escape the destruction but they choose not to.

    See the word of GOD says, "He came to his own, but his own received him not" (John 1:11). For so many century He did all he can to save them, but they hardened their heart. When he was with them, he did everything to save them, but they refused to be saved. He was the way of their escape, He was their savior- But they rejected him.

    Even after showing no interest to him at all, after hardened their heart. He was still caring for them. And thats why, "He told them this words, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes" (Matthew 24:15-19) and added, "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" (Matthew 24:20).

    - All that words He told them in hoping that, they will remember and be saved. But did they remember?! Some, but to many not all. So, they just got fed up for their choice, it is not GOD fault. And another things is that, "If GOD would interfere in our bad choice everytime, don't you think that that will make him a weak GOD?!", What i mean is yes, GOD is a loving GOD, He is love. But that doesn't mean that, "we have to do all the bad choice and if bad consequences happen, He will save us" 👉 Very big NO. GOD is a loving GOD, He is Love but not weak.

  4. There seems to be an element of confusion in the current Sabbath School lesson.

    Sunday’s page (April 17) contains the idea –
    “It is well to remember that the vast majority of Christians living in Jerusalem in A.D.70 came from a Jewish background.”
    In my view this statement is somewhat unfortunate because there were no Christians [not one Christian!] living in Jerusalem in A.D.70.

    The next thought in the lesson (on Monday’s page) refers to the actual event which provided the Christians with their opportunity to flee Jerusalem and Judea. The lesson makes mention of “Cestius Gallus and the Roman armies [that] surrounded the city”, and of their unexpected withdrawal. It was during that withdrawal that the Christians fled to Pella, north-east of Jerusalem on the other side of the Jordan river.

    My point is that the event concerning Cestius occurred in A.D.66, four years BEFORE Vespasian and Titus resumed the siege against Jerusalem.

    Every Christian had fled Jerusalem [and the surrounding areas] before Titus arrived on the scene in A.D.70. There were no Christians in Jerusalem in A.D.70.

    From Great Controversy, p.30

    "Not one Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem. Christ had given His disciples warning, and all who believed His words watched for the promised sign. “When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies,” said Jesus, “then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out.” Luke 21:20, 21. After the Romans under Cestius had surrounded the city, they unexpectedly abandoned the siege when everything seemed favorable for an immediate attack. The besieged, despairing of successful resistance, were on the point of surrender, when the Roman general withdrew his forces without the least apparent reason. But God’s merciful providence was directing events for the good of His own people. The promised sign had been given to the waiting Christians, and now an opportunity was offered for all who would, to obey the Saviour’s warning. Events were so overruled that neither Jews nor Romans should hinder the flight of the Christians. Upon the retreat of Cestius, the Jews, sallying from Jerusalem, pursued after his retiring army; and while both forces were thus fully engaged, the Christians had an opportunity to leave the city. At this time the country also had been cleared of enemies who might have endeavored to intercept them. At the time of the siege, the Jews were assembled at Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, and thus the Christians throughout the land were able to make their escape unmolested. Without delay they fled to a place of safety—the city of Pella, in the land of Perea, beyond Jordan.

    The Jewish forces, pursuing after Cestius and his army, fell upon their rear with such fierceness as to threaten them with total destruction. It was with great difficulty that the Romans succeeded in making their retreat. The Jews escaped almost without loss, and with their spoils returned in triumph to Jerusalem. Yet this apparent success brought them only evil. It inspired them with that spirit of stubborn resistance to the Romans which speedily brought unutterable woe upon the doomed city."

  5. I think the author of the lesson is using AD 70 as a time period here to make a point that the Christians in Jerusalem at that time were Jewish. He talks about the Christians fleeing in tomorrow's lesson so he's well aware they fled prior. I wouldn't nit pick too much over that statement.

  6. All we have to do is to meditate on and accept, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."(Rom 8:28)

  7. A story is told about a mother who was drowning in a river. Her son dived into the river and tried rescuing her. However the mother was all over the place trying to rescue herself. She did not realize that she was powerless to save herself. She nearly strangled her son who was coming to rescue her. In vain he tried to rescue her. Finally he realized that it was impossible and the mother died in the water. On her funeral, he was in deep anguish. He wept saying, 'mother, I wanted to save you, but you wouldn't let me'.

    During the time of Noah, God did everything to save His children.
    During the time of Moses, in the wilderness, after being bitten by snakes, he wanted to save them through the bronze snake but they did not look at it.
    During the destruction of Jerusalem, again people were warned to flee to the mountains when they see the city surrounded by armies. Many perished in the city 🏙️
    Today, Jesus is calling us. Unfortunately we ignore the call to salvation.

    We leave our Lord heartbroken

  8. Today like in the days of Jesus, the warning goes out again ‘judgement first begins in the house of God” 1st Peter 4:17
    Also read Ezekiel: 9


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