Wednesday: Can You Drink My Cup?
Daily Lesson for Wednesday 21st of August 2024
Read Mark 10:32-45. How do these verses reveal the continued ignorance of the disciples regarding not only Jesus’ mission but what it means to follow Him?
As Jesus approaches Jerusalem, He reveals to His disciples what will happen there. It is not a scenario they believe in or want to hear. Jesus’ specificity as to the outline of His death and resurrection is striking. But when it is not what you want to hear, it is all too easy to dismiss.
This is apparently what James and John do as they come to Jesus with a private request. Jesus rightly asks for more specifics, and they respond that they want to sit on His right and left in His glory. It is easy to criticize their request as rank egocentrism. But these two men have dedicated themselves to Jesus’ ministry, and their desires were probably not wholly selfish in nature.
Jesus seeks to deepen their understanding of just what they are requesting. He asks if they can drink His cup or be baptized with His baptism. His cup will be the cup of suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross (compare with Mark 14:36), and His baptism will be His death and burial (Mark 15:33-47), where events there parallel His baptism recorded in Mark 1:1-45.
But James and John do not see it. They glibly reply that they are able. Jesus then prophesies that indeed they will drink His cup and be baptized with His baptism. James was the first of the apostles to die a martyr’s death (Acts 12:2). John lived the longest of all the apostles and was exiled to Patmos (Revelation 1:9). But Jesus indicates that places in glory are set by God.
How did the other disciples respond to Jesus’ answer? Not too well. The same Greek word, aganakteō, “to be angry, indignant,” is used in Mark 10:41 as in Mark 10:14, regarding Jesus’ anger over keeping the children away from Him.
Jesus then calls the group together to give one of His most profound teachings. He indicates that Gentile rulers use power for personal advantage. But in the kingdom of God, power must always be used to uplift and bless others. Jesus leads the way as the King of the kingdom of God. How? By giving His own life as a ransom—not quite what His followers expected to hear.
What does it mean as a Christian to be a “servant” to others? That is, how do you manifest this principle in your daily interaction with people? |

Here again the disciples, James and John reveal that they don't yet understand Jesus's mission. They are so locked in to the concept of an earthly kingdom that they try to jockey for a position of prominence. If you start from a wrong premise you will end up with the wrong end point.
When Jesus asks them if they are able to drink the cup that He is going to drink, it seems that they don't even know what Jesus is talking about because they way too glibly respond that they could. They will soon discover that they aren't ready to experience what Jesus is speaking about.
I feel like this was a humbling experience for the "sons of thunder", as it caused some dissension among the other disciples.
A good lesson to learn is to let the opportunity to serve come to you, rather than trying to make it happen.
God opens doors which no man can close, and closes doors which no man can open.
In His time and way He will open the way.
Just days before His death on the cross, Salome, the mother James and John comes with a strange request. The two brothers wrongly believed that Jesus will triumphantly ride into Jerusalem and appoint Himself King of the Jews. And they wanted to make sure that the two highest positions in the new kingdoms are secured for them. Rather than reminding them about His mission, Jesus figuratively asked them if they could drink His cup to which they confidently said yes, showing again their ignorance. In many instances, the Bible talks about God’s cup of wrath associated with the judgment of the wicked {Ps 11:6; 75:8; Isa 51:17; Jer 25:15; 49:12}. Usually, God's judgment is mixed with mercy {Job 5:18; Isa 54:8}. However, in the final judgment, the unrepentant sinner will receive God's cup of wrath full strength, without any mercy mixed in (Rev 14:10). When James and John confidently answered that they could also drink the cup, they had no idea what they were talking about, because a sinner cannot atone for humanity’s sin - only the sinless Jesus could do that (John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:19). Jesus was asking them, " _Can you go through the suffering that I am about to go through? Can you take part in the persecution that I am about to experience?" He was asking his disciples if they could withstand all the pain and suffering he was supposed to go through._ Yes, they would suffer and be persecuted just like Christ was, but only Jesus could drink the cup of God’s wrath in our place.
Be a servant of God and a friend to man- that used to be part of Pathfinders.
Simple things can uplift others, like in driving, allowing someone into your lane ahead of you, or doing the same at a grocery store checkout.
Bringing food to a family or individual who has lost a loved one...sitting with someone who's in the hospital, even for an hour or two, not expecting that person to talk but listening if they do want to do so.
I was in the hospital recently as a patient, and someone I didn't even know brought in a balloon that brightened my life. To this day I do not know who he was.
He left a get well soon card, that was signed, "Chris".
How many of us go to church, but only interact with family or friends? If you see an unfamiliar face, is it possible to say hello and wish them a blessed Sabbath? Maybe even invite them to Sabbath lunch?
I live in a rural area and have tried calling the local church. There's no one to answer the telephone.
There's no Dorcas Society anymore because everyone works and retirees haven't time either, a lot of whom have to raise their grandkids.
How do you define being a servant to God?
If you don't know, ask Him to guide you. The Holy Spirit will prompt you, if you ask.
[Moderator Note: Susan, please check the email you use on comments for a note from us. Remember that we ask you to use the same name for all your comments, and it should be a first and last name.]
Sister Susan much blessings to you. We can be “A servant of God and a friend to man” in so many ways. I am doing research to find an Adventist church that needs a person to answer phone during the day. Just to take messages, call other homebound members. I am homebound but I can still do my part.
Human nature is programmed for self preservation. Just look at how babies behave. Everything they do is focused on their own comfort, security, satisfaction, and pleasure. They don't have to learn these traits, they are born with them. Everything they do is focused on themselves. Since we all were babies at one time in our lives, we were all born that way, and we will remain that way until we die, except our nature is changed.
Don't we all want to be promoted on our jobs, to get the most comfortable seat on a plane, bus, in a theater, at church, or at school? When we go to the grocery store, don't we choose the best apple, mango, pear, watermelon, cabbage, bread, cake, or tomato from the bunch or from the basket? If someone brings a bucket of plums to church, and asks everyone to take one for themselves, what do you expect we will do? We will all form a line, go to the bucket, but each church member will choose what he or she believes will be the best remaining plum.
So, as we read today's lesson, is the behavior of the disciples really strange? Are we different in the way we approach life in general? What does the bible mean when it says that, "in all thy ways acknowledge him..." Proverbs 5:6? How is this possible, considering how we are programmed to behave? The answer is found in Rom 12:1, 2, where the bible says that we need to be changed from carnal to become spiritual in nature. It says that when we allow ourselves to be changed by the Holy Spirit, we will then be perfect and acceptable and be in tune with God.
To be a servant in the Christian's understanding of servanthood is quite the opposite of how the world understands a servant’s role. But even Christians need to understand that this position of ‘serving’ is not necessarily based on ones meek and humble acts of service; it can be bold and cutting as a two edged sword.
In his letter to the Romans, Rom.12:3-8, Paul explains that the Spirit gives different gifts to those who believe, and one of them is the gift of ‘service’. Though honorable and of great impact, I consider 'drinking the cup' Jesus refers to when answering James' and John's request to be a different type of ‘service’.
To me, this type of service is the service of self-denial when facing injustice and persecution - not to call on heaven’s forces to defend one’s life and dignity when assaulted by spiritual forces 'clothed in robes of righteousness’. They were the highest authority within the religious establishment which accused Jesus of deeds punishable by death, and it was the regional head of the Roman occupying forces who condemned Him to death.
These were the worldly leaders in charge of protecting and defending the innocent, but they became their accusers and judges. To my understanding, those who are maligned, prosecuted, put in prison, maimed and killed in His Name are the ones who drink of His 'cup', and it is for them God’s Glory prepares a place near Jesus. Are we willing to drink this cup?
The ignorance of James and John amazes me,they say yes when asked if they can drink of Jesus' cup yet they dint understand what it all involves.
It's only fair that we do His divine will and let Him decide on which side we shall be.
Be blessed everyone for your contribution in this platform.
Jesus made it clear to his disciples: „ without the cross there’s no crown“- meaning real greatness is measured at the scale of the cross.
Ultimately, both men suffered later torture and death - James was killed by the sword and John was immersed in hot oil (according to Tertullian) but luckily was able to survive without severe injuries.
So let us stay humble and let Jesus be our guiding star.
It was at the time when JESUS humbled Himself to the degrading, humiliating death of the cross, that He achieved His complete triumph over Satan and became the Victor, saving us from death giving us the right to eternal life through His victory.
Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Php 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
Php 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
Humility and meekness is strength and power under GOD’s control. It conquers the forces of darkness.
Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
From a mother's point of view: Matthew 27:56 tells us the mother of James and John asked the question for her sons and was at the crucifixion. I wonder what went thru her mind as she remembered that Jesus had told her sons they would "drink from His cup".
Carolyn. I would say at Pentecost her eyes were fully opened.
On the day of Pentecost the Spirit was given. Christ's witnesses proclaimed the power of the risen Saviour. The light of heaven penetrated the darkened minds of those who had been deceived by the enemies of Christ. They now saw Him exalted to be "a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins." Acts 5:31. They saw Him encircled with the glory of heaven, with infinite treasures in His hands to bestow upon all who would turn from their rebellion Christ Object Lessons 118.3.
Even those in the actual light of the Cross could see more clearly the mission of Christ.