Thursday: The Healthy Man in Hell
Daily Lesson for Thursday 15th of August 2024
Read Mark 9:42-50. What ties the teachings of Jesus together in this passage?
At first, this passage may seem to be a collection of disparate teachings of Jesus thrown together without any rhyme or reason. However, a closer look reveals that each successive teaching has a catchword connection to the previous one. The passage revolves around three main terms that move the instruction forward step by step—“causes to sin,” “fire,” and “salt.”
The first teaching is about “little ones,” referring to new believers. Teachers and leaders are tasked in the kingdom of God with the responsibility to care for these new converts with special care, similar to the Old Testament ethic of caring for those weakest in ancient society—widows, orphans, and foreigners. Jesus speaks in hyperbole that it would be better to be drowned in the sea than to cause one of these “little ones” to sin.
The catchphrase “causes to sin” leads to the longest teaching in this passage. Two conundrums confront the reader. First, is Jesus really teaching people to cut off a hand or foot or pluck out an eye? Second, is He teaching an eternally burning hell? The answer to the first question is no, Jesus is not teaching mutilation—that was rejected in Judaism (compare with Deuteronomy 14:1; 1 Kings 18:27-28). The Lord is using hyperbole to make His point. If losing a hand, foot, or eye is terrible, how much more a disaster should it be for the Christian to sin!
The second question also receives a negative answer; no, Jesus is not teaching an eternally burning hell. How do we know? First, the passage contains a certain comedic aspect. Consider people entering the heavenly city with one eye or one foot or one hand. Then consider people who are whole going to hell. Should it not be the other way around? The healthy man in hell? That is comedy. Such comedy over a serious topic leads one to consider that Jesus is illustrating a point with hyperbole. Sin should be taken so seriously that it would be better to lose a hand, foot, or eye than to sin.
As to hell being eternal, its consequences are eternal, not the fire of hell itself. “ ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life’ ” (John 3:16, ESV; emphasis supplied). Those who are lost do not burn forever; instead, they perish forever—a very big difference!

The big issue that Jesus addresses is that Christianity is not a competition to see who is the biggest and best, but is about service, particularly to the vulnerable. He uses strong language to emphasise the importance of looking after children. This is particularly pertinent in our modern society where so many church institutions have covered up sexual abuse of minors in an attempt to appear standing on high moral ground. We all need reminding that morality is not just looking good. We have to take moral responsibility even when there are unpalatable consequences.
And it is not just about avoiding bad behaviour, but about encouraging and nurturing. I grew up in a church that encouraged youthful participation, not just on the Sabbath but throughout the week. That sense of belonging, instilled at an early age has been an important factor in my faith journey.
[This will be my last comment for a while. I am scheduled to have surgery tomorrow for colon cancer. Just a little background story. Late last year I had back problems and could hardly walk. I had three medical procedures that enabled me to walk again. When I was diagnosed with cancer my surgeon told me that the best route to recover was to get fit. I embarked on an exercise program and in about 6 week, walking 5-6km every day, I have lost 5kg and feel fit and ready for surgery. I am very thankful for that.]
Wishing you a quick recovery God the greatest surgeon will see you through
Dear Maurice,
Thank you for the commentary as well as sharing your inspiring journey! It’s remarkable how you’ve overcome back problems and prepared yourself for surgery through exercise. Your determination and positive mindset are truly commendable. Wishing you a successful surgery and a swift recovery.
Brother Maurice, We are confident that God Father will give you the peace that passes all understanding as you go in that designated pit stop. Please rest assured that He who begins a good will give you peace.
Good Morning Maurice 🌅☀️, I pray that the surgery You go through will be curative in HIS hands... Amen 🙏🏿!!!
May God be with you .........and pray for your quick recovery.......
Your comments are valuable and has help me in my class a lot in understanding the topics.... God bless 🙏👍👍
May the Lord be with you that you may glorify Him once more, and ever more.
Praying for a great recovery. May the Lord heal you.
Thank you for all your comments and also explanation to all lessons. I wish you speedy recovery and i pray for a successful surgery in Jesus name. Amen.
Praying for a speedy recovery Brother and thanks for allowing God use you through insightful commentary
Wishing you quick recovery and will continue praying for you
We'll all be praying for you Maurice. We always miss you when you're gone. God be with you till we meet again.
Our love and prayers with you Sir Maurice. Your comments will be greatly missed but your healing is all that matters. Go with God.
I just prayed for you !!!
Maurice, the Great Physician is in charge and will take you through. Praying for a speedy recovery and looking forward to reading your comments soon.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Praying that everything will go well Maurice. May God guide the surgeon’s hand and give all the healthcare team wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You will be missed for your poignant , insightful, and impactful contributions.
Praying for a successful surgery and speedy recovery
Thanks for your comments. It has truly been a blessing. Praying that your surgery will be a success and you'll have a speedy recovery and complete healing. God bless!
We praise the Lord for you brother Maurice. God speed your recovery. Prayers for your outcome to be successful. God bless and keep you. Thank you
for all of your beautiful comments on this forum and sharing testimonies!❤️
Good morning Brother Maurice,God will be with you and the surgeons. We pray the surgery will go well and for speedy recovery.
Looking forward to reading your comments soon. They have been a blessing to me.
Dear Maurice - we love you - yes, the surgent and his team do the surgery, remember though that your life is in God's hands! 🙂
Will definitely lift you up in prayer that God will provide you healing and guide the hands of your medical team. 🙏🏾❤❤🙏🏾
You will be missed In my prayers
Even though we walk in the valleys he is our strength
God's speed brother you will be back soon
Brother Maurice thank you very much for your inspiring commentary. I shall surely miss them. I wish you a quick recovery. Our Lord the great Healer will see you through and he will direct the medical team. Praying for you.
I pray to God for your healing Maurice❤️
Maurice, always believe how good God is!
Just read this message. Prayers for you and your health. May the Lord heal ypu completely.
God be with you and perfect your healing in Jesus mighty name
So many people here you have not met on this Earth, and will not meet until we are in Heaven, but we are praying for a speedy and complete recovery. God will be with you, Maurice.
My Brother Maurice,
May it comfort you to know that many will be praying you through, and that Jesus, the Great Physician, will be present guiding the hands and minds of those attending to you.
Your poignant contributions to this blog will be missed but please let us know that everything went well.
Blessings and Shalom to you!
I know of a man who waited until he was 88 to let the doctors do a colonoscopy even though his doctor told him several times to get a colonoscopy. He believes in God like you, Maurice, and he was cured with hemicolectomy. I am so glad you did not put God to the test like that gentileman. You listened to your doctors and got the hemocult test. Yes I pray for you too. Hold out your hand after the surgery so your wife can hold your hand.
God is still in charge my elder. Cast your every care unto Jesus the great Physician.
Please get well soon my brother The God of Daniel Shadrach Meshack and Abendego be with you I will surely miss your blog. Please get back to us soon. Take care we are praying for you
Get well soon Maurice. May God be with you and keep you.
GOD be with you bro Maurice as you undergo yet another surgery. We are all praying for you and with you. Also for your wife and loved ones. Wishing you a quick and total recovery to health. Also looking forward to ‘hearing’ from you again. Thank you for being vulnerable and taking us along this journey with you. Richest blessings
Prayed for the presence of the Great Physician and His angels in the operating room,and wisdom to those responsible for your care. Comfort and strength and peace to your family.
Dear brother Maurice,
You know that your life is in God’s hand. He will lead through this water as He did so often in your life . Keep trusting Him and we will lift you and your family up in prayers. Be strong, He is with you, because that is what He has promised.🙏🏽🙏🏽
My dear brother in Christ, we will be praying for you and may God bless and keep You always and his loving care.
May a good Lord, continue to heal you.
Have a speedy recovery.
Brother Maurice, you are in my thoughts and prayers as you go through your surgery and recovery. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
My prayes are with you, Elder Maurice. Remember that God is the balm in Gilead that can heal any sin-sick soul. We will all be praying for a successful surgery and God's healing on your life.
Don't look at the title, rather read the last sentence of today's lesson and you won't get confused about hell. Let me say this, why would Christ talk about being cast into the sea as hell? Because it was another conundrum or riddle if you prefer. Think about it when you are under water for a period of time you are dead without proper diving equipment. I would say death can be a form of hell. What is death, sleep until Christ resurrects you, if you believe in Him.
Mark 9:43.
1 Thessalonians 4:16.
Thank you for your commentaries I will miss your view on topics you make the scripture so plain and easy to understand for this adventist trying to find her way back to church. Praying for you.
Dear Maurice,we are praying that all will go well and we know God is by your side.
I thankyou for being the person god allow you to be your blog is very understandable may god continue to keep and guide you in your surgery and all who attend to you the lord promise to be with you in everything just continue to hold on to his hand he will see you through god speed we all love you and also your family thanks again
Jesus was the most intelligent man who walked this earth. He was anything but naive. He spoke about things for listeners to think about. He said to the hearts of men. He knows what you and I are feeling right now. We have to listen!
May God be with you during the surgery my brother in Christ!!!
Wishing a speedy recovery!!!!
Maurice, my brother, may God be with the surgeons and give them steady hands and alert brains as we petition the Master physician on your behalf
Hey Maurice,
I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as you prepare for your surgery tomorrow. I know this is a challenging time, but I believe that God is with you every step of the way. Philippians 4:13 reminds us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and I trust that His strength will carry you through this.
As you go into surgery, may you feel His peace that surpasses all understanding, and may His healing hands guide the doctors and nurses who will be caring for you. Remember that you are not alone—God is with you, and so are all of us who care about you.
Stay strong in your faith, Maurice, and know that we are all praying for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery. I look forward to your comments every day and I’ve shared this website with my youngest who is getting baptized soon. I will patiently wait for your return. I’m praying 🙏🏼 for you and your family. God bless you.
With faith and encouragement,
Hi Maurice, my prayers go with you as you have surgery today. I pray that God will guide the hands of the doctors, attendants, and nurses who will be taking care of you. I also pray for your speedy recovery.
Dear Elder,
Jesus Christ is the great Physician you need and is near, HE will speak the cheerful words to your heart and you`re healed in Jesus name
I have read that passage so many times but today it hit different"
The first part.. "If anyone causes these little ones to sin". Captures not only the minority or young in faith but our everyday life influences drawing people away from God, it would be rather to be drowned as the verse states.
2nd part, "if our hands causes you to sin" Correct me if am wrong, but hand is more to what we do i.e our everyday works/ actions, that i.e. what we busy our lives with, if this causes us to sin its not about maiming Body part but as everyone interpretes that it's about removing completely that aspect which can be our actions/ work that's making us vulnerable to sin.
the part today that hit different is "rather than having two hands, to go to to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched—where
Their worm does not die
And the fire is not quenched.’"
As Christians we have and we live with great struggle of "SIN" within ourselves, that simple thought bomb, everyday walks of life,what we are gifted to do or called to do if it's making us or pushing us towards sin we would rather loose it and gain heaven i.e God or continue to cherish and Harbour " quenching" it and continue living for Satan and getting ourselves troubled everyday of our lives, getting deeper to sinning because we trying by our own might to get relief but inturn wallowing in sin deep and deeper "hell, just like worms you try to kill a worm, and for some reasons they always stir and you see then crawl again" because the devil isn't willing to let Go.
"Foot causes you to sin" feet if what enables us to move"i.e. aspirations,passion, endgame or endgoal,dreams. this simply our beliefs innert drive, "the what makes us" . and same language is used about not maiming but choose God rather than living for Devil torture.
The eyes causes..
If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness". math 6:22. I have heard from preachers eyes depicting "window" i.e channel of what we let into our minds,and even body, for as the saying goes "If it looks good....."
Same wording from previous verse is used i.e. why we would rather pluck and live a heavenly life guided by God or Grapple in sin,and fall deeper trying to quench to get relief being driven towards Satan that old serpent.
"seasoned with fire" Called to be a follower of christ is/has never been a walk in the park,we can all testify on that,BUT the Fire " Holy Spirit" keeps us alive.
"Every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt" Just as it's says bible interpretes it's self, the word "SACRIFICE". i.e die to self " honestly is the toughest choice that a true follower makes every second every day of ones life" is giving up what we trully and earnestly naturally inclined towards.
Salt is good but tasteless salt worthless"
The act of seasoning is typically process of trying to get flavour i.e make taste good. The driving force of our choosing christ like patterns should not in itself be a burden, torture i.e boring because these actions tires the soul spirit with a confused state of mind rendering us on satan side. Called to have "salt" drive force"Deeply centered i.e.."seasoned on holy spirit, By sacrificing self while maintaining peace within and without.
I stand corrected if my understanding doesn't align with Holy Spirit Guidance.Lol!!!🫣
You explanations are the pure meaning of what Christ meant. God bless you
Brother Maurice,
I am praying that the Great Physican will be with the surgeons. I am wishing you a speedy recovery and that you and family will be strengthen in the Lord. I am waiting anxiously for your Praise report of healing.
My Prayers for you brother Maurice and family on this journey as a new believer in christ you inspired me with your journey with the lord everyday I'm here on this blog reading your contributions on each day lessons and I've learnt alot from your comments all praises to almighty God who is the greatest Physician 🙏
May our dear JESUS be with you elder Maurice. Get well soon, we are waiting for your return
Will be praying for you Maurice! 🙏🏾
My prayers will be with you Maurice and with Carmel. Being a cancer survivor, I’ve experienced the blessing of healing through God’s Grace and the skill of my medical providers. I am also blessed with a loving and a spouse who has supported me every step of the way. It’s no small task!
My prayers for you join all those prayers and good wishes expressed above.
I pray and look forward to your speedy recovery and return to us.
Not sure why the lesson writer’s interpretation of ‘little ones’ is only used to refer to ‘new believers’. Have you ever observed or taken part in fostering the faith of a young child? There is nothing more precious than a young child loving Jesus with all its heart. To belittle or discourage the faith of this child – "causing it to sin/doubting God's love", is to me what this passage speaks to; at its core, this is a violation against the Holy Spirit.
I consider the faith of older converts, in life more established, to be a bit more resilient. Teenagers have had time to experience the consequences of 'sin/following their own path' as they learn ‘right from wrong’. At that age or older, a conviction and following conversion usually comes after one’s ‘eyes have been opened’ to that they lived their life contrary to the 'Way' of Jesus Christ.
I consider a young child’s conscience to be unmarred by previous sinful behavior - it is still innocent. Should the Holy Spirit call this little child to a living faith in Jesus, this would be truly wonderful. All care should be taken to foster and protect the child’s innocent faith in our heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.
The level of ‘punishment’ of those violating the child's most intimate, precious relationship with the Father and Son is equal to the gravity of the sin committed against the Holy Spirit.
I think it refers to both - after all, children are young in the faith too.
I will be praying fervently that God restores you to good health brother Maurice
May God’s healing hands be upon you as you go through this surgery 🙏🙏 Praying all goes well.
I also wish to get my children involved in youth participation just like you Maurice.Thanks for the comment.And I wish you well as you go for the surgery.You will live to testify the goodness of the Lord.
I certainly will be missing your comments and practical anologies to the bible stories. I pray for God guidance during this surgery and for a smooth and speedy recovery phase.
May God guide the surgeon's hand during your procedure Maurice. I appreciate your many stories (even when I have read them a couple times) that illustrate key parts to these lessons. May you get well soon.
Maurice praying for you.
God bless
Brother Maurice. May God Almighty guide the hands of the surgeon and give wisdom to all the medical team on that operating room. God bless you and be there with you. I look forward to your first comment after your surgery.
May the lord God almaithy be with u sir,u are heal in Jesus name,amen
My wife and I will be praying for your successful surgery and a quick recovery Maurice!
Dear Maurice.I just prayed for you, your family and the medical team. Get well soon!
I pray all went well with the surgery and that you are recuperating under the watchful care of the Great Physician.
Dear Lord, please guide the medical professionals in providing the best possible care, and grant our dear one the strength and resilience needed to heal swiftly. May your healing light shine upon him, restoring his health and vitality.
we will surely miss your honest commands.prayers for Gods blessings.
With you in prayers elder Maurice. The biggest and greatest physician is in charge. Get well soon.
Praying for your quick and full recovery!
I pray that all goes well brother and God's will be done. This is my first comment.
Elder Maurice, I Wish for you a speedy recovery. Your comments are valued on this platform. I teach and share with my sabbath school your comments and bible passages.